M. Diane McGaughey, Council President, opened the scheduled Borough Council Meeting at 7:30 PM, in the Council Meeting Room, 212 Unity Terrace, Rutledge, PA.
After the salute to the flag, the following Council members answered roll call: Jack Borsch, Tom Kopp, M.Diane McGaughey, Brian Costello, Marlaina Kloepfer, Kurt Morrison, and David Waltz.
Also present: Mayor Gregory C. Lebold, G. Guy Smith, Esq., Police Chief Brian Craig
Minutes: MOTION by David Waltz, Second by Jack Borsch, to approve the minutes as submitted for the Council Meeting of August 1, 2011. MOTION approved unanimously. MOTION by Kurt Morrison, Second by David Waltz, to approve the minutes from the August 22, 2011 Work Session. MOTION approved unanimously.
Public Comment: Diane McGaughey asked audience members to sign in.
Bob Hunt, 209 Linden Ave., stated that he was solicited for an electricity provider. The person was very aggressive and asked to look at his records. Mr. Hunt told the salesperson that he was not interested, twice, and to get off his porch. The salesperson was very aggressive, and asked Mr. Hunt why he didn’t want to sign up for the electric service. Mr. Hunt again told the salesperson to get off the porch, and was holding a weapon in his hand. Mr. Hunt had been a victim of a violent breakin at his home a few years ago. Mr. Hunt asked if he should put a “No Solicitation” sign on his door.
Solicitor Guy Smith stated that Mr. Hunt should post a “No Solicitation” sign clearly on his property, and if anyone shows up, the police should be called. Solicitor Smith stated that he has been working with other municipalities with peddling/solicitation ordinances, but it is very difficult to compose an enforceable one because there are so many exemptions, such as charitable, religious, and political. Police Chief Brian Craig stated that there had been solicitations for magazine subscriptions last year, and anyone who gave checks for a subscription have been duped. There are constitutional restrictions, and the police were unable to prohibit the people from going door to door. Chief Craig urged residents to call 911, and they will respond promptly. Solicitor Smith stated that he hopes to enact more stringent peddlers’ ordinances. Rutledge Borough does not require permits for solicitation.
Bob Hunt reported that the street sign for Linden Ave. & Waverly Terrace was stolen a year ago, and asked for a replacement.
Bob Hunt reported that the streetlight in front of 209 Linden Ave. is out. Ms. McGaughey stated that 6 lights were repaired 2 weeks ago. Kurt Morrison asked for the pole number.
Bob Hunt stated that the meeting minutes are not up to date on the Borough website. Marlaina Kloepfer reported that the Communications Committee is working on getting the website updated quickly. The minutes must be approved before they may be posted publicly.
Mr. Hunt stated that Council has been discussing taking on debt to repave the streets in the Borough. Solicitor Smith stated that that the project has been postponed until 2012 because of issues with the lending institution. Mr. Hunt stated that he is concerned because Council has always been conservative with money, and is considering taking on debt in these hard economic times. Mr. Hunt thinks that the Borough should not take on debt, and wait until the Borough has the money to pay for the work.
Diane McGaughey stated that the Borough received price estimates for the road work in 2008, and in 2010, and the prices have doubled to do the work. The Borough receives a small amount of money from the State to maintain the roads, but it is not enough to do the work that needs to be done. David Waltz stated that there are two roads that need repair and cannot wait any longer. The money received from the State will not cover even 20 feet of road repair. The Borough has to borrow money to repair the roads.
Mr. Hunt stated the roads have been in disrepair for a while, and it is scary thing to take on a large amount of debt, and he is concerned. Mr. Hunt added that, when he worked for the Borough, he wanted to get new stop signs, and could not get them. Last year, all of the stop signs in the Borough were replaced, and no other Borough did that. The Borough is spending money on beautification projects, such as replacing the trees that died that were planted in front of the Borough building.
Roe Morrall, 205 E. Sylvan Ave., introduced Marie Govannicci, who formed a Junior 4th of July Committee. They group had a movie showing at the Triangle Park on September 10. Best Buy worked with the young people, and donated a TV, MP3 player, and a camera. They set up the screen, popcorn machine, and the neighbors helped with electricity. Glenolden Borough loaned the Committee the screen and popcorn machine. The Committee raised $365.87. The youth of the community rose to the occasion. There are 8 volunteers, and any young people 10 years old an up can volunteer for the committee.
Maggie Fleming, Christian Sloat, and Andrea Govannicci were present and their accomplishments were applauded.
