Rutledge Borough Work Session, August 24, 2009

Greg Lebold, Council President, opened the scheduled Work Session Meeting at 7:30 PM, in the Council Meeting Room, 212 Unity Terrace, Rutledge, PA.
The following Council Members answered roll call: Tom Kopp, Greg Lebold, Diane McGaughey, Jack Borsch, Kurt Morrison
Not present: Mark King, Thomas Ash,
Also present: Bob Hunt, Highwayman, Scott Shields, Guy Smith

The lawn mower broke, and Kurt Morrison found a 2009 John Deere mower for $1,200.00. He and Greg Lebold picked it up on Saturday.

Thomas Ash reported that 8 rats were killed on his property. There have been no complaints from the surrounding homes. It is a private property issue.

Apartment rental fees have not been paid for the house rental at 135 President, and was referred to Guy Smith.

An apartment owner wants to change his property from 5 apartments to 4, and wants to know if he can go back to 5 apartments in the future. Guy Smith stated, that because of zoning, approval would be needed from the Zoning Hearing Board or Council to go back to 5 apartments.

Ben O’Neill and Dan O’Neill, neighbors on Rutledge Ave. have property maintenance issues with each other’s property. Ben O’Neill says that Dan O’Neill’s garage is falling apart and should be removed. Dan O’Neill states that Ben O’Neill’s fence is on his property, and wants it removed.

Gennifer Guiliano found an old form on which to record complaints. The Borough’s policy is not to respond to anonymous complaints. Guy Smith stated that the Council President puts the policy in place, and the information should be included in the Borough Newsletter.

Mr. Smith reported that Delaware County has created a new Tax Collection Committee for Earned Income Credit tax collection. It does not apply to Rutledge, since there is no EIC in the Borough.

Mr. Smith stated that he has been in contact with Tom O’Brien of PNC Bank regarding the requested loans. Mr. O’Brien stated that the Borough has to sign a guarantee on all assets of the Borough. Jack Borsch stated that the Fire Co. will match the rate and terms that PNC Bank offers.

Bob Hunt thanked Greg Lebold and Kurt Morrison for the new lawnmower and quick response to the situation.

Mr. Hunt reported that the rain garden was dug up for the 5th time on Friday, August 21. Mr. Hunt asked if anyone was overseeing the job. It seems that no one read the specs, because they forgot to install the drainage pipe. The elevations were wrong- there is only supposed to be 9″ of water in the pits. Mr. Hunt has been speaking with Dave from Catania Engineers and the foreman on the job. A perforated pipe was installed the 4th time, which didn’t work because dirt got in the pipe. During the last rain storm, water from Swarthmore into one of the pits and was gushing up. Kurt Morrison stated that there is supposed to be a trap.
Diane McGaughey stated that Charles Catania Jr. told Council that he had no experience with rain gardens. Greg Lebold stated that the Borough relies on the engineer to oversee that the project is done properly and to check every item on the specs. Kurt Morrison stated that Alex Rodriguez and the contractor went over the elevation issues at the ribbon cutting ceremony. Greg Lebold stated that he will meet with Catania Engineering to get things straightened out once and for all.
Bob Hunt reported that the plants floated out of the clay during the last rain storm, and need to be replaced. They will not take root in clay.

Mr. Hunt reported that there are weeds all along the area in front of the fence along Swarthmore Ave. at the Triangle Park. Diane McGaughey stated that she and John Hammond will sort it out. She has a plan of what should be there.

Mr. Hunt reported that wood chips are needed at the park. Weeds are growing that pose a tripping hazard, and there have been complaints from residents. Greg Lebold suggested that a contractor be contacted to get a price to redo the whole area.

Mr. Hunt reported that grass cuttings are blown into the street, and the inlets are getting clogged. Harry Mirra is to notify residents not to put clippings in the street.

Mr. Hunt suggested that the Borough have a planning board/calendar of the things that are to be done in the Borough so he can foresee what needs to be done, instead of being told the day before. His business fluctuates, so planning is important. Mr. Hunt would like to be included in the planning of projects so he can work on things when he has time.

Mr. Hunt stated that the Borough could use a chainsaw.

Mr. Hunt has ideas about the priorities for street repairs. Swarthmore Ave. is falling apart along the Triangle Park.

Tom Kopp reported that the Fire Co.’s 2010 budget needs have been submitted to Diane McGaughey. The horseshoe tournament will be held on September 19. The Fire Co. will sell refreshments at the Community Yard Sale on Saturday, September 12. Two career firefighters were killed in Buffalo, NY.

Kurt Morrison stated that he met with a contractor to discuss a fence for the rain garden. He will try to get three estimates. He is looking at black vinyl chain link along the basketball court, and post and rail with wire around the balance. The grant account has a balance of $1,588.00.

The informational sign has been approved, and the Borough is responsible for the installation. Signs are needed for appropriate conduct at the park. Diane McGaughey stated that, based on the budget, there is no money available for the lower area if we get the $8,200.00 fence.
Jack Borsch stated that the planting of the first trees by the Tree Committee is in progress. They have received answers from PECO and Aqua of any conflicts.

Mr. Borsch reported that the sewer vent at 114 President has not been raised 6″ and asked that Harry Mirra investigate.

Diane McGaughey reported that rentals will be starting in September, and John Hammond is doing maintenance work. Stone pointing will be done on the Borough building from the 14th – 18. Ms. McGaughey received a proposal to clean and restore the 2 plaques at the front of the building – $2,034.00

The door leading from the kitchen outside needs to be replaced- it is a custom size.

Since there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 PM.

Submitted by: Gennifer Guiliano



