Rutledge Borough Special Council Meeting, December 13, 2010

Gregory C. Lebold, Council President, opened the advertised Special Council Meeting at 6:05 PM, in the Council Meeting Room, 212 Unity Terrace, Rutledge, PA.
The following Council Members answered roll call: Gregory C. Lebold, Diane McGaughey, Brian Costello, Tom Kopp, Jack Borsch, and David Waltz
Also present: Mayor Scott Shields, Solicitor G. Guy Smith, Jerry Connelly- Morton-Rutledge Fire Co.,
Not present: Kurt Morrison

Discussed the 2011 Budget.
Diane McGaughey thanked Brian Costello and Scott Shields for their help with the 2011 Budget. Ms. McGaughey has cut expenses everywhere that she could have.

State Gas Fund- has no impact on taxes to residents and has not been changed. Income & Expenses $26,969.00
Sewer – 2011 CDCA charge has been changed from $132,758.00 to $128, 415.00. Income & Expenses $130,915.00.

Operating Fund:
Brian Costello stated that $136,549.00 is an unrealistic number for real estate taxes to be collected because there is a deficit of $12,840.00 for those taxes in 2010. There will most likely be a deficit in 2011.
Solicitor Smith stated that the Capital Reserve Fund is used to pay the first quarter expenses (January-March). If there is no Capital Reserve Account, the Borough would have to get a tax anticipation loan, at a high interest rate, to get through those months. Boroughs are supposed to live hand to mouth. The money is not in the annual spending budget, and is paid back when taxes are collected.

Jack Borsch stated that the Borough is getting $13,821.00 from CDCA for buy-in costs from the three new members, and recommends that it be deposited into the Sewer Reserve Fund for sewer repairs. Solicitor Smith stated that the money can be used only for sewer purposes.

The budget was reviewed line by line.
Diane McGaughey stated that building maintenance was reduced to remove: railing, new door, and chairs.
Electricity is going up in 2011.
Cuts were made to the donations to: Tree Commission, Senior Citizens, 4th of July, and Rutledge Girls’ Club- $50.00 donated to each.
Donations were increased to $100.00 after discussion. David Waltz stated that the Senior Citizens donation should be $200.00.
Solicitor Smith stated that the Rutledge Tree Commission was created by Council, and Council has a legal obligation to meet its fiscal needs.
Code enforcement salary was lowered to $3,400.00 Greg Lebold stated that the salary has to remain at $5,400.00, because Mr. Mirra’s services are needed, and we can’t take money away from him.
The trash disposal fee needs to be increased to $11,400.00.
Tom Kopp left at 7:20 PM.
Triangle maintenance is $3,000.00, which includes the maintenance salary. A portion of the fence needs to be painted. Scott Shields stated that perhaps the County can provide people to paint the fence.
David Waltz and Jack Borsch left at 7:40 PM.
Jack Whelan suggested that Greg Lebold write a letter to request an increase in Rutledge’s road repair county aid allocation.
Diane McGaughey stated that people are having a hard time paying taxes in this economy, and most are people who have lived here a long time.
Scott Shields stated that the Borough could save money by getting the State Police to provide services.
General Fund Income & Expenses: $255,308.00
Millage    4.32
Trash               $169.66 per unit
Sewer              $391.59 per unit

Since there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:55 PM.

Submitted by: Gennifer Guiliano



