Greg Lebold, Council President, opened the scheduled Borough Council Meeting at 7:30 PM, in the Council Meeting Room, 212 Unity Terrace, Rutledge, PA.
After the salute to the flag, the following Council members answered roll call: Greg Lebold, Tom Kopp, Diane McGaughey, Thomas Ash, Jack Borsch, Mark King and Kurt Morrison.
Also present: Mayor Scott Shields, Sergeant Stufflett , G. Guy Smith, Esq.
Minutes: MOTION by , Second by , to approve the minutes as submitted for the Council Meeting of November 3, 2008 and Work Session of November 24, 2008. MOTION approved unanimously.
Public Comment: Rita Cramer, 106 Rutledge Ave., asked what the Borough’s policy is regarding anonymous phone calls coming into the office with complaints about property maintenance issues. The Borough received an anonymous phone call about firewood on her porch, and Harry Mirra contacted her about it. Greg Lebold stated that the Borough follows up on all complaints, even anonymous calls. Mrs. Cramer stated that a lot of communities make the complainers identify themselves. Mr. Lebold thanked Mrs. Cramer for bringing up the subject, and Council will take her suggestions under advisement.
Dorie Behmke, 201 E. Sylvan Ave., stated that Council should reconsider the “no overnight parking†ordinance on Sylvan Ave. Families have more vehicles, and it is difficult to park all of them in the driveways. There are apartments in town that have no driveways. Greg Lebold explained that Council had discussed the issue previously, and decided not to change the ordinance. Mrs. Behmke inquired as to how the residents can change the ordinance, if Council decides not to change it.
Tax Collector’s Report: Leonard Michael reported that $783.63 was collected in November.
Treasurer’s Report – Gennifer Guiliano distributed the Cash Flow report for the month of November 2008.
Code Enforcement/Building Inspector Reports – Harry Mirra read his report for the month of November 2008:
2 Correction Notices Issued- Debris & overgrown shrubbery in yard/ Vehicle parked on front lawn
2 Active Zoning Permits
2 Non-traffic citations issued
Mayor’s Report – Scott Shields read the police report for November, 2008.
There were: 4 Parking Tickets, 9 Police Calls, 5 Complaints, 2 Citations, 2 Assist Ambulance, 1 Accident
There was 1 complaint regarding a hit & run vehicle on November 3 in the 100 block of Sylvan Ave.
Mayor Shields asked residents to do their best to clear their sidewalks of snow.
Sergeant Stufflett, Swarthmore Police, reported that November was a quiet month in Rutledge. There have been burglaries in Swarthmore, Nether Providence, and Rose Valley, that occurred mostly in the daytime, between late morning and early afternoon. A suspect was arrested by the State Police, and the police are fairly confident that it is the individual who committed the burglaries. Sgt. Stufflitt advised residents to keep their doors locked.
1) PSAT – Seminar “Volunteer Fire, Emergency Services & Local Government- Building Partnerships for a Stronger Futureâ€
2) PA One Call System – Board Meeting Notice – 01/28/09, Sheraton Harrisburg
3) Ronald Powell, Highwayman- Letter of resignation, effective 11/28/08
4) Pamela Poe, Health Officer – Letter of resignation, effective immediately
5) Senior Community Services – Thank you for the $200 donation
Committee Reports:
Ordinance/ Trash – Nothing to report
Building – Prospective buyers of 214 President Ave. wanted to know if the improvements they would like to make to the property are within the Borough’s zoning ordinances. Greg Lebold reviewed the plans, and they were in order.
Sewer– Diane McGaughey stated that she and Greg Lebold attended a County Revitalization Program Meeting where aging sewer infrastructures were discussed. Rutledge is further along than a lot of municipalities with regard to sewer work and street light replacement. The meeting also discussed economics and keeping businesses in the communities.
Jack Borsch reported that the Borough will camera some of the sewer lines in late winter. Greg Lebold commended Mr. Borsch for the great job he is doing and his diligence in the maintenance of the Borough’s sewer lines.
Highway – Thomas Ash reported that leaves in the street are a problem because they are getting into the storm sewers. Mr. Ash reminded residents that there is no leaf pickup.
Recreation – Nothing to report.
