Greg Lebold, Council President, opened the scheduled Borough Council Meeting at 7:30 PM, in the Council Meeting Room, 212 Unity Terrace, Rutledge, PA.
After the salute to the flag, the following Council members answered roll call: Greg Lebold, Tom Kopp, Jack Borsch, Diane McGaughey, Thomas Ash and Kurt Morrison.
Also present: Mayor Scott Shields, Police Chief Brian Craig, G. Guy Smith, Esq., Ed McGaughey, Manager
Not Present: Mark King
Announcements: Girl Scout Troop 5860 made a presentation to Council of ideas to paint the benches and tables at Triangle Park. They will paint various themes, such as: We the People, Garden of Flowers, Cozy Green Couch, Face, Speaking Tables, Game Table. All will be painted using lead-free paint. They will not paint the small table that was donated.
Kurt Morrison thanked the Girl Scouts for all of the work they did cleaning up the park.
MOTION by Diane McGaughey, Second by Kurt Morrison, to recognize Girl Scout Troop 5860 for all of the improvements it has done at the Triangle Park, and to authorize the painting of the tables and benches at the park. MOTION approved unanimously.
Minutes: MOTION by Jack Borsch, Second by Kurt Morrison, to approve the minutes as submitted for the Council Meeting of May 5, 2008, and Work Session of May 19 2008. MOTION approved unanimously.
Public Comment: Rita Cramer, 106 Rutledge Ave., stated that her neighbor’s air compressor goes off day and night, sometimes at 2:00 AM. She spoke with the neighbor, who said that he would turn it off, but he hasn’t. Greg Lebold advised Mrs. Cramer to call 911. Mrs. Cramer stated that she had, and the police walked up and down the driveway with a flashlight, and then left. Mrs. Cramer might have to sell her house because her husband is sick, and her neighbor’s yard is in bad condition, with machinery and debris all over. It might prevent her from selling her house. Mr. Lebold stated that the matter would be referred to Harry Mirra.
Kathy Myers, 210 President Ave. stated that the grass at 214 President Ave. was not cut for 4 weeks, and was up to her thighs. The lawn was cut on June 1.
Tax Collector’s Report: Leonard Michael reported that $9,298.85 was collected in May, and May 31st was the end of the face period. A check that was returned for non-sufficient funds was paid.
Treasurer’s Report – Gennifer Guiliano distributed the Cash Flow report for the month of May 2008.
Code Enforcement/Building Inspector Reports – Harry Mirra read his report for the month of May 2008:
6 Inspections – 2 Passed, 3 Failed
11 Correction Notices – 5 Corrected, 6 working on
6 Active Building Permits
Mr. Mirra stated that people have said that nothing is done in the Borough regarding property maintenance notices. Since the 3 children were found dead in a car trunk in Camden, 36 abandoned cars have been removed from the Borough. Mr. Mirra asked residents to call the office if they see any abandoned cars.
14 letters were sent to homeowners to raise wood piles off of the ground to prevent rats from nesting.
Notices were sent to 5 homes with swimming pools with stagnant water. Any buckets of water should be turned over to prevent mosquitoes/West Nile Virus.
Removal of debris has been an ongoing issue, and notices are sent.
Letters are also sent for low-hanging braches over sidewalks, and high grass. Six houses had to have house numbers put up for the police and fire company.
Notices are also sent regarding ice and snow removal.
Michelle Senior, 100 Rutledge Ave., stated that her neighbor has landscaping equipment in his yard, and appears to be running a business from his home. Greg Lebold stated that the issue was pursued legally, and was not upheld by the District Court, and Rutledge lost the case. Harry Mirra can only view the property from the Borough’s right of way, unless permission is granted from the homeowner to go on the property. Ms. Senior stated that Council needs to let residents know these things, because they get frustrated because they think nothing is getting done.
Mr. Lebold stated that he has met with Harry Mirra several times to discuss the concerns of Council regarding property maintenance. Mr. Mirra sends correction notices, and some residents ignore them. The Borough has to follow the procedures of the law in getting the residents to comply. Several are referred to the Solicitor.
Mayor’s Report – Scott Shields read the police report for May, 2008. 15 motor vehicle citations, 31 parking tickets, 21 police calls, 4 complaints, 1 assist to ambulance, and 6 assist ambulance.
There was a DUI stop on May 3, on Morton Ave. & Sylvan Ave.
Cars have been broken into in driveways and on the streets because they were left unlocked. Mayor Shields asked residents to call 911 if they see kids wandering the neighborhood at night.
Mayor Shields stated that enforcement action was taken regarding the resident on Rutledge Ave. who is running a landscaping business at his home. Neighbors came to his defense and said that he was a great neighbor and was not running a business from his home, and the District Justice threw out the case.
