Rutledge Borough Council Meeting, January 5, 2009

Greg Lebold, Council President, opened the scheduled Borough Council Meeting at 7:30 PM, in the Council Meeting Room, 212 Unity Terrace, Rutledge, PA.


After the salute to the flag, the following Council members answered roll call: Greg Lebold, Tom Kopp, Diane McGaughey, Thomas Ash, Jack Borsch, and Kurt Morrison.

Also present: Chief Brian Craig, G. Guy Smith, Esq., Ed McGaughey, Manager

Not Present: Mark King, Mayor Scott Shields


Minutes:  MOTION by Jack Borsch, Second by Diane McGaughey, to approve the minutes as submitted for the Council Meeting of December 8, 2008 and Work Session of  December 21, 2008.  MOTION approved unanimously. 


Public Comment: Derenik Galstian, 111 Morton Ave., stated that Harry Mirra filed a citation because Mr. Galstian parked his truck on his front lawn. Mr. Galstian parks his truck there because he is afraid cars driven by drunks or drug addicts will crash into the front of his house. It is only 7 feet from the sidewalk. He asked neighbors if the truck on the front lawn bothered them, and they said no. Mr. Galstian presented papers from Norwood Borough, and Council President Greg Lebold stated that Rutledge has different ordinances from Norwood. Mr. Galstian stated that a policeman said he could park his car on the lawn. Mr. Galstian stated that no one in the Borough likes Harry Mirra, and that he wanted to replace 2 sidewalk blocks, and Harry stated that a permit fee of $40.00 was required. Mr. Galstian stated that he should not have to pay a permit fee.

Mr. Lebold stated that Rutledge Borough has regulations against parking on front lawns, and that Mr. Galstian has a court hearing scheduled, and should explain things to the judge at the hearing. Mr. Lebold stated that Council can’t overrule an ordinance, and there are other ways that Mr. Galstian can protect his property. Mr. Lebold stated that Mr. Mirra is doing his job by enforcing the Borough Code which prohibits residents from parking on front lawns.


Tax Collector’s Report:  Tax Collector not present


Treasurer’s Report – Gennifer Guiliano distributed the Cash Flow report for the month of December 2008.


Code Enforcement/Building Inspector Reports – Harry Mirra read his report for the month of December 2008:

2 Non-traffic citations issued

1 Court case rescheduled to 2/19/09 – new attorney because of a conflict of interest

1 Court case 01/15/09 parking on lawn

1 Correction notice sent for property maintenance


Mayor’s Report   Greg Lebold read the Police Report for December 2008.


There were: 1 Parking Ticket, 8 Police Calls, 4 Complaints, 2 Citations, 4 Assist Ambulance, 3 Motor Vehicle Citations.


Correspondence:   None


Committee Reports:


Ordinance/ Trash – Nothing to report


Building – Nothing to report.


Sewer  Jack Borsch asked for Council approval to have the sewer main on the 100 block between President and Linden Ave. treated by Duke’s Root Control.

MOTION by Jack Borsch, Second by Diane McGaughey, to approve treatment in the Borough’s sewer main in the 100 block between President and Linden Ave., 851 feet, at a cost of $1,353.00 by Duke‘s Root Control. MOTION approved unanimously.


Mr. Borsch reported that there was a sewer backup in the 100 block of President Ave. The homeowner contacted General Sewer Service to treat the lateral, and it was found to be a sewer main problem. A willow tree at 114 President Ave. is located on the Borough’s sewer main. The homeowner will be instructed to remove the tree, and have the vent pipe raised 6 inches, because rainwater is getting in the storm sewers because the vent is too low.


Highway  Greg Lebold stated that there is a great need for curbside cleaning. Grass and leaves have been piling up, and end up in the storm sewers. Mr. Lebold will attend a meeting with Charles Catania, Engineer, to discuss the potholes on Unity Terrace & Linden Ave. There is a safety issue on the unit block of Linden Ave. that can be corrected by milling. Water pools from the curbline to 8 feet in the street.


Recreation – Nothing to report.


Public Safety – Tom Kopp stated that he will have totals at the February meeting.

$9, 790.00 was collected in 2008 for the Fire Co. Fund Drive, which is down from 2007.

Christmas Eve and Santa’s ride went well except for some rain showers. There are no final numbers yet for the Christmas Tree sale.

There was a house fire on Dickson Ave. in Swarthmore on Saturday; there were no injuries, and the fire was under control upon arrival.

New Officers for 2009 are:

Fire Chief – Tom Kopp

Deputy Fire Chief – Mike MacCrone

Captain – Chris Reiff

Lieutenant – Michael Kopp

Mr. Kopp reported that an email was received stating that a Federal Grant for $40,975.00 was approved to outfit both fire trucks with new equipment. $40,975.00 must be spent, and the grant will provide $38,927.00.


Finance – Nothing to report.


Solicitor’s Report: Solicitor G. Guy Smith reported that Kevin Broadhurst at Comcast is reviewing the franchise agreement with the Borough. Anthony DiTomasso no longer works at Comcast. Mr. Smith thinks that a 15-year contract seems reasonable. The grant numbers provided in writing were not as high as Mr. DiTomasso stated at the meeting he attended. $2,000.00 is available if a 15-year contract is signed. Approval of the contract should be passed in April or May.


Old Business :  

Jack Borsch stated that he submitted the minutes of the Tree Commission’s meeting to Council. The members are:

Karl Eilensfeld  President                      5 year term

Cathy Myers                Vice President              2 year term

Pamela Kennedy          Secretary                      1 year term

Sue Borsch                   Treasurer                      2 year term

Pat Eilensfeld                2nd Vice President         1 year term


Council President Greg Lebold appointed the above residents to the Rutledge Borough Tree Commission. Diane McGaughey and Jack Borsch were appointed as liaisons to Council.


Jack Borsch requested  that the Borough donation of $500 be received as soon as possible. A financial report will be provided each month.

Diane McGaughey submitted a list of meeting dates. Solicitor Guy Smith stated that no formal action can take place at the January 6, 2009 meeting, because the meeting was not advertised as a public meeting.


New Business:  None


Public Comment: None


Bills for January 5, 2009:

MOTION by Diane McGaughey, Second by Jack Borsch, to approve payment of the bills for the month from the General Fund in the amount of  $9,642.36.  MOTION approved unanimously.


MOTION by Diane McGaughey, Second by Tom Kopp, to approve payment of the bills for the month from the Gas Fund in the amount of  $218.21.  MOTION approved unanimously.


MOTION by Diane McGaughey, Second by Jack Borsch, to approve payment of the bills for the month from the Sewer Fund in the amount of $700.00. MOTION approved unanimously.


Since there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:18 PM


Submitted by:

Gennifer Guiliano

Borough Secretary