Public Safety – Tom Kopp reported that there were 13 alarms, with time in service 7 hours, 3 minutes and 17 drills with time in service 10 hours, 15 minutes in November.
Mr. Kopp reported that the Rutledge, Morton, & Swarthmore Fire Cos. will sell Christmas Trees in the lot next to the Swarthmore Library. Hours are: Monday-Friday 5PM – 8PM, Sat.- 10AM-8PM, Sun. – 12PM-8PM.
Mr. Kopp stated that Santa’s ride through the Borough on Christmas Eve will begin at 5:00 PM at the Triangle Park.
The Fire Co. sold 257 lottery tickets, paid out $100, and made a profit of $1,365.00. Sale of the entertainment books was discontinued due to poor sales and competition from schools.
Mark King stated that residents may donate to the Rutledge Fire Co. through the 2009 United Way Campaign.
Finance – Nothing to report.
Solicitor’s Report: G. Guy Smith reported that the Rutledge Tree Committee submitted a proposed ordinance for his review. Solicitor Smith will see if the information can be done by resolution, or have the committee adopt rules of procedure.
Old Business :
Diane McGaughey thanked the Borough Secretary and the Mayor for assisting with the 2009 Budget preparation. The Finance Committee did its best tot keep taxes down. Mayor Shields stated that there is an 11% increase in the police contract for 2009, and the Delaware County Solid Waste Authority has imposed a trash disposal fee, which is in addition to the trash collection fee. Hall rentals were down for 2008, and transfer taxes, also. The Borough Engineer prepared a comprehensive road repair program, and the Borough is looking into borrowing money for street repairs. The trash contract is going up $100 in 2009, and the Borough will have to go out for bids for the 2010 trash collection contract. The 2009 tax increase has been kept as low as possible. Mayor Shields reminded residents that Borough Council, the Mayor, and the Manager do not receive salaries.
2009 Holiday Schedule– The Borough Office will be closed on the following days: January 1, 2009, May 25, 2009, July 3, 2009, September 7, 2009, November 26, 2009, and December 25, 2009.
MOTION by Kurt Morrison, Second by Jack Borsh, to adopt Resolution 2008-12-05, the 2009 Holiday Schedule fro Rutledge Borough. MOTION approved unanimously.
2009 Mills, Trash Fees, Sewer Fees
MOTION by Diane McGaughey, Second by Kurt Morrison, to approve Ordinance 456, an Ordinance levying taxes in the Borough of Rutledge for the calendar and fiscal year 2009 for general Borough purposes, municipal pension obligation and debt service; establishing trash collection and sanitary sewer usage fees; fixing the discount for prompt payment of taxes and fees, and the penalty for late payment; proclaiming the continuance, without change, of the one (1%) percent realty transfer tax and the per capita tax now in effect under the local tax enabling act of 1965, its amendments and supplements. Millage – 3.62 mills; Trash collection – $160.14 per dwelling unit, annually; sanitary sewer fee – $258.87, per dwelling unit, annually. MOTION approved unanimously.
2009 Auditors
MOTION by Jack Borsch, Second by Kurt Morrison to approve Resolution 2008-12-03, a resolution appointing Paul Garrity, Catherine Myers, and Daniel Werner Auditors in 2009. MOTION approved unanimously.
2009 Tax Collector
MOTION by Diane McGaughey, Second by Mark King, to approve Resolution 2008-12-04, a resolution that authorizes the Borough Tax Collector to collect the annual sanitary sewer usage fees. MOTION approved unanimously.
2009 Permit Fees
MOTION by Jack Borsch, Second by Thomas Ash, to adopt Resolution 2008-12-02, a resolution that establishes permit fees, and adopts a permit fee schedule. MOTION approved unanimously.
2009 Salary and Benefits
MOTION by Diane McGaughey, Second by Jack Borsch, to adopt Resolution 2008-12-01, a resolution that sets the 2009 salaries and benefits. MOTION approved unanimously.
Council will continue to donate $400 per month to the Rutledge Fire Co. in 2009 to contribute to the purchase of the fire truck procured in 2008, to be paid from the Fire Apparatus Reserve Fund. MOTION by Kurt Morrison, Second by Diane McGaughey, to donate $400 per month to the Rutledge Fire Co. for the purchase of a fire truck, to be paid from the Fire Apparatus Reserve Fund. Tom Kopp, Jack Borsch, and Greg Lebold abstained from voting, due to a conflict of interest. Mr. Lebold filed the appropriate form with the Borough Secretary. MOTION approved with a majority vote of four (4): Mark King- yes; Kurt Morrison- yes; Thomas Ash-yes; Diane McGaguhey-yes.
