Greg Lebold, Council President, opened the scheduled Work Session Meeting at 7:30 PM, in the Council Meeting Room, 212 Unity Terrace, Rutledge, PA.
The following Council Members answered roll call: Greg Lebold, Jack Borsch, Kurt Morrison, and David Waltz
Also present: Mayor Scott Shields, G. Guy Smith, Solicitor Jerry Connelly, Morton-Rutledge Fire Co.
Not Present: Diane McGaughey, Tom Kopp, Brian Costello
Jack Borsch contacted General Sewer Services for a price to televise the Borough’s sewer system. Mr. Borsch will get 3 other prices.
The Tree Committee will replace the three dead trees- they are guaranteed for one year. Soil samples will be sent to Penn State. The Committee would like Council’s permission to plant a dogwood tree and install a plaque on the Borough property in memory of Ed McGaguhey.
Greg Lebold will attend the EAC Meeting at The Old Mill on Tuesday, July 27, 2010.
The windows of the Community Center are being cleaned.
Electricity at the Triangle Park is forthcoming.
Discussed road repairs and the financing of it. David Waltz suggested that money be borrowed to fix the interior streets and go to the County for Swarthmore Ave. repairs. If the condition of Swarthmore Ave. gets too bad, and is a threat to public safety, the Mayor can close it.
The three worst streets are:
Waverly Terrace between Rutledge & Sylvan $27,430.00 without curbs, $61,310.00 with curbs
Waverly Terrace between Sylvan & President $25,430.00 without curbs
Unity Terrace between Rutledge & Sylvan $25,15000 without curbs
Total: $78,010.00 without curbing/$212,175.00 with curbing
Swarthmore Ave. between Waverly & Melrose $17,885.00
Rutledge Borough does not qualify for CBDG funds for road repairs.
David Waltz suggested that curbing be put in one of the streets that is to be repaired.
Mayor Shields asked if the homeowners would be assessed or all taxpayers would pay for the curbing.
A motion to piggyback with Ridley Twp’s road program is needed at the next meeting.
David Waltz stated that the proposed loan with TD Bank has a balloon payment due after 5 years.
Kurt Morrison suggested that the money might be better spent by getting the streets sealed every year.
The topic was tabled until the next Work Session.
David Waltz reported that the State mandated that all street signs be replaced with highly reflective signs. Mr. Waltz stated that all of the Borough’s stop signs, 33 total, will be replaced this year at a cost of $29.95 each. The posts will be replaced with galvanized square posts with bright strips. The total cost of the project is $2,359.00, which includes a 10% discount. The old posts will be scrapped. All signs must be replaced by 2012. This decreases liability for the Borough.
The Borough received pamphlets from DELCORA regarding inflow and infiltration into the sanitary sewer system via private laterals. Diane McGaughey would like Council to deliver them to the residents, along with flyers for the Community Wide Yard Sale on 09/11/10.
Mayor Scott Shields reported that an invoice was received from Knights Tree Service for removal of the tree on the corner of Swarthmore Ave. & Unity Terrace that was struck by a vehicle. He will send the bill to the driver’s insurance company.
Solicitor Guy Smith reported that he has the original mortgage with the Rutledge Fire Co. from 1994, and it has been satisfied. The new mortgage with the Morton-Rutledge Fire Co. is filed of record and is officially recorded. The new payments will be $653.94 for 120 months.
Thomas Heron, the new Tax Collector, wants to have a drop box for tax payments at the Borough Office, or a lockbox. It would have to be at his expense. He is responsible for bonding. Mr. Heron met with Len Michael to review the previous Tax Collector’s records. He would like to use the Rutledge Borough Office address for mail. A check was received for the balance in the previous Tax Collector’s bank account at TD Bank, to be given to the new Tax Collector.
David Waltz stated that Ridley Park Police Dept. can give a presentation regarding heroin addiction in Delaware County. Mr. Waltz has seen the presentation, and recommends that the Borough have them do a presentation for the residents of the Borough and neighboring Boroughs/Townships.
The SPCA will no longer accept stray animals for animal control companies from municipalities in Delaware County.
Ron Powell donated a gas powered hedge trimmer to the Borough, saving the Borough $300.00
Jerry Connelly is on the fund-raising committee for the Morton-Rutledge Fire Co. and would like to have an adult Halloween party, and a Texas Hold ‘Em fundraiser at the Borough Community Center.
Since there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:43 PM.
Submitted by: Gennifer Guiliano