Rutledge Borough Work Session, November 23, 2009

Greg Lebold, Council President, opened the scheduled Work Session Meeting at 7:30 PM, in the Council Meeting Room, 212 Unity Terrace, Rutledge, PA.
The following Council Members answered roll call: Tom Kopp, Greg Lebold, Diane McGaughey, Jack Borsch, Kurt Morrison
Not present: Thomas Ash
Also present: Bob Hunt, Highwayman, Scott Shields, Guy Smith, David Waltz

Discussed the 2010 Budget. Diane McGaughey reported that there will be a 15% increase, part of it is because of the police contract with Swarthmore Borough. The budget is very tight, and there can be no unbudgeted expenses in 2010.

Road repair – an estimate was received from Catania Engineering for $19,930.00 to repair Waverly Terrace from Rutledge Ave. to Sylvan Ave. We expect a $9,500.00 carryover in the Gas Fund that can be used for this.

Discussed Fire Co. expenses- waiting for the merger to be approved. Assuming it is, $5,500.00 is budgeted, plus $1,500.00 for Workers Comp insurance. If the merger does not go through, the Borough will pay the expenses as in previous years, and take the money from the existing Fire Apparatus Reserve Fund.
Diane McGaughey spoke with Mrs. Giordano of Morton Borough Council, who stated that Morton Borough is giving the Fire Co. $16,500.00 in 2010, not the $54,525.00 that was requested. Jack Borsch stated that the Fire Co. can’t survive with only $7,000.00 from Rutledge Borough. Donations are down $4,000.00 from last year, and the Fire Co. needs to have a reserve fund to purchase new fire trucks. Mr. Borsch stated that the Attorney General has had the merger papers for 30 days, and has 90 days to approve the merger.
Scott Shields stated that Rutledge should not have to pay the full amount requested of $18,175.00 plus Workers Comp insurance if Morton Borough is not going to pay the full amount requested. There will be a tax increase of approximately $150.00 per household in 2010. The sewer fee is going up $100 per household. The Fire Co. has more in reserves than the Borough has.
David Waltz stated that both Fire Cos. Put in $100,000.00 to start a capital reserve account to purchase new fire trucks. A new truck needs to be purchased in 5 years, and will cost $350,000-$400,000.
Mayor Shields stated that a new truck was purchased in 2008, and has a loan balance of $98,000.00. Mr. Waltz stated that the loan will be paid off when it needs to be paid off.
The 1982 truck will be sold, at a price not less than $25,000.00.

Solicitor Smith stated that he needs the millage, salaries, and permit fees so he can prepare resolutions. Mr. Smith stated that, since it is a reorganization year, the budget can be changed in January 2010.
The Borough might not be able to afford the Swarthmore Police after 2012, when the contract expires.

Borough building repairs have been raised from $6,500.00 to $13,000.00. Rentals fees have been increased to $275.00 and $425.00. We will start to rent in July, if requested, but not advertise it.
The Borough needs to support the Tree Committee, Girls Club, and 4th of July Committee.

MOTION by Diane McGaughey, Second by Kurt Morrison, to approve the preliminary 2010 budget, and advertisement of it. MOTION approved unanimously.

The 2010 permit fee schedule needs to be passed on December 28 and advertised by December 20. Greg Lebold will work on the schedule.

Recycling – stickers have been received. The 4th of July Committee was contacted to distribute them. Scott Shields will prepare a letter from Council explaining the program.

The Chairman of Central Delaware County Sewer Authority sent a letter to Borough Council that requests that the member municipalities guarantee the debt of CDCA for its proposed capital improvement project. Rutledge Borough will be responsible for its pro-rata share of the debt. All 12 members must guarantee the loan. Doing so will result in a savings of $1,580,000.0 in interest and fees.
MOTION by Jack Borsh, Second by Diane McGaughey, to guarantee the debt of CDCA for its capital improvement project. MOTION approved unanimously.

Jack Borsch reported that the sewer backup suit filed by William Morris, 215 Linden Ave. was settled by the insurance company for $10,000.00. General Sewer is to pay $3,500.00.
Mr. Borsch reported that the Fire Co. is selling Christmas trees, and will have a pancake breakfast with Santa on Saturday, December 12 at Morton Fire house.
The trees were planted on Saturday, and a lot of people helped. The work was completed in 2 ½ hours.

Kurt Morrison reported that the Rain Garden fence at the Triangle Park s being installed tomorrow.

Bob Hunt reported that he installed the snow plow on the truck; it is too heavy for the truck. Mr. Hunt stated that he has nowhere to put the leaves he has cleared from the streets. It was suggested that he put them at the end of Melrose Terr., the paper street. Mr. Lebold suggested that a letter regarding leaf disposal be sent to residents.
Mr. Hunt reported that the garage is filled up with the old tractor, 12 boxes of old records, and the new barriers. Mr. Hunt can dispose of the old tractor, and will go through the boxes to see what is in them, and if they can be put out for recycling.
Mr. Hunt will fill potholes next week.
Mr. Hunt had a complaint from a neighbor about 208 Linden Ave. Mayor Shields has been in touch with Ms. Cianci, who says that she would like to get into the house to look for a will. She makes arrangements, then cancels, continually. The outside of the house is secure. The house is secure, and no one is living in it, and it is not a public safety issue. Council must decide if it wants take on the cost of asking the court to appoint an executor of the estate. An estate was never raised.

Since there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:11 PM.

Submitted by: Gennifer Guiliano