Marie Govannicci, 221 E. Sylvan Ave., stated that the children are doing the Junior 4th of July Committee, not their parents. The children are learning how difficult it is to count on people to get things done, and are learning leadership qualities. They did a good job for a first time event.
Kevin Cunningham, 20 Rutledge Ave., stated that there will be a fall softball league. Mr. Cunningham asked permission to use the bathroom at the Community Center on game days. They will be driven to the building at an intermission. If there are rentals, they will use the bathroom that is not part of any rentals.
Tax Collector’s Report: Nothing to report.
Treasurer’s Report: Gennifer Guiliano distributed the Treasurer’s Report for the month of August, 2011.
Code Enforcement Report: Harry Mirra read his report for August 2011:
6 Home inspections 5 passed
4 Correction notices
A tarp was removed from a property
A tree that fell across Sylvan Ave. was removed
Trees blocking the sidewalk were removed
3 Zoning permits – 2 completed
The property at 112 Rutledge Ave. is making settlement on September 16, 2011. The outside of the house is in disarray, and money has to be put in escrow to guarantee that the property will be cleaned up. The new residents will clean up the property after they have moved in. The real estate agent said they would put $500.00 in escrow, and Mr. Mirra would like Council’s opinion on whether this is enough. David Waltz stated that the banks ask for 1 ½ in escrow. Solicitor Smith stated that a conditional Use & Occupancy Permit must be issued; the responsibility falls on the buyer. Mayor Lebold stated that an estimate from a contractor should be submitted. Solicitor Smith stated that there are unpaid sewer and trash bills that must be paid by settlement.
Mayor’s Report: Mayor Greg Lebold read the Police Report for August. There were: 16 Parking Tickets, 14 Calls, 1 Accident, 11 Complaints, 1 Motor Vehicle Citations, and 2 Assist Fire Co.
Mayor Lebold recognized Karl Eilinsfeld for his assistance and work during the hurricane.
Mayor Lebold reminded residents not to put cut grass in the streets because it ends up in the storm sewer system.
1) PennDOT – Master Casting Agreement 2011-2014- agreement that PennDOT will raise any manholes in the streets on which are being repaved. Without the agreement, the manholes would be paved over.
2) Kevin Cunningham, Rutledge Girls’ Club- add 4 softball games in the fall
3) PIRMA – Loss Control review – replace tot swings with full bucket
4) Suburban Waste Services – Recommends that municipalities get tax anticipation loans because they cannot “carry” them until April when taxes are collected.
4th of July: Nothing to report.
Rutledge Girls’ Club- Nothing to report.
Communication: Marlaina Kloepfer reported that she is working on getting the agenda on the website prior to meetings. Ms. Kloepfer is working on user friendly versions of ordinances to be posted on the website. Ms. Kloepfer thanked the block captains of the 4th of July Committee for delivering email information to residents during Hurricane Irene.
Ordinance: Brian Costello reported that Ordinance #436 was advertised in the Delaware County Daily Times. MOTION by Brian Costello, Second by Jack Borsch, to adopt Ordinance 436, an ordinance of the Borough of Rutledge, Delaware County, PA, adopting the most stringent combination of Delaware County Regional Water Quality Control Authority’s (DELCORA’s) standards, rules and regulations as Rutledge Borough’s wastewater control regulations; adopting DELCORA’s western service area local limitations as the local limitations for Rutledge Borough and repealing all ordinances, resolutions and parts thereof which are inconsistent herewith. MOTION approved unanimously. MOTION approved unanimously.
Solicitor Smith stated that the Borough is responsible for all water passing into the sanitary sewer system. DELCORA and DEP will start monitoring more carefully what is going into the system, and there will be penalties for chemicals and other things that are not supposed to be in there. DELCORA will be fined by Federal and Stated government, and will pass those fines onto Rutledge and other member municipalities. The fines are huge- thousands of dollars. Jack Borsch stated that overflows go to Philadelphia Water, and there are fines associated with those overflows. Sump pumps are not allowed to be connected to the sanitary sewer system. Mayor Lebold suggested that the Borough keep a list of houses that have sump pumps. Brian Costello asked for a reader friendly version of the ordinance. Marlaina Kloepfer is composing a summary for Borough residents and to be posted on the Borough website.
Trash : Jack Borsch reported that the current trash contract expires in December, and the Borough has to advertise for bids for the next period. Mr. Borsch suggested that the Borough get bids for Monday trash pickup and Wednesday recycling pickup for 2, 4, and 5 years.
