Greg Lebold, Council President, opened the scheduled Borough Council Meeting at 7:30 PM, in the Council Meeting Room, 212 Unity Terrace, Rutledge, PA.
After the salute to the flag, the following Council members answered roll call: Greg Lebold, Tom Kopp, Jack Borsch, Diane McGaughey, Thomas Ash and Mark King.
Also present: Mayor Scott Shields, Police Chief Brian Craig, G. Guy Smith, Esq., Ed McGaughey, Manager
Not Present: Kurt Morrison
Minutes: MOTION by Mark King, Second by Jack Borsch, to approve the minutes as submitted for the Council Meeting of June 2, 2008. MOTION approved unanimously. The Work Session scheduled for June 23, 2008 was cancelled due to lack of quorum.
Public Comment: Carr Everbach, Swarthmore College Professor, stated that there is a grant available from DEP for a greenhouse gas emission study. He and his student, Ben Staplin, would like Rutledge Council to approve participation in the study that will measure how much greenhouse gases such as CO2 and methane are emitted in the Borough, and come up with a non-binding plan of action. There would be no cost to Rutledge, and Professor Everbach and his student would do all of the research. Rose Valley, Swarthmore, and Nether Providence have also been asked to participate in the grant application. Professor Everbach will work with a consultant, Professor Jeffery Featherstone, of Temple University. Professor Everbach had previously submitted a sample resolution that was referred to the Borough’s Solicitor. Diane McGaughey asked if any other communities had done it. Professor Everbach explained that the consultant had done three studies in Bucks County; this is a pilot program for the State.
Greg Lebold stated that he had driven past 214 President Ave., and there has been little improvement. Harry Mirra filed citations with the District Court.
Paul Mecouch, 34 Linden Ave., asked if Council could speak louder during the meeting.
Tax Collector’s Report: Leonard Michael reported that no payments were received in June.
Treasurer’s Report – Gennifer Guiliano distributed the Cash Flow report for the month of June 2008.
Code Enforcement/Building Inspector Reports – Harry Mirra read his report for the month of June 2008:
2 House Inspections – 1 Passed, 1 Failed
1 Correction Notices
6 Correction Notices from last month are being worked on for high grass, debris, house number, and overgrown shrubs, remove fencing
101 Morton Ave. – garage needs repair
6 Active Permits
Mayor’s Report – Scott Shields read the police report for June, 2008. 2 motor vehicle citations, 7 parking tickets, 13 police calls, 8 complaints, 1 assist fire co., and 2 assist ambulance.
There was a burglary at the 100 block of Sylvan Ave., a DUI on Rutledge Ave.
Mayor Shields reported that there was a big crowd for the July 4th celebration. State Representative Brian Lentz sent a letter listing cosponsors of dog law bills that would increase fines for cruelty to animals, especially in puppy mills.
Mayor Shields stated that Harry Mirra is collecting toiletries and other items to be sent to the troops overseas. Anyone wishing to donate can drop things off at the Borough Office.
Police Chief Brian Craig reported that catalytic converters are being stolen from SUVs.
Complaint about two dead rats at 117 Rutledge Ave. Investigated by Code Enforcement Officer.
Committee Reports:
Ordinance/ Trash – Mark King asked that residents report any complaints about the trash collection service to the Borough Office.
Building – Nothing to report
Sewer– Jack Borsch reported that the contracted sewer work at the Borough building could not be done because of the inlet; the contractor thought it would crack. The Borough engineer is looking at alternatives. Repairs at President & Linden have been completed. A foam root control treatment was recommended by Catania Engineering. MOTION by Jack Borsch, Second by Diane McGaughey, to authorize Duke’s Root Control to do a foam root control treatment at a cost of $1,350.00, not to exceed $1,500.00. MOTION approved unanimously.
Mr. Borsch reported that the drain work in the area between the Fire Co. and the Borough building will be completed this month. A bush will be removed.
Highway – Thomas Ash asked that residents not put trash or grass cuttings in the gutters. 6 new stop signs have been ordered. Greg Lebold stated that the Borough Engineer is preparing a study of the roads that need repair.
Diane McGaughey stated that she received information from PennDOT regarding a low interest loan for street repairs.
Recreation – Greg Lebold reported that DCED has given preliminary approval for a $6,500 grant for the rain garden at Triangle Park.
Public Safety – Tom Kopp stated that the June Fire Company report has not been received. The 4th of July activities went well, and rides were given on the fire truck.
Mr. Kopp thanked the Borough for flying the flag at half mast in memory of Swarthmore Fire Chief Chris Hanson.
The training committee has a class scheduled on 8/25/08.
The 2008 fund drive is going on, and 20 donations of $100 or more were received. Rose Morrall volunteered to paint a thermometer sign to show residents the goal and how far along donations are.
Mr. Kopp reported that the family portrait fundraiser fell through due to lack of sufficient sales.
Finance -Diane McGaughey stated that 2009 budgeting will begin next month.
Solicitor’s Report: Nothing to Report.
Old Business : Jack Borsch stated that Rutledge had previously approved that three Townships join Central Delaware County Authority. Rutledge must now approve submission of a certificate of joinder to the State of Pennsylvania. MOTION by Jack Borsch, Second by Diane McGaughey, to approve execution of a formal joint application with the Secretary of the Commonwealth to allow Newtown, Upper Providence, and Edgmont Townships as members of CDCA. MOTION approved unanimously.
New Business: Greg Lebold asked for a motion to approve the resolution for the greenhouse gas study presented by Professor Carr Everbach.
MOTION by Diane McGaughey, Second by Jack Borsch, to approve Resolution 2008-07-01, a resolution approving application to DEP for a grant to perform a Greenhouse Gas Emission Study, and non-binding recommendation report, with Rose Valley, Swarthmore and Nether Providence as co- applicants. MOTION approved unanimously.
Public Comment: Kathy Myers, 210 President Ave. stated that her presence will be a reminder of the repairs and property maintenance issues at 214 President Ave., and she will continue to attend Council Meetings until the problems are corrected. Ms. Myers stated that she would like to be a part of the Shade Tree Committee. Ms. Myers stated that tree roots at the Triangle Park are a tripping hazard, are raising the sidewalk by the ball park.
Bills for July 7, 2008:
MOTION by Thomas Ash, Second by Diane McGaughey, to approve payment of the bills for the month from the General Fund in the amount of $37,168.50. MOTION approved unanimously.
MOTION by Thomas Ash, Second by Diane McGaughey, to approve payment of the bills for the month from the Gas Fund in the amount of $1,284.17. MOTION approved unanimously.
MOTION by Thomas Ash, Second by Diane McGaughey, to approve payment of the bills for the month from the Sewer Fund in the amount of $13,194.00. MOTION approved unanimously.
Since there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:10 PM
Submitted by:
Gennifer Guiliano
Borough Secretary