Mr. Shields stated that he is concerned about the new fire truck and its financing and public funds being used the way they are.
1) Health Officer’s report of investigation of rat complaint on Rutledge Ave. The investigation found no evidence of a rat infestation.
Committee Reports:
Ordinance/ Trash – Nothing to report
Building – The Borough has hired an outside company to do building inspections per the UCC requirements.
Sewer– Jack Borsch reported that Cuzzins completed two repairs: 10 feet main behind 4 President Ave. had a sinkhole, and 101 President Ave. had its lateral going through the Borough’s sewer main.
Highway – Thomas Ash reported that he has gotten complaints about the condition of some of the stop signs in the Borough. They need to be replaced with high-intensity signs.
Ron Powell is not able to repair some of the potholes in the streets because the material won’t stay in. Mr. Ash asked residents to clean the debris from the curbs so that it doesn’t get into the storm sewers.
Recreation – Nothing to report.
Public Safety – Tom Kopp read the Rutledge Fire Company’s April and May 2008 Reports. There were: 15 fire calls with time in service of 6 hours and 27 minutes, and 5 drills with time in service of 15 hours and 28 minutes, and 20 calls with time in service of 6 hours and 26 minutes, and 4 drills with time in service of 11 hours and 47 minutes.. There was 1 local alarm.
The Fire Co. is having a fundraiser- 8X10 portrait for $9.95. The Fire Co. will get $5.00 for each sold. They will be here on July 12. There will be a signup sheet at the 4th of July celebration.
Mr. Kopp reported that the hazardous analysis should come back soon from Harrisburg.
The training of the three fire companies is ongoing; they have started the propane awareness program.
The 2008 fund drive is ongoing, and Mr. Kopp asked residents to support the Fire Co.
Mr. Kopp reported that metal thefts have escalated in communities; hydrants, hose connectors, water meters and backflow preventors have been stolen, and asked residents to call 911 if they see anyone suspicious.
Finance – Diane McGaughey stated that she would like to reverse the negativity of the things that have to be done to get residents to comply with property maintenance issues. She would like the 4th July Committee and the Mayor to form a committee to recognize houses that have improved in appearance, and recognize the homeowners at the July 4th ceremony.
Ms. McGaughey commented that she received a report from the Tri-Boro Committee Meeting that was well developed and referenced other fire companies that had gone through the consolidation process, and explained what went well and what didn’t. Financial reports should be received from all three companies by the next meeting.
The Community Yard Sale will be on Saturday, September 6.
Ms. McGaughey asked Council Members to look at the budget and decide what the financial needs will be for next year.
Solicitor’s Report: Guy Smith reported that the Northwest Human Services tax appeal is closer to going to court. The school district has conceded the position on record that it is tax exempt.
A letter was sent to the Estate of Dr. Devinney regarding property maintenance issues. The Borough’s goal is to get more uniformity in the way it enforces property maintenance. Everyone’ property must be addressed in the same manner so that it will make it easier to maintain a higher standard.
Mr. Smith will look into the residence that is running a business.
Old Business : Nothing to report.
New Business:
Kurt Morrison reported that there have been landscapers in town working at 9:00 AM on Sunday morning. Diane McGaughey stated that workers were using a jackhammer at 8:00 AM on the weekend. Guy Smith stated that the Borough can regulate business hours and the kind of businesses and start times. A noise regulation would require equipment to determine noise levels; we don’t want to have regulations that we are unable to enforce.
Public Comment: Kathy Myers, 210 President Ave., stated that the Girl Scouts had a great presentation, and she will donate money to buy lunch or water ice while the girls are doing the work. Ms. Myers stated that her daughter has painted house numbers on curbs for residents in the past, and she would help any volunteers, starting in July, to paint house numbers.
Police Chief Brian Craig stated that there have been a number of metal thefts, and asked that residents call 911 immediately if they see anyone removing things from properties, even if the trucks look official. There a lot of scams going on.
Bills for June 2, 2008:
MOTION by Thomas Ash, Second by Diane McGaughey, to approve payment of the bills for the month from the General Fund in the amount of $31,501.37. MOTION approved unanimously.
MOTION by Thomas Ash, Second by Diane McGaughey, to approve payment of the bills for the month from the Gas Fund in the amount of $1,022.94. MOTION approved unanimously.
MOTION by Thomas Ash, Second by Diane McGaughey, to approve payment of the bills for the month from the Sewer Fund in the amount of $439.75. MOTION approved unanimously.
Harry Mirra announced that AMVETS in Morton is sending care packages to the troops, and has distributed a list of things needed. Items may be dropped off at the Borough Office. AMVETS pays for the shipping. Greg Lebold’s son is in Iraq, and the post has sent items to him.
Since there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:36 PM
Submitted by:
Gennifer Guiliano
Borough Secretary