Diane McGaughey, Council President, opened the scheduled Work Session Meeting at 7:30 PM, in the Council Meeting Room, 212 Unity Terrace, Rutledge, PA.
After the salute to the flag, the following Council Members answered roll call: Diane McGaughey, Tom Kopp, Jack Borsch, Kurt Morrison, Brian Costello, David Waltz, and Marlaina Geffers
Also present: Mayor Gregory C. Lebold G. Guy Smith, Esq.
Sewer: Jack Borsch reported that the manhole repairs has been completed. He will look at the DVDs of the televised sewer system to see what repairs are needed.
Trash: Nothing to report.
Shade Tree Commission: Jack Borsh reported that two trees that were planted in front of the Borough building earlier in the year have died. The trees are not under warranty, and were replacement trees for those that died on Sylvan Ave.
Diane McGaughey reported that she received a price of $806.00 from an arborist to have the tree in front of the Community Center pruned. Jack Borsch asked if the work could be done prior to July 4th activities, since it obstructs the view. Ms. McGaughey will make arrangements on Tuesday.
Recreation: Kurt Morrison reported that the 4th of July Committee would like to move the hot dog/water ice sales to the Fire Co. driveway. The hot dogs will be grilled rather than boiled. Dave Waltz stated that the driveway will be in use by the Fire Co. for fire engine rides. There will be no fire engine rides after the Borough’s fire truck is sold.
Highway: David Waltz reported that he got a loan quote from Bryn Mawr Trust. The bank will put a lien on the Borough building, and wants all bank accounts transferred.
Diane McGaughey reported that TD Bank wants to see the 2010 Financial Audit, plus the 2011 budget, for a loan proposal to increase the loan amount from $54,000.00 to $110,000.00.
Jack Borsh reported that he received PA One Calls regarding Aqua PA work. They will replace water lines on Unity Terr. From Rutledge Ave. to Swarthmore Ave., Waverly Terr. Between Rutledge and Swarthmore Ave.
Catania Engineering sent a resolution for street restoration by Aqua, and recommends that the Borough get a payment from Aqua to do the repairs, rather than Aqua doing the restoration.
Jack Borsch stated that the water pressure in the area may increase after Aqua completes the work.
Diane McGaughey stated that the streetlight at Unity Terr. & Linden Ave. stays on all day.
David Waltz stated that he put out bids for signs.
Public Safety: Tom Kopp stated that there has been no action on the sale of the fire truck. Mr. Kopp will have two fire reports for the July 11, 2011 meeting. He is finalizing the fire reports for the State for 17 President Ave.
Mr. Kopp reported that 208 Linden Ave. is for sale. The Borough Office received a call from a prospective buyer who said that the owner is selling the house “as is”, and will not clean it up. Greg Lebold stated that a Certificate of Occupancy can be issued for settlement purposes only. The dwelling may not be occupied, and the owner must apply for permits to do work. After repairs are completed, the owner must apply for a Use & Occupancy Permit to live in the dwelling.
Ordinance/Building: Brian Costello reported that the Zoning Hearing Board has met two times to discuss revision/update of ordinances. Heidi Sentivan sent an email to Council of revisions for comments and questions, but has gotten no responses. What is out there construction wise is not what was out there when the current ordinances were passed.
Solicitor Smith stated that Council sets the standard, and the Zoning Hearing Board is an advisory body that has no legislative powers. The Zoning Hearing Board cannot tell Counsel how the town should be.
Greg Lebold stated that he read the email, and it addresses inconsistencies such as garages that are larger than the ordinance allows. If a structure is temporary, it can be placed anywhere. According to the Building Code, a temporary structure is a canvas tent.
Brian Costello stated that Council should decide how it wants the town to look. Solicitor Smith stated that the Multi-Municipal Comprehensive Plan has a lot of answers in it.
Brian Costello stated that Mr. Morral came to the Building Committee Meeting to discuss the proposed garage that was not approved. The Morrals would like to put an enclosed breezeway from the garage to the house, similar to what was done at 110 Sylvan Ave. It would require a construction permit, since it would be considered an addition, and Mr. Morall would have to comply with those setbacks.
