Gregory Lebold, Council President, opened the scheduled Work Session Meeting at 7:30 PM, in the Council Meeting Room, 212 Unity Terrace, Rutledge, PA.
The following Council Members answered roll call: Greg Lebold, Tom Kopp, Diane McGaughey, Kurt Morrison, Jack Borsch, Thomas Ash
Also Present: Mayor Scott Shields, G. Guy Smith, Solicitor
Not Present: Mark King
Reviewed building permits for 107 Rutledge Ave. and 232 Sylvan Ave. Discussed recording what has happened with permits on the inside of residents’ folders. Completed applications must be approved within 15 days. The Building Committee will review applications for land use and zoning issues, and Chili’s Inspection Services will review for other requirements.
Discussed revising inspection fees in 2008.
Discussed the rain garden portion of the Triangle Park Stormwater Management Project. Liz Feinberg of PEC doesn’t think the design proposed by Catania Engineering will work. Ms. Feinberg will send a letter with her comments and concerns to Catania Engineering. Mr. Morrison stated that the Borough should not incur more costs for a redesign of the rain garden. Mr. Lebold has been in contact with someone who specializes in BMP rain gardens who can advise the Borough. Mr. Morrison asked that Council authorize Catania Engineering to discuss the rain garden with Ms. Feinberg, and remind them of the cost restraints. Jack Borsch has been in contact with Bryan Lentz, who will give Rutledge a $5,000 grant toward the rain garden cost, and would like his name on the sign.
Tom Kopp stated that the Fire Co. appreciates the Borough flag at half mast in recognition of the firefighter who died. The new fire truck was put in service on Saturday, March 22.
Kurt Morrison received a second proposal for the work at the ballfield from Mellon Landscaping to clean up and supply premium infield mix at a cost of $2,175.00, and $800 to remove the grass infield and put in premium infield mix. Diane McGaughey expressed concern about injuries- the grass would slow down the balls. Mr. Morrison stated that the grass gives bad hops on the balls, and causes more injuries than infield mix.
Mr. Morrison reported that the Girl Scouts cleaned up the Triangle Park and removed 15 bags of leaves and suggested that Council present them with a certificate of appreciation.
The Girls’ Club is getting an anchored and locked port-a-potty for the Triangle Park for the duration of the softball season.
Liz Feinberg thinks there is a mini-grant available through the County for an educational sign for the rain garden. PEC will provide guidance for the verbiage.
Thomas Ash reported that trees were removed from 214 President Ave., and stumps were left at the curb area, and someone could get hurt. Stumps were also left along the rear of the property, over the sewer lines. Harry Mirra will look at debris behind the garage when he does the apartment inspections.
Diane McGaughey stated that she would like Jack Borsch to inspect properties and keep a list of residents who have trees on the Borough’s sewer lines. Scott Shields suggested that a one-page flyer regarding trees on the sewer lines and illegal sump pumps be mailed to residents. Guy Smith suggested that Rutledge start a program to remove trees along the sewer line before problems arise.
Diane McGaughey reported that she looked into borrowing money from a bank to pay off the mortgage with the Fire Co. The Fire Co. proposed a counter-offer; they are willing to go along with the bank’s terms.
Discussed street repairs and financing through Delaware Valley Regional Financing. Charles Catania will be invited to the next Work Session to discuss the project.
Discussed property maintenance issues- Harry Mirra will look for cars and debris on properties.
Discussed the Borough Code on borrowing.
Jack Borsch reported that bids for sewer repairs at six locations in the Borough were opened this morning. Charles Catania will review them and make a recommendation.
Letters were sent regarding fines for two false fire alarms at 1 Sylvan Ave. The 30-day period is over.
Pam Kennedy, 201 Linden Ave., was a member of the Shade Tree Committee in Swarthmore, and would like to help with planting trees in Rutledge. The Girl Scouts were helpful with trees in Swarthmore. Guy Smith explained Swarthmore’s policy for the Shade Tree Committee. The Committee needs to make up a plan to submit to Council and Council will enact the appropriate ordinances.
Discussed possible leaf collection.
Discussed drain pipe work at the Fire Company, and running pipes to the street instead of a stone basin in front of the Borough building.
Scott Shields reported that the police have been writing tickets for stop sign violations, and kids have been leaving trash at the Triangle Park.
Guy Smith discussed delinquent sewer and trash bills. He will send letters asking the residents to pay within 30 days, or liens will be filed. Also discussed the tax appeal of Northwestern Human Services, 1 Sylvan Ave. The School District made it tax exempt in 2004, and they are looking for the same in Rutledge.
Ed McGaghuey reported that the sewer work at 414 Unity Terrace to relocate the sewer lateral of the Rutledge Ave. property will start on March 25. Verizon placed a box on the street side of the telephone pole that must be removed because it is a hazard.
Residents must be informed that trees, sheds, and fences can’t be placed over sewer lines.
Scott Shields reported that the Communications Committee had one meeting, and then fizzled out, and instructed Ed McGaughey to continue sending out emails.
Adjourned 8:47
Submitted by: Gennifer Guiliano