Greg Lebold, Council President, opened the scheduled Borough Council Meeting at 7:30 PM, in the Council Meeting Room, 212 Unity Terrace, Rutledge, PA.
After the salute to the flag, the following Council members answered roll call: Greg Lebold, Tom Kopp, Thomas Ash, Jack Borsch, Diane McGaughey and Kurt Morrison.
Also present: G. Guy Smith, Esq.
Not Present: Mark King, Scott Shields
Minutes: MOTION by Tom Kopp, Second by Jack Borsch, to approve the minutes as submitted for the Council Meeting of February 2 and Work Session of February 23, 2009. MOTION approved unanimously with noted changes.
Public Comment: Bob Hunt, 209 Linden Ave., reported that the Girls’ Club Softball Team has expanded to 4 teams. A port-a potty will be delivered to the Triangle Park on March 20. The season starts this Saturday. There will be a park cleanup on Saturday, March 21, and March 28 from 10AM to 12PM. The teams and coaches have been informed. The fence needs some attention to close up the holes. Greg Lebold asked Mr. Hunt to price some of the tools/supplies needed for repairs so the issue can be discussed at the March 23 Work Session.
Tax Collector’s Report: Leonard Michael reported that $23,088.02 was collected in February.
Treasurer’s Report – Gennifer Guiliano distributed the Cash Flow report for the month of February 2009.
Code Enforcement/Building Inspector Reports – Greg Lebold read Harry Mirra’s report for February 2009:
Five non-traffic citations were issued. Three citations were corrected, and two are pending property maintenance issues.
Spring is coming -please clean up properties. Citations will be issued for the following violations:
House numbers not visible from the street
Tree branches lower than 8 feet above sidewalks
Grass over 6 inches
Abandoned vehicles on properties
Debris on property
Mayor’s Report – Not present
1)Commonwealth of PA – $6,500 grant from Bryan Lentz
2) RCN- Exercises the option permitted by the cable franchise agreement to extend the franchise term for an additional five years. The franchise will extend to 07/12/2014.
3) Delaware County Planning Dept. – National Heritage Inventory for Delaware County – The NHI and related GIS data layer will replace the Delaware County Natural Areas Inventory prepared in 1992. Meeting to discuss on Wednesday, March 25, 7:00 PM, Springfield Township Municipal Building.
4) Delaware County Transportation Management Association – Conference and Trade Show, Friday, March 27, 8AM – 2 PM, Drexelbrook Corporate Events Center
5) Delaware County Fair Housing Task Force – Meeting, Friday, March 27, 9:30 AM -11:30 AM, Smedley Park Environmental Center, Baltimore Pike, Springfield- Agency Updates
6) Delaware County Local Boards of Health Association Meeting, Thursday, March 26, 10:00 AM, Radnor Township Municipal Building, Wayne, PA
Committee Reports:
4th of July: Trina Coppick reported that the Pot Luck Dinner was not very well attended, and requested that Council attend. The committee is in the process of forming bylaws. The Easter egg hunt will be two weeks before Easter.
Communication– Jean Lenke reported that the Borough website is up and running, and she is trying to publicize it. She will prepare a notice for the outside bulletin board. Ms. Lenke will try to get things posted on the website within 2 days. There will be a meeting at the end of the month to wrap up the technical aspects. Ms. Lenke thanked Roman, Gabe, Max and Anthony, who helped distribute fliers for the welcoming ceremony for Andrew Lebold on Tuesday, March 17.
Greg Lebold thanked Ms. Lenke for all of the hard work she has been doing.
Ordinance/ Trash – Nothing to report
Building – Nothing to report.
Sewer– Jack Borsch reported that General Sewer Services cameraed the Borough’s sewer mains in 2000, and will do so every 10 years. Mr. Borsch stated that a letter was sent to the homeowner at 114 President Ave. to have an elm tree that is on the Borough’s sewer line removed.
Shade Tree Commission– Mr. Borsch reported that a 28 page grant was prepared by member Elizabeth Swenson. There will be a Flea Market/Craft Fair on March 28 at the Community Center.
Mr. Borsch stated that former Mayor Paul Mecouch’s wife passed away. MOTION by Jack Borsch, Second by Tom Kopp, to send flowers to the Mecouch family. MOTION approved unanimously.
Highway – Greg Lebold reported that Bob Hunt has been hired for the highwayman position. Diane McGaughey thanked residents for removing their cars from the streets so that they could be plowed during the last snowstorm.
