Greg Lebold, Council President, opened the scheduled Borough Council Meeting at 7:30 PM, in the Council Meeting Room, 212 Unity Terrace, Rutledge, PA.
After the salute to the flag, the following Council members answered roll call: Greg Lebold , Tom Kopp, Jack Borsch, Kurt Morrison, and Diane McGaughey
Also present: G. Guy Smith, Esq., Police Chief Brian Craig, Mayor Scott Shields, Jean Lenke, Communication Committee Chair
Not present: Mark King, Thomas Ash
Minutes : MOTION by Jack Borsch, Second by Kurt Morrison, to approve the minutes as submitted for the Council Meeting of September 14, and Work Session of September 28, 2009. MOTION approved unanimously.
Public Comment: Derek Galstian, 111 Morton Ave., stated that Harry Mirra knows how to fix his property. His neighbor’s property is high and water from rain is going on his property and driveway. The neighbors called the police. The water causes dirt on his property. The water comes onto his property from 4 President Ave. The police said that he doesn’t have to fix it. Greg Lebold asked if Mr. Mirra knows the situation. Mr. Galstian said the he does, and that Harry Mirra is a dummy, and is making trouble. Mr. Lebold advised Mr. Galstian that his problem will not be solved tonight. Mr. Lebold will discuss the situation with Mr. Mirra and get back to him. Additional information is needed.
Tax Collector’s Report: Leonard Michael reported that $23.72 was collected in September.
Treasurer’s Report: Gennifer Guiliano distributed the Cash Flow report for the month of September 2009.
Code Enforcement Report: Greg Lebold read Harry Mirra’s report for September.
2 Use & Occupancy Inspections
2 Correction Notices regarding Grass Cuttings
Mayor’s Report: Mayor Scott Shields read the Police Report for September. There were: 4 M.V. Citations, 12 Parking Tickets, 20 Police Calls, 15 Complaints, 2 Assist Ambulance, 1 Assist Fire Co., 1 Missing Person Reported and Cancelled
9/12/09 – Harry Mirra, Swarthmore Police, and the Health Officer inspected 208 Linden Ave. Mayor Shields went back to the property. It is padlocked, and the police have a key, and there is one in the Borough Office. Christine Cianci, daughter of the deceased property owners, is handling the estate and was supposed to secure the property. Mayor Shields stated the he’s not sure if an estate was setup. Guy Smith stated that, if an estate has not been raised, the padlock keys can’t be turned over to Christine Cianci. The police can escort her and allow her a certain amount of time to go through the property. We don’t know all of the people who are involved with the estate, besides Ms. Cianci.
9/13/09 – 100 block of President Ave. – 2 subjects yelling
9/19/09 – 100 block of Swarthmore Ave. – dog barking
Mayor Shields reported that Rutledge Borough will have a meeting with Morton Borough Council to discuss the Fire Co. merger and the financial responsibility of each Borough.
The Mayor received an email that the beermeister on the 2nd floor is not working, and he gave the name of a repairman to the Secretary.
Mayor Shields commended Jean Lenke for a nice job on the Borough Newsletter. Jean Lenke asked for volunteers to fold the newsletters.
Chief Brian Craig stated that there were 2 reports of solicitation in the Borough- a missionary organization, and a company selling gutter cleaning. The police asked for identification based on complaints, but they are unable to stop the solicitations, per Federal Law. Chief Craig also reported that they had a call regarding a resident crossing another resident’s property and building up dirt so that water would not go on his property. The man was told that he can’t trespass. Chief Craig can provide a police report of the incident. Solicitor Guy Smith stated that Mr. Galstian has a private property issue with his neighbor, and was trying to get the Borough to take his side. The Borough can’t take a position for either homeowner.
1) Comcast- 2 new HD channels beginning on 09/25/09 – NFL Red Zone 861 Sports Entertainment Package, The Comcast Network 856 Expanded Basic Level of Service. Channels to be removed 11/05/09: 960,961,962,963
4th of July: Nothing to report
Communication: Nothing to report
Ordinance/Trash: Greg Lebold reported that bids for the 2010 trash contract were opened at the Work Session. No action will be taken tonight because a discussion of the various options needs to take place. The contract will be awarded at the October 26, 2009 Work Session.
Building: Nothing to report
Sewer- Nothing to report
Shade Tree Commission: Jack Borsch reported that they are waiting for a date to plant the 11 cherry trees on Sylvan Ave.
Highway: Nothing to report
Recreation: Kurt Morrison reported that he has received 3 revised proposals for fencing of the rain garden at the Triangle Park, and is waiting for a 4th proposal from the lowest bidder. The current lowest bid is $2,400.00 for a fence between the rain garden and basketball court. The fence will be installed this year with grant money. The informational sign will go in after the fence is installed.
Public Safety: Tom Kopp reported that there were: 25 alarms, with time in service of 17 hours, 47 minutes, and 2 drills with time in service of 4 hours, 15 minutes, in September 2009.
Manpower response – Full Compliment- 21, Undermanned – 4
There was 1 local alarm in the 100 block of Linden Ave.
After 1 month of being in Morton, there were 31 calls.
Amvets in Morton invited the Fire Co. to its installation of officers ceremony, and presented the Fire Co. with a 3′ X 5′ American flag, and recognized the contributions to the community.
There is a swine flu seminar in Chicago. No one from the Fire Co. will attend.
The Horseshoe Tournament had 16 teams instead of 32, like last year
The Annual fund Drive is down $4,000.00 from last year.
Engine 13-1 was inspected.
Finance – Nothing to report.
Solicitor’s Report – Nothing to report
Old Business: Diane McGaughey reported that the cost of producing the Borough Newsletter needs to be discussed. It takes a lot of time to prepare for mailing because the Post Office now requires it be taped on three sides. The Communications Committee might want to look into having it online.
The Delaware County Association of Boroughs is having a meeting on October 28, at 10:00 AM at the Yeadon Borough Office. A representative from the Philadelphia Gang Strike Force will give a 3-4 hour presentation.
On Tuesday, October 27, 2009, there will be a covered dish dinner and meeting of the Environmental Action Committee in Rutledge’s 1st floor meeting room at 6:30 PM.
New Business: None
Public Comment: Michelle Senior, 100 Rutledge Ave., reported that there are squirrels on the 2nd floor of the Community Center. 2 have been caught, but there are more. Ms. Senior has seen squirrels going up the rain spout and onto the roof and in the vents on the roof. Jack Borsch stated that the vents are open. The vents need to be looked at immediately to prevent more animals from getting in.
Bills for October 5, 2009:
MOTION by Diane McGaughey, Second by Jack Borsch, to approve payment of the bills for the month from the General Fund in the amount of $40,542.87. MOTON approved unanimously.
MOTION by Diane McGaughey, Second by Jack Borsch, to approve payment of the bills for the month from the Gas Fund in the amount of $76.95. MOTION approved unanimously.
MOTION by Diane McGauhgey, Second by Jack Borsch, to approve payment of the bills for the month from the Grant Fund in the amount of $3,690.62. MOTION approved unanimously.
Since there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:14 PM.
Submitted by:
Gennifer Guiliano