Diane McGaughey, Council President, opened the scheduled Work Session Meeting at 7:30 PM, in the Council Meeting Room, 212 Unity Terrace, Rutledge, PA.
After the salute to the flag, the following Council Members answered roll call: Diane McGaughey, Tom Kopp, Jack Borsch, Kurt Morrison, David Waltz, and Marlaina Kloepfer
Also present: Mayor Gregory C. Lebold, G. Guy Smith, Esq., Dori Behmke, 201 Sylvan Ave.
Not present: Brian Costello
Dori Behmke, 201 Sylvan Ave., corner Sylvan Ave. and Waverly Terrace- Has a problem with he no parking on the avenues from 1AM-6AM, and thinks it’s ridiculous. People park on Waverly Terrace in front of her garage, and she does not like to call the police on her neighbors. More parking is needed in the Borough. She has had to call the police in the past to have people move their cars so she could park her car. Diane McGaguhey stated that there is no apron going to Mrs. Behmke’s garage. David Waltz stated that on street parking will cause a problem with snow plowing. Jack Borsch stated that the Borough should make residents have driveways.
Diane McGaguhey stated that the highwayman should paint lines in the street at the stop signs, so no one parks past the lines.
Diane McGaguhey distributed the Income & Expense Report for July 2011. Ms. McGaguhey requested that Council Members submit requests for the 2012 budget.
David Waltz reported that the stolen stop sign and Linden Ave. and Waverly Terrace was replaced. Diane McGaguhey stated that there is a street sign on Swarthmore Ave. that is illegible.
Tom Kopp reported that there have been no offers for the fire truck that is for sale. Another certified letter was sent to Northwestern Human Services regarding the 3 false fire alarms at 1 Sylvan Ave. Mr. Kopp reported that he repaired the Borough’s elevator. The elevator needs to be used, and should be parked on the 2nd floor in case of flooding.
Kurt Morrison stated that he spoke with Chris Morrisroe regarding his quote for electricity at the Triangle Park. He will revise it. Mr. Morrison will contact PECO to review the quotes.
Mr. Morrison received three quotes to get the trees trimmed at the Triangle Park:
Jansen Landscaping $750.00
Plank’s Tree Service $800.00
Jansen Tree $975.00
MOTION by Kurt Morrison, Second by Jack Borsch, to authorize Jansen Landscaping to trim the low-hanging branches on the trees on Rutledge Ave. at the Triangle Park, at a cost not to exceed $750.00. MOTION approved with a majority vote. David Waltz abstained.
Mr. Morrison reported that the signs regarding foul language and trash have been ordered for the Triangle Park. The cost is $338.00. The signs can be attached to the fence, high enough so they will not be tampered with. The basketball nets will be put up when the signs are put up.
Jack Borsch reported that the Borough will go out for trash bids, for three years.
Mr. Borsch gave Catania Engineering the reports and DVDs of the sewer system, and asked them to prioritize the repairs. The Borough needs a new sewer map that shows the three manholes that were discovered. Mayor Lebold asked Mr. Borcsh to get an estimate of what the engineer will charge to review the DVDs.
Marliana Kloepfer reported that the Communications Committee met on August 8. They requested the following information:
1) Contact information for Council and the Solicitor- email addresses, phone numbers
2) Put approved ordinances on the Borough’s website
3) Publish the Council agenda before the Council Meeting
4) Borough sanctioned Facebook page- it’s a good way to get information out there
Jack Borsch stated that the Borough needs to get more residents on the listserve to distribute information.
Jack Borsch stated that the Tree Committee will have a fall planting in November. The dogwood tree in memory of Ed McGaughey does not look good, and is under warranty.
Solicitor Smith reported that nothing has been done by TD Bank regarding the loan for road repairs- no terms, rate, amortization information, so the proposed and advertised ordinance cannot be passed tonight.
The schedule for road repairs is too tight to get things done in 2011, and will have to wait until 2012. The Secretary will call the County to see if the County Aid for Road Repairs can be carried over to 2012. The loan can be looked at in February 2012, to have the repairs done in May 2012.
David Waltz stated that he would talk to Bryn Mawr Trust about a loan.
Tom Kopp stated that Aldan Borough received a $100,000.00 grant for road repairs. Mayor Lebold stated that Rutledge Borough’s residential income is too high to qualify for the CBDG grant that Aldan Borough received.
Solicitor Smith stated that the ordinance for DELCORA is ready to be approved at the September 12, 2011 Council Meeting. The ordinance should be put on the Borough website, and ask homeowners for voluntary compliance.
David Waltz asked if letters were sent to the group home at 1 Sylvan Ave. about getting a dumpster. Harry Mirra talked to the administrators, and the trash has been kept under control. The Borough cannot force them to get a dumpster, per the Supreme Court. They must pay trash and sewer fees. Mr. Waltz asked about requiring apartment licenses for the property. The Borough cannot make the organization get apartment licenses, according to the Supreme Court.
Jack Borsch asked if anything can be done about the resident who smokes in his room and triggers the fire alarm. It is similar to pulling a false fire alarm. Diane McGaguhey asked if the fines could be increased.
Tom Kopp suggested that the supervisor keep the person’s cigarettes. Solicitor Smith will look into the matter to see if anything else can be done to prevent the false calls.
David Waltz asked if Harry Mirra sent letters regarding bamboo on properties. Harry Mirra sent notices to 2 homeowners. The Borough does not have an ordinance that specifically prohibits bamboo.
Solicitor Smith stated that he sent a 2nd letter to the owner of 7 Rutledge Ave. regarding the property maintenance issues, such as debris and the garage, but has not gotten a response.
Diane McGaughey stated that she is concerned about rodents in the Borough. A new homeowner did work in his new property and discovered dead rodents in the walls and stuck in foam insulation.
The Borough needs to appoint a representative to CDCA beginning in 2012, and a recycling coordinator. Marlaina Kloepfer volunteered for the recycling coordinator position.
Since there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:06 PM.
Submitted by: Gennifer Guiliano