M. Diane McGaughey, Council President, opened the scheduled Borough Council Meeting at 7:30 PM, in the Council Meeting Room, 212 Unity Terrace, Rutledge, PA.
After the salute to the flag, the following Council members answered roll call: Tom Kopp, Diane McGaughey, Brian Costello, Jack Borsch and David Waltz
Also present: Mayor Gregory C. Lebold, G. Guy Smith, Esq., Police Chief Brian Craig, Marlaina Geffers, candidate for Council
Nor Present: Kurt Morrison
Minutes: MOTION by Brian Costello, Second by Jack Borsch, to approve the minutes as submitted for the Work Session of April 25, 2011. MOTION approved unanimously. 2011. MOTION by Brian Costello, Second by Jack Borsch, to approve the minutes from the April 4, 2011 Council Meeting. MOTION approved unanimously.
Council President Diane McGaughey read Resolution 2011-05-01, that appoints Marlaina Geffers as Council Member, to fill the vacancy created by Gregory Lebold’s resignation as Council Member. MOTION by Brian Costello, Second by Jack Borsch, to approve Resolution 2011-05-01, appointing Marlaina Geffers as Council member. MOTION approved unanimously.
Public Comment: Jean Lenke, 5 Sylvan Ave., stated that she had submitted a letter regarding the condition of 1 Sylvan Ave. and its property maintenance issues. Ms. McGaughey stated that Council has received copies and the letter was discussed at the Work Session. The issues have been referred to the Solicitor, and he is working on them.
Karl Eilinsfeld, 223 Linden Ave., stated the sale ads thrown on residents’ properties should be considered litter, and not be allowed in the Borough. Solicitor Smith stated that it is protected under the 1st amendment, and contains information that is considered free speech. It is difficult to stop delivery because the papers contain information that is of interest to residents.
Robert Yohanan, 12 Sylvan Ave., asked if the cause of the fire at 17 President Ave. has been determined, so that other homeowners can learn something and prevent fires from occurring in their homes. Fire Marshall Tom Kopp stated that the cause is undetermined right now, and he will discuss it during his report.
Marjorie Hatzell, 137 President Ave. stated that she has an autistic 8 year old son who constantly escapes from their fenced property. Neighbors bring him home when they see him. Ms. Hatzell would like to know if something can be done. There is a tracking system available, similar to low-jack, but it is not available in Delaware County. Ms. Hatzell has alarms and locks on her property, but her son continues to get out. He is attracted to water and likes pools. She would like to give information to the Police and Fire Co. in case they see her son outside. Solicitor Smith stated that Ms. Hatzell should contact Jack Whelan of the County who has an outreach program that might be able to help. Diane McGaughey stated that Ms. Hatzell should contact State Representative Joe Hackett’s office on MacDade Blvd. Jean Lenke stated that if Ms. Hatzell would provide a flyer with her child’s identity and contact information, she would have the flyers distributed.
Tax Collector’s Report: Thomas Heron reported that the $295,808.95 has been collected as of April 25, 2011.
Treasurer’s Report: Gennifer Guiliano distributed the Treasurer’s Report for the month of April 2011.
Code Enforcement Report: Harry Mirra read his report for April.
48 Apartment Inspections
1 Pickup truck with expired tags
Notified homes with debris on properties
Spoke with property owner who is building a 2nd shed
Homeowner cut down tree and left parts on the curb
Rutledge Ave. addition- has been worked on for a number of years- will be completed in 3 months
Mr. Mirra inspected the house with a chicken coup. The Borough’s ordinance allows four or fewer animals, as long as the area is kept clean and neat.
Mr. Mirra has been checking 1 Sylvan Ave. twice a week. Solicitor Smith stated that the owners will be contacted to discuss the issues. Ms. Lenke stated that her husband does daily maintenance on the property.
Mayor’s Report: Mayor Greg Lebold read the Police Report for April. There were: 17 Parking Tickets, 1 Motor Vehicle Citation, 1 Assist Fire Co.
4/1 Vehicle wrapped in cellophane
4/2 Hit & run – mirror knocked off a truck
Barking dogs on President Ave.
4/11 A girl found a plastic bag full of syringes and bottles of insulin. The police were called.
4/13 Vehicle driven on a property and left ruts in the grass
4/18 Assist Fire Co. – Fire on President Ave.
Criminal mischief at Triangle Park
Police Chief Brian Craig advised residents to call 911 if they see any suspicious packages/items on the ground, and not to pick them up. Also, Chief Craig asked residents to call 911 if they see a delivery made to a house, and then a person who comes and picks up the package (not the resident). Criminals have had packages containing illegal substances delivered in this manner.
1) Marc & Jean Lenke, 9 Sylvan Ave. – Complaint about property maintenance issues at 1 Sylvan Ave.
2) G. Guiliano- Thank you for the fruit basket
3) Anonymous- Complaint about chickens at 12 Rutledge Ave.
4th of July: Nothing to report.
Rutledge Girls’ Club- Kevin Cunningham reported that there are 4 softball teams, 50 girls, this year. The season will last until the 1st week of July. There will be a parade through Rutledge for any team that goes to the finals.