MOTION by Jack Borsch, Second by Kurt Morrison, to advertise for trash bids for 2, 4, and 5 years, to be opened on October 17, 2011, and awarded at the November 7, 2011 Council Meeting. MOTION approved unanimously. Mr. Borsch asked that “all trash cans be returned to their proper places, behind the curb” be added to the contract.
Karl Eilinsfeld suggested that the Borough get a dumpster for the Borough building trash, from rentals. There were three rentals this past weekend, and there were not enough trash cans.
Building: Diane McGaughey reported that the Borough building needs some work. Karl Eilinsfeld has been working on the upstairs air conditioner. Hall rentals are good. Rental fees have increased to $295.00 downstairs/$475.00 upstairs.
Highway: David Waltz reported that the Borough Office will receive bids for street signs. Ms. McGaughey asked about painting lines on the streets at the stop signs. Discussed increasing parking fines- done by resolution.
Sewer: Jack Borsch reported that the DVDs and reports from the video taping of the Borough’s sewer system have been given to Catania Engineering to have the work prioritized, and approximate costs. There are 30 pages of problems, such as cracked pipes and root problems.
Shade Tree Commission: Jack Borsch reported that there will be a meeting on Wednesday, at 7:00 PM. Four varieties of trees are available at bargain prices at the Navy Yard for planting in residents’ yards. Any interested residents need to fill out a form to request trees.
Recreation: Kurt Morrison reported that that two signs were purchased for the Triangle Park regarding rules of the park, including language and trash. The signs are double-walled, and will hang on either side of the backboard, as high as possible. The basketball nets will be put up. Mr. Morrison will help Karl Eilinsfeld, if needed.
The contract to top/trim the cherry trees at the Triangle Park was awarded to J. Jansen, at a cost of $750.00. The work will be completed this week.
Public Safety: Tom Kopp reported the Fire Co. activities for August: 35 Alarms Time in service 40 Hours, 59 Minutes, 9 Drills Time in service 57 Hours, 45 Minutes.
Mr. Kopp met with the administrators of the group home at 1 Sylvan Ave. There are continual false alarms due to a resident smoking in his room rather than outside, which sets off the fire alarm. Mr. Kopp made several suggestions on how to stop the problem. The administrators rejected the ideas, stating that they are trying to train the residents to be individuals and do things on their own. The resident who sets off the alarms is responsible to pay the fines.
The fire company crew was prepared at the station for Hurricane Irene.
There was a ceremony at Rosetree Park on September 11, 2011.
The Horseshoe Tournament will be on Saturday, September 17, 2011. There is room for more teams.
There have been no offers to buy the fire truck that is for sale.
Finance: Diane McGaughey asked Council to provide their financial needs for the 2012 Budget.
Solicitor’s Report: Solicitor Smith reported that new rules regarding Sunshine Act violations have gone into effect. Municipalities are no longer permitted to pay fines; the violators are personally responsible to pay the fees.
Old Business: Jack Borsch stated that the annual fee due the Morton-Rutledge Fire Co. has been paid by Morton Borough, and Rutledge Borough needs to pay its share. MOTION by Jack Borsch, Second by Kurt Morrison, to pay the Morton-Rutledge Fire Co. $5,675.00, Rutledge Borough’s 2011 fee. MOTION approved unanimously. Mr. Borsch stated that the 2012 budget request will remain the same.
David Waltz submitted a sample ordinance regarding bamboo for Council to consider for adoption. The Solicitor will review and tailor to Rutledge Borough’s specifications.
Diane McGaughey asked the Mayor to schedule a date for bicycle registration.
New Business: Diane McGaughey reported that the Delaware County Association of Boroughs is having a meeting on Thursday, 09/29/11, 6:30 PM, at the Yeadon Borough Hall. All are invited to attend.
There will be a presentation on geothermal options for residents on Monday, October 17, 2011, 7:30 PM, at the Rutledge Community Center, 1st floor.
MOTION by Kurt Morrison, Second by Jack Borsch, to approve the PennDOT Master Casting Agreement for 2011-2014. MOTION approved unanimously.
Tom Kopp asked that the Fire Co. be informed of any homes that get solar panels, as they present a different fire fighting hurdle.
Public Comment: None
Bills for September 12, 2011:
MOTION by Brian Costello, Second by Kurt Morrison, to approve payment of the bills for the month from the General Fund in the amount of $11,884.62. MOTION approved unanimously.
MOTION by Brian Costello, Second by Jack Borsch, to approve payment of the bills for the month from the Gas Fund in the amount of $561.50. MOTION approved unanimously.
Since there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:05 PM.
Submitted by:
Gennifer Guiliano