Rutledge Borough Work Session, September 26, 2011

Diane McGaughey, Council President, opened the scheduled Work Session Meeting at 7:30 PM, in the Council Meeting Room, 212 Unity Terrace, Rutledge, PA.

After the salute to the flag, the following Council Members answered roll call: Diane McGaughey, Tom Kopp, Jack Borsch, Kurt Morrison, David Waltz, Brian Costello and Marlaina Kloepfer
Also present: Mayor Gregory C. Lebold, G. Guy Smith, Esq.

Building Committee: Brian Costello reported that the Morrals, 209 Sylvan Ave., withdrew their garage permit and submitted a permit for an addition that includes a breezeway and a garage. A precedent was set for this at 110 Sylvan Ave. The Moralls need to provide a better plan that shows setbacks.

Communications Committee: Marlaina Kloepfer stated that the committee has discussed hard copies vs. electronic newsletters. The committee will distribute surveys on election day to see how many residents have email and computer access. Ms. Kloepfer is working on putting the agenda on the website before meetings.

Finance Committee: Diane McGaughey asked Council for their 2012 budget needs.

Ordinance Committee: Brian Costello stated that Heidi Sentivan and the Zoning Hearing Board submitted revisions to the Borough’s garage and deck ordinances. They would like to know if Council approves of them before they move forward with more revisions. Solicitor Smith stated that they should put the ordinances in a running model so that Council can see them and make changes, and determine what impact they might have. Solicitor Smith would like to meet with the Zoning Hearing Board. The ordinance changes have to be advertised and a public meeting must be held.

Brian Costello stated that the ZHB looked at two sections of the zoning ordinances, and will not do anything further unless Council advises them that they are on the right track. They would like feedback from Council before their next meeting on October 17, 2011.

Public Safety: Tom Kopp reported that there is a training session tonight.

There have been no inquiries for the sale of the truck. Jack Borsch recommended that the price be lowered to $15,000.00 or best offer. Diane McGaughey suggested $18,000.00. David Waltz stated that he will work a deal with the county training academy to donate the truck to them, and get paid by the County in road repair money. Ms. McGaughey suggested that insurance be removed from the fire truck in order to save money. Solicitor Smith does not recommend it.

Recreation Committee: Kurt Morrison reported that Karl Eilinsfeld put up the signs and the basketball hoops at the Triangle Park. Mr. Morrison will look at the cost for replacement swings.
Mr. Morrison stated that he has one professional bid for electricity at the Triangle Park. The contractor should fill out the application and meet with PECO Energy. David Waltz stated that he asked Karl Eilinsfeld to paint the inside of the fire truck toy because there is graffiti.

Trash Committee: Jack Borsch states the bids for trash collection for 2, 4, and 5 years have been advertised, and will be opened on October 17, 2011 at 7:30 PM.

Mr. Borsch looked into getting a dumpster for the Borough building, but it is not a feasible option. It would tear up the property, and have to be placed over the sewer line. The Borough can get 96″ cans with wheels.

Sewer Committee: Jack Borsch reported that the DVDs of the video taping of the Borough’s sewer mains is with Catania Engineering. They are to make a priority list of repairs with cost estimates. The Borough sewer map will be updated to include three manholes that were not on the old map.

Highway Committee: David Waltz stated that a new push lawnmower is needed, and would like to buy one this year, as they are on sale- $250.00 or less.

Mr. Waltz received some quotes to replace street signs, but the State requirements have changed. The signs need to be replaced when they are worn out.
Reliable Signs $7,056.70
H.A. Weigand $5,847.50
The bids are for no parking, handicapped, speed limit signs and posts. Mr. Waltz would like to replace 2 disabled children and 12 watch children signs, plus posts, with highly reflective signs and bright strips at a cost of $2,000.00. MOTION by Jack Borsch, Second by Brian Costello, to replace 2 disabled children and 12 watch children street signs and posts at a cost not to exceed $2,000.00. MOTION approved unanimously.

Mr. Waltz wants to replace the Borough truck with a diesel dump truck at a cost of $50,000.00. He stated that the current truck will not survive another winter. The current truck has 18,000 miles. Diane McGaughey asked if the Borough could contract with an outside company for snow plowing. Mayor Lebold stated that Upper Providence did it, and the cost was three times the budgeted amount for snow removal.

4th of July Committee: Kurt Morrison will get the 2012 meeting dates.

Tree Commission: Jack Borsch stated that there was a meeting one week ago. The committee discussed the options of residents to get trees, and maybe subsidizing the cost. Bare root trees are lighter that container trees, and have to be purchased in 25 tree lots. The committee is looking at a blue spruce Christmas tree for the front of the Borough building.

Solicitor: Guy Smith stated that $1,000.00 was put in escrow to clean up the debris at 112 Rutledge Ave. at settlement. Delinquent sewer and trash fees were also paid on the property.
Mr. Smith stated that he sent out letters for delinquent 2009 trash and sewer fees. He has gotten calls from the residents who stated that their mortgage companies should pay the fees. Mr. Smith spoke with some mortgage companies that said that sewer and trash are no longer part of escrow. Mr. Smith will send letters to those residents who have paid the delinquent fees.

Old Business: Solicitor Smith is working with the resident at 7 Rutledge Ave. on property maintenance issues.

208 Linden Ave. was purchased in forclosure for $75,000.00 and the owner has filled two dumpsters with debris. No one is living in the property. The owners have applied for a roof permit.

Brian Costello reported that a home in the 200 block of President Ave. has had a PODS unit in the driveway for some time. Rutledge Borough has no ordinance regarding portable storage units, and does not require a permit.

Bamboo ordinance- Solicitor Smith is working on.

New Business: Diane McGaughey reported that the Delaware County Association of Boroughs will have a meeting on Thursday, September 29, 6:30 PM, at the Yeadon Borough Hall.

Ms. McGaughey reported that the Delaware County Association of Boroughs will have a Fall Festival dinner on Friday, 11/14/11, at the Towne House in Media, $35.00 per person. The Borough will pay for the tickets, and spouses are invited.

Ms. McGaughey reported that the MMEAC will have a meeting at Rose Valley at 7:30 PM to discuss activities for next year.

David Waltz stated that with Hurricane Irene, tree limbs were across Sylvan Ave. from a tree at 110 Sylvan Ave. The tree needs to come down because it is rotted. Harry Mirra put a notice on the property to remove the limbs from the Borough’s right of way. Mrs. Donovan, the homeowner, called the Borough Office, and stated that she had arranged for a contractor to remove the limbs. When he arrived to do the work, Sylvan Ave. was closed off, and he was told by a man in a white truck to leave because there was a loose wire on the ground. Mrs. Donovan was put at the bottom of the contractor’s list.

The Borough received a bill from a contractor for $6,500.00 to remove the limbs from the street. The contractor did not remove the wood, but placed it on the sidewalk. The same contractor submitted a bill for $1,450.00 to remove tree limbs from Unity Terrace and Swarthmore Ave. The Fire Chief told the Mayor that he had a contractor that would remove the limbs. Since they were blocking the streets, Mayor Lebold gave permission to do the work. No price was discussed. These amounts seem excessive. Solicitor Smith will contact the contractor regarding the bill.

David Waltz stated that Diane McGaughey cannot be Chair of the Finance Committee.

Since there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:04 PM.

Submitted by: Gennifer Guiliano



