Rutledge Borough Work Session, November 28, 2011

Brian Costello, Council Vice President, opened the scheduled Work Session Meeting at 7:30 PM, in the Council Meeting Room, 212 Unity Terrace, Rutledge, PA.

After the salute to the flag, the following Council Members answered roll call: Tom Kopp, Jack Borsch, Kurt Morrison, David Waltz, Brian Costello and Marlaina Kloepfer

Also present: Mayor Gregory C. Lebold, G. Guy Smith, Esq., Karl Eilinsfeld, Marie Govennicci

Not present: Diane McGaughey

Building: Brian Costello reported that he received an application for a fence permit at 101 Rutledge Ave., which is a corner property. Solicitor Smith reviewed the ordinance, and the proposed fence is not in violation of the ordinance. Brian Costello approved the fence permit.

Communication: Nothing to report.

Ordinance: Discussed the proposed bamboo ordinance. MOTION by Jack Borsch, Second by David Waltz, to approve the advertisement of the proposed bamboo ordinance. MOTION approved unanimously.

Property/Borough Building: Nothing to report.

Public Safety: Tom Kopp reported that the Morton-Rutledge Fire Co. Budget request is the same as 2011.

Recreation: Kurt Morrison reported that there have been no complaints about foul language used at the basketball court since the last meeting.

Trash: The trash contract was awarded to Suburban Waste Services for 5 years. The attorney of B&L Disposal sent a letter to Solicitor Smith regarding the disqualification of its bid.

Sewer: Jack Borsch reported that work totaling $350,000.00 is needed on the Borough’s sewer lines. Catania Engineering prioritized the repairs. Ridley Excavating Inc. submitted a bill for the work done on the sewer line at Rutledge and Swarthmore Aves. for $3,583.45. $875.00 of that is the cost to repair the resident’s lateral. Solicitor Smith will send a letter to request payment.

Tree Commission: Jack Borsch reported that he and Karl Eilinsfeld planted two crape Myrtles at the Triangle Park.

Highway: David Waltz reported that 2 signs were received for the crosswalk on Swarthmore Ave., and submitted a repair bill for the Borough truck.

Finance: Brian Costello reviewed the proposed 2012 Budget. MOTION by Kurt Morrison, Second by Jack Borsch, to approve the proposed 2012 Budget. MOTION approved unanimously.

Solicitor: Reviewed Organization Meeting procedures for the January 3, 2012 meeting.

Solicitor Smith attended a FEMA meeting regarding Flood Plain Ordinances. DCED will pay 50% of the cost to pass a flood plain ordinance.

Solicitor Smith attended a meeting by A Few The organization is committed to reducing energy consumption by 20% in 10 years.

Old: MOTION by Jack Borsch, Second by David Waltz, to approve payment of the bill from Ridley Excavating, Inc. in the amount of $3,583.45. MOTION approved unanimously.

New: Jack Borsch reported that former Rutledge Fire Chief Bill Kruse died at age 78 in Indiana, PA. Resident Ginger Pugh celebrated her 100th birthday.

Since there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:39 PM.

Submitted by: Gennifer Guiliano, Secretary



