Greg Lebold, Council President, opened the scheduled Work Session Meeting at 7:30 PM, in the Council Meeting Room, 212 Unity Terrace, Rutledge, PA.
The following Council Members answered roll call: Tom Kopp, Greg Lebold, Jack Borsch, Kurt Morrison, Brian Costello, Diane McGaughey and David Waltz
Also present: Bob Hunt, Highwayman, Scott Shields, Guy Smith
Georgia Kirkpatrick and Bradley Flamm from Temple University presented preliminary information on the Greenhouse Gas Study. There are 3 phases, and Phase 1 is almost completed. They are asking residents to complete a survey. The status of the project is ongoing, and there will be a final presentation in the summer when the project is completed. The project is funded by the EPA. There will be public meetings to discuss a climate change action plan.
Solicitor Guy Smith stated that a resolution must be advertised to allow the tax collector to charge for supplemental services such as tax certifications, duplicate tax bills and returned checks. Authorization to advertise the resolution is needed at the March Council Meeting, and a vote at the April Council Meeting.
Solicitor Smith prepared a resolution that authorizes Rutledge Borough to be a part of COG, and will be presented for approval at the March meeting.
Solicitor Smith has sent letters to Council regarding the Prevailing Wage Act. The dollar amount has dropped to $25,000.00.
The County has requested expenses incurred by the Borough for snow removal for possible reimbursement by the State. The Secretary has provided the information. David Waltz stated that Swarthmore Borough plowed during the 1st storm.
T-Mobile contacted the Borough; they want to install an electrical cabinet at the base of the cell tower at 105 Morton Ave.
Discussed an ordinance for contractors’ start/stop times.
Rain barrels will be available at the meeting on April 7 for $40 each.
Bob Hunt reported that the snow plow was repaired by EC Liner; it was never mounted properly. The salt spreader needs some work. The snow blower is not functioning. The old tractor, leaf sucker, and lawn mower are not working and are taking up space in the garage. EC Liner will look at them to see if they are worth repairing. A resolution is needed if the value is $1,000 or over. Mr. Hunt stated that all of the items combined may be valued at $200 or less.
Diane McGaughey stated that she was concerned about the appointment of the appointment of the new Zoning Hearing Board member – Ms. McGaughey didn’t see the resume. Council also needs to appoint an alternate. Ms. McGaughey is concerned about the current Zoning Hearing Board Solicitor. She would like one that is experienced in this area. David Waltz submitted the resume of a Solicitor who is interested in the position.
David Waltz reported that the Borough needs to take inventory of the signs. Highly reflective
Since there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:05 PM.
Submitted by: Gennifer Guiliano