The port-a-potty was replaced and reinforced with wires. There was an opening day ceremony on April 25. A moment of silence was observed in honor of C. Scott Shields. Joe Flynn of Wallingford was made an honorary citizen of Rutledge. Bob hunt threw the 1st pitch. Mr. Cunningham asked residents to come to a game.
Communication: Nothing to report.
Ordinance: Brian Costello reported that he had a meeting with the Zoning Hearing Board regarding rewriting some of the borough’s ordinances.
Trash: Nothing to report.
Building: Nothing to report.
Sewer: Jack Borsch reported that the Borough’s entire sewer system has been flushed, televised, and root cut so the camera could get through. Tree roots are clogging the system, and residents will have to remove some trees. The contractor will send a report of needed repairs. The sewer mains run through the rear of the properties, and the Borough has a 10 feet right of way- 5 feet on either side of the sewer mains. No fences or plants should be placed in the right of way. Anything that runs from the house to the sewer main is the homeowners’ responsibility. Two missing manholes were found underground.
The sewer flows are being metered, and the amount of water running through the system is above average on rainy days. Mr. Borsch asked residents to get turtle (rounded) tops for their sewer vents to prevent water from getting into the system. Sump pumps connected to the sanitary sewer system are not allowed. The Borough has no legal right to go into a property to look for illegal sump pumps. They are looked for during a Use and Occupancy inspection when the house is for sale.
Shade Tree Commission: Jack Borsch reported that there was a Tree Tenders Training class in April at the Borough. A bare root tree was planted at Unity Terrace and Rutledge Ave.
The evergreen tree that was removed from the front of the Community Center will be replaced, in a different location. It will be done before the tree lighting ceremony at Christmas. More trees may be planted in the Borough in the fall.
Diane McGaughey stated that the Tree Committee needs volunteers to attend the meetings and help the Committee.
Highway: David Waltz reported that the potholes are being repaired. He has contacted the Engineer to pick out streets to be paved. Waverly Terrace between Rutledge & Sylvan Aves. and Unity Terrace between Rutledge and Sylvan Aves. need to be repaved, and there may be one more block. The Borough is going to borrow $54,000.00 to pay for the repairs. Mr. Waltz is trying to get money from the County to repair Swarthmore Ave.
Mr. Waltz reported that the State has mandated that all street signs be replaced within seven years. The street name signs will be done last because the State is deciding whether to have all capital letters or the 1st letter capitalized.
Diane McGaughey stated that when things like this occur, they are mandated by the State, and the Borough has no control over it. The State does not provide funds to do the work- that is why there is a constant increase in taxes.
Recreation : Diane McGaughey reported that there have been beer bottles and debris at the Triangle Park. The port-a-potty was put on its side and there is a lot of trash at the basketball courts. The Borough has one employee to clean the whole Borough. This behavior shows a lack of respect for the Borough. Ms. McGaughey urged residents to call 911 if they see any bad behavior at the Triangle Park.
Kurt Morrison is working on getting electrical service at the Triangle Park.
Public Safety: Tom Kopp reported that there has been no change in the fire truck sale. Mr. Kopp reported the Fire Co. activities for April: 6 Fire Alarms – time in service 6 Hours, 24 Minutes. Drills – 6 – time in service 13 hours, 15 minutes.
There was a fire at 17 President Ave. Smoke and flames were through the roof of the 3rd floor. The owner saw flames framing the vanity on the 2nd floor. There appears to have been an electrical fire with a preburn in the basement, and it traveled up the walls to the attic. The fire was kept to the 3rd floor, and there was water damage to the 1st and 2nd floors. The homeowners evacuated the house and no one was hurt. The older houses in the Borough are balloon construction; there are no types of fire stops in the walls from the basement to the attic.
Jack Borsch stated that residents must have working smoke detectors- one on each level and one in each bedroom.
Finance: Diane McGaughey thanked residents for paying their taxes in a timely matter. She hopes that 2011 will not be like 2010 where 28 residents did not pay their taxes.
Solicitor’s Report: Nothing to report.
Old Business : Solicitor Guy Smith sent a letter to the new owner of 208 Linden Ave., and will send a follow up letter this week.
Greg Lebold stated that a house on Rutledge Ave. has property maintenance issues, and its condition impacts the property values of homes in the area.
Diane McGaughey reported that there are nine houses for sale in the Borough. The Borough has three things to sell: it’s small, security, and the school district.
New Business: Diane McGaughey stated that the office lease with CDCA expires in September, and CDCA has stated that it wants to exercise the 5-year option to renew the lease. Ms. McGaughey read Resolution 2011-05-02, a resolution that authorizes the President of Council to enter into a lease agreement with CDCA for five years. MOTION by Brian Costello, Second by Jack Borsch, to approve Resolution 2011-05-02 that authorizes the President of Council to enter into a lease agreement with CDCA for five years. MOTION approved unanimously.
Public Comment: None
Bills for May 2, 2011:
MOTION by Jack Borsch, Second by Brian Costello, to approve payment of the bills for the month from the General Fund in the amount of $13,042.07. David Waltz asked who Chili’s Inspection Service is – 3rd party inspector. MOTION approved unanimously.
MOTION by Jack Borsch, Second by Brian Costello, to approve payment of the bills for the month from the Gas Fund in the amount of $667.65. MOTION approved unanimously.
Since there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:37 PM.
Submitted by:
Gennifer Guiliano