Jack Borsch reported that the current Rutledge Borough Tree Committee ordinance approves a three member committee, and he recommends that the committee be expanded to a five member committee, in accordance with PA law.
MOTION by Jack Borsch, Second by Kurt Morrison, to expand the Tree Committee from three members to five members. MOTION approved unanimously.
The Fairmans, 217 Linden Ave., have been paying trash and sewer fees for two units since 1998. The Fairmans had notified the Borough in 1998 that they were restoring their residence to one unit, but it was never reflected in their bills. Solicitor Guy Smith investigated, and found that, legally, the Borough can refund any fees paid for services going back two years. Mr. Smith recommended that Council refund sewer and trash fees paid in 2006 and 2007.
MOTION by Diane McGaughey, Second by Mark King, to reimburse 2006 and 2007 sewer and trash fees, $322.65 and $353.89, respectively, to David and Patricia Fairman, 217 Linden Ave. MOTION approved unanimously.
New Business:
MOTION by Mark King, Second by Diane McGaughey, to approve the 2009 Budget. MOTION approved unanimously.
Gas Fund- Receipts- $42,158.00 Expenditures – $42,158.00
Sewer Fund- Receipts – $88,044.00 Expenditures – $88,044.00
General Fund- Receipts – $230,174.00 Expenditures – $230,174.00
Open Records Officer
MOTION by Diane McGaughey, Second by Thomas Ash, to appoint the Borough Secretary, Gennifer Guiliano, as the Open Records Officer. MOTION approved unanimously.
MOTION by Jack Borsch, Second by Mark King to accept the resignation of Pamela Z. Poe, Phd., as Borough Health Officer. MOTION approved unanimously.
Greg Lebold asked any parties interested in filling the position to send a letter of interest and a resume to the Borough Office.
MOTION by Mark King, Second by Thomas Ash, to accept the resignation of Ronald Powell, Highwayman. MOTION approved unanimously. Greg Lebold stated that Mr. Powell worked for the Borough for 11 years, and was very attentive and a hard worker.
Mr. Lebold offered to fulfill the highwayman position and train a new highwayman. Mr. Lebold is available from Monday to Friday. Mark King stated that the Borough need Council volunteers to do snow plowing. Diane McGaughey asked that residents pick up any trash in the street in front of their homes until a highwayman has been hired. Kurt Morrison stated that it is evident that Mr. Powell picked up a lot of trash in the neighborhood, since it hasn’t been done for a week, and trash is accumulating in the streets. Solicitor Guy Smith clarified Mr. Lebold’s position and stated that Council needs to give authorization for him to do the job so that Mr. Lebold can be covered by Workers’ Comp Insurance.
MOTION by Jack Borsch, Second by Diane McGaughey, to appoint Gregory C. Lebold as temporary highwayman and trainer of the new highwayman, at a salary comparable to the former highwayman’s salary. MOTION approved with a majority vote of 6 yes votes. Greg Lebold abstained from voting.
Public Comment: Michelle Senior, 100 Rutledge Ave., asked if the street light bulbs were cleaned; some of the lights stay on during the day. Mark King explained that the old lights got dimmer when they were dirty, but the new lights are sealed, so they are not affected. It is Borough procedure to call for repairs when there are a few lights, rather than one, that stay on because of the repair costs. The electric bill is a flat rate for street lights. Ms. Senior inquired whether the Borough would get leaf collection. Greg Lebold stated that it is discussed every year, but the costs are prohibitive.
Bills for December 8, 2008:
MOTION by Diane McGaughey, Second by Jack Borsch, to approve payment of the bills for the month from the General Fund in the amount of $32,662.57. MOTION approved unanimously.
MOTION by Diane McGaughey, Second by Jack Borsch, to approve payment of the bills for the month from the Gas Fund in the amount of $927.16. MOTION approved unanimously.
Since there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:35 PM
Submitted by:
Gennifer Guiliano
Borough Secretary