Rutledge Borough Council Meeting, March 5, 2012

M. Diane McGaughey, Council President, opened the scheduled Borough Council Meeting at 7:30 PM, in the Council Meeting Room, 212 Unity Terrace, Rutledge, PA.
After the salute to the flag, the following Council members answered roll call: M. Diane McGaughey, Brian Costello, Marlaina Kloepfer, Daniel Werner, Tom Kopp and David Waltz.
Also present: Mayor Gregory C. Lebold, G. Guy Smith, Esq., Police Chief Brian Craig
Not present: Marie Govannicci

Minutes: MOTION by Brian Costello, Second by David Waltz, to approve the minutes as submitted for the Council Meeting of February 6, 2012. MOTION approved unanimously.
MOTION by Brian Costello, Second by Marlaina Kloepfer, to approve the minutes as submitted for the Work Session of February 27, 2012. MOTION approved unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report: Gennifer Guiliano distributed the Treasurer’s Report for the month of February, 2012.

1) Comcast – Starting 03/21/2012, Comcast customers will have the option of purchasing Triple Play Protection, which provides protection for computers, flat-panel televisions and home phones under one warranty for $19.95 per month.
2) John Heinz Wildlife Refuge- 1st Annual Region 3 Compliance Conference, May 8-10,2012, Philadelphia, PA
3) PA State Association of Boroughs – Annual conference & Exhibition, April 29-May 2, 2012, Seven Springs Mountain Resort
4) Delaware County Planning Department – 2012 Municipal Officials Directory

Tax Collector’s Report: Thomas Heron stated that he filed a report of 2011 delinquent real estate taxes with the County. Eight properties are delinquent with a face value of $3,541.87, and penalties of $354.28.

Public Comment: Dale Beckett, 15 Linden Ave., stated that the Springfield Garden Apartments, 144 S. Morton Ave., installed security lights that shine on his and his neighbors’ properties, all night. Mayor Lebold will talk with the Mayor of Morton Borough to see if the lights can be adjusted.

Code Enforcement Report: Harry Mirra read his report for February 2012:
4 Use & Occupancy Sales -2 Passed & 2 Failed
3 Correction Notices
1 Zoning Permit – Not completed

Mayor’s Report: Mayor Greg Lebold read the police report for February 2012.
2 Motor Vehicle Citations, 1 Accident, 7 Police Calls, 3 Complaints, and 4 Assist Ambulance

There was a piece in the Daily Times Soundoff stating that parking tickets are not issued to overnight parked cars on Linden Ave. Mayor Lebold spoke with Chief Brian Craig about the issue.

The ban on texting while driving goes into effect on March 7, 2012. Chief Brian Craig stated that the State Police will have a conference on how to enforce the law.
Residents are asked to lock their cars.

4th of July: Nothing to report.

Rutledge Girls’ Club- Nothing to report.

Communication: Marlaina Kloepfer asked that any information to be posted on the Borough’s Facebook page or Listserve be forwarded to her.
Ordinance: Brian Costello reported that he is attending a seminar on Zoning at West Chester University. It is informative but very complex.

Trash: Nothing to report.

Building: Nothing to report.

Highway: David Waltz stated that he is working with the Engineer on an application with the PA Infrastructure Bank for a low-interest $125,000.00 loan for road repairs. The estimate to repair Swarthmore Ave. from Melrose Terrace to Waverly Terrace is $50,000.00.
The contractor who filled in three potholes on Unity Terrace will do a free survey of temporary pothole repairs that could be done throughout the Borough.
Street signs are needed for the intersection of Linden Ave. & Waverly Terrace.

MOTION by David Waltz, Second by Tom Kopp, to apply for County Aid for road repairs for 2012 in the amount of $1,485.00. MOTION approved unanimously.

Sewer: Daniel Werner reported that he submitted a rough draft of a report to address sewer and trash issues. When finalized, the report will be delivered to residents.

Shade Tree Commission: Nothing to report.

Recreation: Nothing to report.

Public Safety: Tom Kopp reported the activities for the Morton-Rutledge Fire Co. for February.
16 Calls Time in Service 11 Hours 6 Minutes
Borough Council is invited to the Morton-Rutledge Fire Co.’s banquet on Friday, March 23.

Finance: Brian Costello thanked the Treasurer for the December 2011 Income and Expense Report.

Property/Borough Building: Diane McGaughey reported that the Borough received an energy reduction grant distributed by Delaware County Council in the amount of $14,210.00. Interior and exterior light fixtures will be replaced with energy efficient fixtures.
Two signs on the Borough building were repainted and will be installed this month.

Solicitor’s Report: The trash contract was given to the Secretary to be signed.

Old Business: Nothing to report.

New Business: Nothing to report

Public Comment: Kevin Cunningham, 20 Rutledge Ave., Rutledge Girls’ Club, thanked Council for the Diamondtek dirt for the infield at the Triangle Park. There will be 3 teams of 38 girls. On March 27, 2012, Zaq’s Hamburgers, from 5PM to 8PM, will donate 10% of sales to the Rutledge Girls’ Club.

Bills for March 5, 2011:

MOTION by Brian Costello, Second by Tom Kopp, to approve payment of the bills for the month from the General Fund in the amount of $6,708.48. MOTION approved unanimously.

MOTION by Brian Costello, Second by Daniel Werner, to approve payment of the bills for the month from the Gas Fund in the amount of $1,741.58. MOTION approved unanimously.

Since there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:04 PM.

Submitted by:
Gennifer Guiliano