Mr. Costello reported that he purchased a disc from FEMA that shows the Flood Plain map for Rutledge. There is one property in the Borough that is in the flood plain.
Diane McGaughey reported that hall rentals have concluded as of last weekend. One party had a problem and the police were called.
Ms. McGaughey asked Council to provide their budgetary needs for 2012.
Communications: Marlaina Kloepfer reported that she has been going through the website. She would like to take videos at the 4th of July celebration, and post them on the website. She will get permission from parents before posting any pictures of children.
Recycling: Residents have been putting plastic bags in the recycling, which contaminates the whole load.
Diane McGaughey reported that a representative from Joe Hackett’s office called the Borough to have Mr. Hackett participate in the 4th of July Parade. Ms. McGaughey informed him that the event is a family community affair, and it is Rutledge’s policy not to allow political speeches. David Waltz stated that Mayor Lebold is giving a speech, and he is political, and inquired as to what Mr. Hackett was going to say. Ms. McGaughey reiterated that it is a celebration for children and families for the Borough. Brian Lentz wanted to speak a few years ago, and was told the same thing.
Solicitor Smith reported on 7 Rutledge Ave. and its property maintenance issues. He has received several calls from Veronica Miller, 101 Rutledge Ave. complaining about the condition of the property. Mr. Smith went to the property and tried to get in touch with the homeowner. There are cosmetic issues; it needs a paint job and has mold on the shingles. The Borough cannot make a resident paint or remove mold from shingles. The garage is falling into itself, and is unsafe. There are significant holes in the stone foundation. Mr. Smith asked what position Council will take if the homeowner has no money to correct the issues. Council can go in and remediate the dangerous condition, and put a lien on the property. The Borough would have to pay for the work out of pocket, and get reimbursed when the property changes ownership. Mayor Lebold stated that the Borough wants the public to know that Council has done all it can to gain compliance.
Mr. Smith stated that he might be able to get community service workers to clean up the debris in the yard and on the porch.
Diane McGaughey reported that a resident has called Joe Hackett’s office to complain about the property. Mr. Hackett sent information on blighted properties and what the Borough can do. Harry Mirra has done all that he can do as far as trying to get compliance.
Mayor Lebold stated that the Borough would have to use all taxpayers’ money to solve one homeowner’s problem. Solicitor Smith will send a letter to Ms. Waltz at 7 Rutledge Ave. informing her of the property maintenance violations, and asking her to meet to discuss some solutions. The Borough does not have permission to talk to her sons or anyone else about the issues at her house.
Jack Borsch received a complaint about a property in the 100 block of Linden Ave. that has had a 12’X12′ blue tarp covering a side of the property for 16 years, and asked that Harry Mirra inspect it.
Mayor Lebold submitted a letter of complaint about bamboo growing out of control on his neighbor’s property, and it is now growing on his property. He approached the homeowner about it, and she said “It’s been there- deal with it”. Mayor Lebold stated the it is a nuisance plant, and Council should amend the property maintenance code to include bamboo as a nuisance plant, and not have homes with existing bamboo grandfathered in.
Diane McGaughey stated that AFewSteps.org is having another energy savings meeting in Swarthmore on July 30, 2011, for those who missed the one held in Rutledge.
Ms. McGaughey stated that there is a $15,000.00 grant available from PECO through the County for green savings improvements to the Borough building. A resolution needs to be approved to authorize the grant.
MOTION by Brian Costello, Second by Jack Borsch, to approve Resolution 2011-06-01, to approve the Municipal Energy Efficiency Grant Program in the amount of $15,000.00 from PECO Energy through Delaware County. MOTION approved unanimously.
MOTION by Brian Costello, Second by Kurt Morrison, to approve Resolution 2011-06-02, a resolution stating that Rutledge Borough endorses a Climate Change Action Plan with Swarthmore Borough, Rose Valley Borough, and Nether Providence Township. MOTION approved unanimously.
Diane McGaughey stated that the Borough needs two more people on each committee, and would like Council Members to choose which committee on which they would like to serve.
Since there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:11 PM.
Submitted by: Gennifer Guiliano