Rutledge Borough Work Session, October 26, 2009

Greg Lebold, Council President, opened the scheduled Work Session Meeting at 7:30 PM, in the Council Meeting Room, 212 Unity Terrace, Rutledge, PA.
The following Council Members answered roll call: Tom Kopp, Greg Lebold, Diane McGaughey, Jack Borsch, Kurt Morrison, Thomas Ash
Not present: Mark King
Also present: Bob Hunt, Highwayman, Scott Shields, Guy Smith

Discussed trash contract options.
MOTION by Jack Borsch, Second by Diane McGaughey, to award the 2010 Trash Contract to Suburban Waste Services, Inc., Option 3, Monday trash pickup, single-stream recycling one day per week, at a cost of $39,000.00. MOTION approved unanimously.

The Secretary looked into purchasing recycling stickers – $360.00 for 2,000.00 Magnets with recycling instructions are $896.00 for 500.

Edgmont Twp. recently became a member of Central Delaware County Sewer Authority, and asked that Rutledge Borough send a letter and a resolution in support of Edgmont’s seeking public funding for its public sanitary sewer service construction.
MOTION by Jack Borsch, Second by Diane McGaughey, to approve sending a letter of support to Edgmont Twp. for its funding opportunity for public sanitary sewer service construction. MOTION approved unanimously.

2010 Budget – The permit fee schedule will have to be revised to include inspection fees by Chili’s Inspection Services. Guy Smith stated that this is an election year, and the new council members coming in can amend the budget in January 2010. Diane McGaughey reported that the budget will be reviewed at the November 23 Work Session, and finalized at the December 28 Work Session. It will be advertised 10 days prior to approval.

Council needs to decide what road repairs will be done in 2010. Jack Borsch stated that Waverly Terrace between Sylvan and Rutledge Aves. needs attention. Bob Hunt reported that Swarthmore Ave. near the Triangle Park needs work. He has put 20 bags of blacktop patch in that area, but it is not working very well. Ridley Twp. has patched its side of the street.

Jack Borsch reported that the Morris sewer backup case on Linden Ave. as been settled with the Borough’s insurance company for $10,000.00. It is not going to court, but a pro-rata joint tort release. There is no admission of liability. Trees were removed from over the sewer line. The Sorensens at Melrose Terrace & President Ave. has a sewer backup on Saturday, the day it rained heavily. Mr. Borsch told them to call General Sewer Service, and they are to pay the bill if it is determined that the problem is in their lateral.

Tom Kopp reported that the elevator inspector from P.M. Associates was here for an inspection. A former employee is trying to take business away from P.M. Associates, and asked the Secretary to deal only with Bob Frye. The next pressure test is in 2012, so we’ll have to budget for it.

Kurt Morrison got a quote for fencing at the rain garden at the Triangle Park from Lucas in the amount of $1,380.00 plus 310.00 installation. Mr. Morrison got examples of Lucas’ work on new cages at the SPCA, and they are happy with the work. MOTION by Kurt Morrison, Second by Diane McGaughey, to award the fencing bid of the rain garden at the Triangle Park to Lucas Fencing, at a cost of $1,690.00. MOTION approved unanimously.

Bob Hunt reported that he met with the Loss Control agent from the Borough’s insurance company, who stated that no fence is necessary around the rain gardens. The fences to be installed to prevent basketballs from going in are fine. He noted that 1 inlet is ground level and the concrete is exposed, and would like the ground level be brought up to inlet level.

Jack Borsch reported that curbing is being installed at 214 President Ave. and the contractor did not get a permit.

Mr. Borsch reported that the trees will be planted on November 21, 2009. The trees will be brought in 2 days prior. 2 trees will be planted on the Borough property. Donuts and coffee will be provided for the volunteers. Harry Mirra will talk to the Marines for volunteers. Guy Smith suggested that the community service workers be contacted to help.

Tom Kopp reported that the Halloween Parade will be on Saturday, October 31, and the band will participate.

Bob Hunt asked when and where the barricades should be placed for the parade. New “No Parking” signs were ordered.

There is no estate raised for 208 Linden Ave., and the house is secured by a padlock. The electricity is active.

Since there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:30 PM.

Submitted by: Gennifer Guiliano, Secretary



