Winter Potluck Dinner & Poetry Reading




You’re invited to the Rutledge Borough Winter Potluck Dinner & Poetry Reading on Sunday afternoon, Feb 22nd, 4 pm at the Borough Hall. Please contact (610) 328-1955 to sign-up to bring an appetizer, main dish, or salad. The dish should serve 8-12.


There will be a Dessert Contest this year! Bring a dessert (in addition to your meal contribution) and enter it in one of the following categories; Pies, Cakes or Cookies. Please put your name on the bottom of the plate. Ribbons will be awarded to 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place winners in each category!


Poetry Readings will begin at 4 pm, coordinated by Rodel Brown, a Member of the Famous Poets Society and Poet of the Year, 2005. We encourage children and adults of all ages to participate in this intergenerational event. We look forward to sharing in your creativity.



