Rutledge Borough Council Work Session, April 28, 2008

Gregory Lebold, Council President, opened the scheduled Work Session Meeting at 7:30 PM, in the Council Meeting Room, 212 Unity Terrace, Rutledge, PA.

The following Council Members answered roll call: Greg Lebold, Diane McGaughey, Jack Borsch, Mark King

Also Present: Mayor Scott Shields, G. Guy Smith, Solicitor Ed McGaughey, Manager

Not Present: Thomas Ash, Kurt Morrison, Tom Kopp

Mark King reported that 2 building permits for additions were approved at the Building Committee Meeting on 4/21/08 – 124 Rutledge Ave. and 107 Rutledge Ave.- and forwarded to the Building Code Officer, Chili’s Inspection Services.

A piece of slate was broken when the sewer lateral work was done at 17 Rutledge Ave. Catania Engineering will be contacted to have it corrected.

Kathy Myers, 210 President Ave. submitted pictures of the rental property at 214 President Ave. There is debris at the rear, and a fence is falling down, which is causing a hazardous condition. Trees were removed in the area between the curb and sidewalk, and the stumps were left, and pose a hazardous condition. Some of the sidewalk blocks were broken when the trees were removed from the rear of the property. The property will be inspected for the annual apartment license.

Discussed property maintenance issues, and how to advise residents to correct violations. Guy Smith suggested starting with the residents with the worst properties, and gradually move up. Property maintenance issues will be discussed with Harry Mirra at the next Committee Meeting.

The $500 grant form the Delaware County Conservation District for a sign for the rain garden at the Triangle Park was approved. Catania Engineering will develop the signage.

Guy Smith met with Mr. DiTomasso of Comcast to discuss the new franchise agreement; Mr. DiTomasso keeps sending pro-forma contracts that don’t clearly define issues, and wants copies of everything that was signed with Verizon.

Discussed delinquent sewer and trash fees – 4 people have responded to the letters sent out by Mr. Smith.

Discussed fire alarms at 1 Sylvan Ave.

Diane McGaughey stated that she’s waiting for Catania Engineering to sign off on the Sewer lateral work at 17 Rutledge Ave., and to review the plans for Fire Co. drainage project.

Ms. McGaughey attended the Fire Co. Tri-Borough Task Force meeting last Wednesday. Dave Waltz of the Rutledge Fire Co. talked about finances and budgets-the companies will be $3,488.00 in the red each year with the merger of the three companies. They are waiting for lists of assets of the three fire companies.

Ms. McGaughey attended a grant writing seminar. The State is moving towards communities applying together for grants, rather than applying individually. That was the purpose of the Multi-Municipal Comprehensive Plan. The seminar showed how to take advantage of alliances with other municipalities

Ms. McGaughey will attend a three-night seminar on Land Development Planning.

Ms. McGaughey has contacted a person to do pointing in the jail in the Borough Building.

Discussed adding a line item in the budget for seminars and conferences.

Jack Borsch reported that the video pipe contract will arrive shortly to be signed. Catania’s review of the Fire Co. drain work will be sent to the Borough soon.

Discussed 218 President Ave. – have Harry Mirra check the basement to see if it’s an apartment.

Chris Hanson inquired about handicapped parking- 2 spaces outside of the church on Melrose Terrace- only needed for Sunday Masses. They also inquired about parking on both sides of the street during church on Sunday. Council will not permit it.

Discussed the formation of at Shade Tree Committee- another volunteer called the office.

Aqua PA will start work on Swarthmore Ave.

Adjourned 8:55

Submitted by: Gennifer Guiliano




