Diane McGaughey, Council President, opened the scheduled Work Session Meeting at 7:38 PM, in the Council Meeting Room, 212 Unity Terrace, Rutledge, PA.
After the salute to the flag, the following Council Members answered roll call: Tom Kopp, Diane McGaughey, David Waltz, Brian Costello, Marlaina Kloepfer, and Marie Govannicci
Also present: Mayor Gregory C. Lebold, Solicitor G. Guy Smith
Not present: Daniel Werner
Mayor’s Report: Mayor Lebold reported that he is moving from the Borough and will resign as Mayor. Mayor Lebold was asked by the Recreation Chair to contact Swarthmore Police to have a presence at the Triangle Park around 3:30 PM, when there are a lot of youths playing basketball.
Council will have to discuss, at an advertised meeting, a replacement for the Mayor position.
Building: 25 President Ave. submitted an application for an addition/dormer. Plans are needed. Completed application to be reviewed at the April 16, 2012 Building Committee Meeting.
17 President Ave., the house that burnt down, will be rebuilt. Brian Costello to address any inquiries regarding the zoning portion of the application. The homeowner and his architect will attend the April 16, 2012 Building Committee Meeting.
Communication: Marlaina Kloepfer reported that Council needs more control of email complaints. A complaint regarding property maintenance issues was sent to the Communications Committee; it should have been sent to the Borough Office/Secretary.
Finance: Nothing to report.
Ordinance: Nothing to report
Property/Borough Building: Nothing to report.
Public Safety: Tom Kopp reported that the Morton-Rutledge Fire Co. banquet was a success. Jack Borsch received an award for 55 years of service.
Recreation: Marie Govannicci reported that the dirt for the Triangle Park will be delivered this week or next. The port a potty has been installed. The first softball gamed will be on April 16. There will be a fundraiser for the Girls’ Club on Tuesday, March 27, at Zak’s Hamburgers. The police will patrol the Triangle Park at 3:30 PM weekdays.
Trash: Nothing to report.
Sewer: Nothing to report.
Tree Commission: Marie Govannicci spoke with Karl Eilinsfeld about plantings at the Triangle Park.
Highway: David Waltz reported that Catania Engineering completed the loan application for road repairs.
MMEAC: Nothing to report.
Solicitor: Nothing to report
Old Business: Mayor Lebold reported that Upper Providence Twp. was notified that it would be required to pay $1,250.00/month to the Chester County SPCA until the new animal control facility is operational. Nothing has been started with the new facility.
New: The State Association of Boroughs would like the Borough to pass a resolution that supports a change in the Prevailing Wages Act. Currently, Boroughs are required to pay Philadelphia Union Wages.
The contract with Swarthmore Police expires at the end of 2012. Diane McGaughey, Tom Kopp, and Greg Lebold reviewed the current contract and suggested some changes.
Diane McGaughey attended the COG meeting on March 20, 2012. PECO, Comcast, and Verizon representatives gave presentations. PECO will install new meters in the Borough.
The Morton-Rutledge Fire Co. needs a Resolution stating that Rutledge appoints the fire company to respond to its fires and emergencies, in order to apply for grants. Morton Rutledge Fire Co. was appointed by motion in April 2010, so a Resolution is needed.
MOTION by Marie Govannicci, Second by Brian Costello, to pass Resolution 2012-03-01, a resolution that appoints the Morton-Rutledge Fire Company as the fire company to serve the Borough of Rutledge.
MOTION approved unanimously.
A request for a six-foot fence was received and referred to the Solicitor.
Daniel Werner will be the representative to CDCA until June, and then another person will be appointed.
David Waltz reported that Harry Mirra needs to go to Mr. Waltz’s three neighbors because they have cut down their bamboo, but not taken out the roots, as required by the ordinance.
The sidewalk on the Morton Ave. side of 1 Sylvan Ave. is made of bricks, and needs to be level.
Since there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:34 PM.
Submitted by: Gennifer Guiliano