Rutledge Borough Work Session, October 25, 2010

Gregory C. Lebold, Council President, opened the scheduled Work Session Meeting at 7:30 PM, in the Council Meeting Room, 212 Unity Terrace, Rutledge, PA.
The following Council Members answered roll call: Gregory C. Lebold, Diane McGaughey, Brian Costello, Tom Kopp, Jack Borsch, Kurt Morrison, and David Waltz
Also present: Mayor Scott Shields

Jack Borsch reported that Pipe Services of West Chester tried to televise the Borough’s sewer lines at three locations, and couldn’t get the camera through because the lines were clogged. There were two bricks in the line from manholes. The proposal is .55 per foot, and an additional .39 per foot for clearing/flushing. Linden, President and Sylvan Aves. need to be flushed before they can be televised. The cost will be .94 per foot, and the Borough will be charged for the one day the contractor tried to televise the lines.
The lid of the manhole between President & Linden Aves., the 100 block, could not be removed 1 ½ years ago when the line was flushed. Council President Greg Lebold asked Mr. Borsch to contact Catania Engineers.
Duke’s Root Control contacted Mr. Borsch to find out if their work done two years ago was still effective. The Secretary will contact Aqua PA to ask for permission to use fire hydrants to flush the sewer lines.
MOTION by Jack Borsch, Second by Kurt Morrison to have the Borough’s sewer lines flushed and televised by Pipe Services of West Chester at a cost of .94/foot. MOTION approved unanimously.

Mr. Borsch reported that three cherry trees and 1 dogwood tree will be planted on the Borough building property. The Tree Committee would like to remove the evergreen tree in front of the building that obstructs things when there are ceremonies and activities. It is a memorial tree, and the Committee would replace it with another evergreen. The existing tree will be left alone for the Christmas celebration.

The Craft Show to benefit the Tree Committee was cancelled due to poor response by vendors.

Tom Kopp reported that retired truck 13-2 needs a battery at a cost of $400-$600. There will be a report on the status of the sale of the truck at the November 1, 2010 Council Meeting.

Kurt Morrison reported that he received 4 prices for the removal of two trees at the Triangle Park. The locust and oak trees need to be trimmed. Joe Plank gave a verbal quote of $1,100.00 to remove 2 trees and the stumps. Mr. Plank will submit a written proposal. A quote of $1,600.00 was received from Bradley to do the same work. Jack Borsch stated that the cherry trees should be removed because they branch out too low, and should be put in the 2011 budget. Mr. Morrison will ask Karl Eilinsfeld to do an assessment of the trees at the Triangle Park.
Mr. Morrison looked at having a sign made for the basketball court regarding proper language and behavior at the park; cost:$200.00- 2′ X 3′ sign.
Mr. Morrison reported that the Conservation District requires a report on the Rain Garden Project. He will contact Catania Engineering.

David Waltz reported that he may be able to save the Borough money on signs in 2011. He has found a company that will resurface the existing signs to make them highly reflective, and will get more information.

Brian Costello reported that he would like to revise some ordinances, starting with: 27603- Accessory use Structures, 27607- Decks, 27615- Fences, 27703- Enforcement, and would like input from Diane McGaughey and David Waltz. Mr. Costello would also like to revise the lot dimension requirement on page 27-69 of the ordinance book. He would also like to pursue a noise ordinance. He would like to include funds in the 2011 Budget to accomplish this. Diane McGaughey suggested that John Pickett of the County be contacted for a grant. He helped the Borough get a grant to codify the ordinances in 2000.

Diane McGaughey stated that she is working on the 2011 Budget, and it will be discussed at the November Committee Meeting. There will be a tax increase.

Jack Borsh suggested that something be put in the newsletter stating that any trees on the Borough’s sewer lines must be removed.

Greg Lebold reported that Jean Lenke has been requesting information from Council for the Borough newsletter since September, and does not have enough information to produce a newsletter. She is considering resigning as the editor/publisher of the newsletter. Mr. Lebold asked Council members to send information to him for the newsletter, and he will review it and forward it to Ms. Lenke.

Mayor Scott Shields stated that he spoke with Swarthmore Police regarding contractors parking on the wrong side of the street. The police will ticket those who stay parked, and not those who are unloading.

Diane McGaughey asked how the Borough can pick up any additional revenue, besides the Borough tax. Mr. Waltz suggested that the transfer tax be raised from 1% to 1.5%. This would have to be done by an ordinance.

The Secretary will contact electricity providers to see if any money can be saved on streetlights and the Borough Building’s electricity costs in 2011. Discussed getting LED streetlights; they provide better color and are more energy efficient. Mr. Borsh reported that the mercury vapor light on the outside of the building is not working, and may be replaced with an LED light.

Since there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:23 PM.

Submitted by:
Gennifer Guiliano