Ms. McGaughey stated that the Borough received a $5,000 grant from Senator Erikcson for curbing at the Triangle Park, and a $6,500 grant from Representative Bryan Lentz for plantings outside the fence at the Triangle Park.
Recreation – Kurt Morrison stated that he met with the new highwayman, Bob Hunt, and Mr. Hunt has some great ideas. Mr. Hunt cleaned up the curbs which had accumulated a large amount of debris.
There will be a park cleanup this Saturday. The softball teams are still accepting players; contact Bob Hunt for information.
Public Safety – Tom Kopp reported that there were: 15 alarms, with time in service 8 hours, 53 minutes and 3 drills with time in service 6 hours, 50 minutes in February 2009.
There was a CO2 detector call on 2/19/09 at 104 President Ave.
RFC History – The December, 1962 monthly company meeting reported on 5 fire calls. The chief reported there was an oil burner, trash, field, kitchen fire and a laundramat fire. Chief King also reported we had some fire gear that was in need of repairs. The station was getting ready for Santa’s ride through the Borough, starting on Swarthmore Ave.
Mr. Kopp reported that 4 bids were received for new hoses and equipment, and will be opened at tonight’s Fire Co. Meeting. Swarthmore is to get information ands prices for a new defibrillator.
Mr. Kopp reported that a contractor has been using tactics to get homeowners whose houses are on fire to sign contracts for restoration of the property. The sales agents have scanners in their vehicles, and appear at fire sites and get the homeowners to sign contracts at a time of stress, when they haven’t clearly thought about what documents they are signing. Brookhaven Police have intervened on many occasions. According to the National Fire Code, the sales agents can be arrested. Guy Smith requested that the Fire Co. keep Council and the Mayor updated on the situation.
Greg Lebold reported that the Fire Co. sent a letter to Borough Council in thanks of the $400 per month donation. It is used toward the loan payment of the Pierce Pumper.
Finance – Nothing to report.
Solicitor’s Report: Nothing to report.
Old Business : Greg Lebold stated that a candidate had been hired for the highwayman position. MOTION by Jack Borsch, Second by Kurt Morrison, to appoint Robert S. Hunt to the position of Highwayman, at $15.00 per hour, 20 hours per week. MOTION approved unanimously.
Kurt Morrison reported that bids were received in the fall for the Rain Garden Project at the Triangle Park. The lowest bid was $27,000, so all of the bids were rejected because the prices were too high. The project was rebid, and the low bid this time was JJD Contracting, $17,537.50. The funding allotment is $20,000.00 MOTION by Kurt Morrison, Second by Diane McGaughey, to award the Triangle Park Rain Garden Project to the low bidder, JJD Contracting, and a cost of $17,537.50. MOTION approved unanimously.
New Business: Rutledge needs to appoint a representative to the Council on Government (COG) MOTION by Jack Borsch, Second by Kurt Morrison, to appoint Diane McGaughey as Rutledge’s representative to Council on Government. MOTION approved unanimously.
Diane McGaughey stated that she is trying to get information on the economic stimulus package.
Ms. McGaughey has contacted several banks regarding loans for road repairs, but has not had any responses.
Guy Smith reported that the task force is trying to get Nether Providence Township to sign the Multi-Municipal Comprehensive Plan so that the members can apply to the State for grants.
Jack Borsch reported that Diane McGaughey stated she can no longer attend the Fire Co. Tri-Borough Task Force meetings due to her many other commitments. MOTION by Jack Borsch, Second by Kurt Morrison, to appoint Greg Lebold as the Borough Council representative to the Fire Co. Tri-Borough Task Force. MOTION approved with a majority vote. (Greg Lebold abstained).
Public Comment: None
Bills for March 16, 2009:
MOTION by Diane McGaughey, Second by Jack Borcsh, to approve payment of the bills for the month from the General Fund in the amount of $17,751.04. MOTION approved unanimously.
MOTION by Diane McGaughey, Second by Tom Kopp, to approve payment of the bills for the month from the Gas Fund in the amount of $2,540.84. MOTION approved unanimously.
MOTION by Diane McGaughey, Second by Thomas Ash, to approve payment of the bills for the month from the Sewer Fund in the amount of $3,353.00. MOTION approved unanimously.
Since there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:19 PM
Submitted by:
Gennifer Guiliano
Borough Secretary