Rutledge Borough Council Meeting, December 6, 2010

Gregory C. Lebold, Council President, opened the scheduled Borough Council Meeting at 7:30 PM, in the Council Meeting Room, 212 Unity Terrace, Rutledge, PA.

After the salute to the flag, the following Council members answered roll call: Gregory Lebold, Tom Kopp, Diane McGaughey, Kurt Morrison, Brian Costello, Jack Borsch and David Waltz
Also present: Mayor Scott Shields, G. Guy Smith, Esq., Police Chief Brian Craig

Public Comment: None

Minutes: MOTION by Brian Costello, Second by Kurt Morrison, to approve the minutes as submitted for the Council Meeting of November 1, 2010 and Work Session of November 22, 2010.  Brian Costello noted that the minutes reflect that he made the motion and seconded it. MOTION approved unanimously with noted change.

Tax Collector’s Report: Diane McGaughey stated that Thomas Heron is out of town on business. Mr. Heron gave her information on 2010 upaid taxes and fees. Ms. McGaughey asked the Solicitor what the end of year procedures are for the Tax Collector. Solicitor Smith explained that the Tax Collector is a separately elected official. Mr. Heron was given a tax collector manual. Any taxes that go into default are turned over to the default tax collector. The Borough puts a lien on the property for unpaid taxes. Mr. Heron can send letters to the property owners. Mr. Smith cannot give legal advice to the Tax Collector- he is Solicitor for the Borough. Mr. Smith can give information to Mr. Heron, if Council authorizes it.

Treasurer’s Report: Gennifer Guiliano distributed the Treasurer’s Report for the month of November 2010.

Code Enforcement Report: Harry Mirra read his report for November.
3 Active Inspections – 2 passed, 1 needs a reinspection
4 Active Zoning Permits
Mr. Mirra asked residents to clean up leaves in the street and curb line so that they do not get into the sewers. Snow season is coming- sidewalks must be cleared within 24 hours.

Mayor’s Report: Mayor Scott Shields read the Police Report for November. There were: 1 Accident, 2 Parking Tickets, 1 Motor Vehicle Citation, 6 Police Calls, 3 Complaints, 1 Assist Fire Co., and 1 Assist Ambulance.

11/23 – Call for reckless driving on Melrose & Linden Aves.

Mayor Shields stated that any residents who cannot clear snow from their sidewalks can call him and he will make sure the snow is cleared.
Chief Brian Craig advised residents to check their credit card statements for fraudulent charges, as credit card fraud is high this time of year.

Correspondence:  None

4th of July: Nothing to report.

Communication: Nothing to report.

Ordinance: Brian Costello reported that he met with two Council members to discuss ordinance revisions. The next step is to meet with the Zoning Hearing Board members to get their opinions.

Trash:  Nothing to report.

Building: Nothing to report.

Sewer: Jack Borsch stated that he has made calls for prices for the sewer project. Pipe Services Corp. of West Chester submitted a price of $9,990.00 to flush and camera the entire sewer system. The bill for the attempt to do the work will go from $1,285.00 to $800.00. Solicitor Smith stated that Mr. Borsch submit the names, addresses, phone numbers, and prices to the Secretary. Council President Lebold stated that the matter will be discussed further at the December 20, 2010 Committee Meeting.

Shade Tree Commission: Karl Eilinsfeld stated that a brick plaque in memory of Edward. O. McGaughey was presented at tonight’s tree lighting ceremony.

Highway: David Waltz reported that the rest of the stop signs will be delivered next week.

Recreation : Kurt Morrison reported that he and Karl Eilinsfeld cleaned out the trap for the street sewer that goes to the Rain Garden. Mr. Morrison reported that Mr. Eilinsfeld does a great job cleaning and maintaining the Triangle Park. The inlets were covered with leaves after the last rainstorm, and Mr. Eilinsfeld cleared all of them the next day.
Catania Engineering is working on the Growing Greener Grant Close-out report.

Public Safety: Tom Kopp reported that there were:  16 alarms, with time in service of 11 hours, 7 minutes, and 4 drills with time in service of 8 hours, 30 minutes in November 2010.
Manpower response – Full Compliment-16, Undermanned – 0, Scratched –0,Highest Manpower Response – 26, Lowest Manpower Response – 2, Late Response – 0.
Safety Tips: The Morton-Rutledge Fire Company wants to wish all of our friends a safe Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Please use ground fault receptacles and don’t overload your outlets. Please check all cords and lites before putting them on the tree. Keep your tree watered and don’t leave lites on when out visiting for the evening.

Mr. Kopp stated that Springfield and Swarthmore Fire Cos. responded to the fire at the unit block of President Ave. first because they were coming back from another call and they have partially paid fire departments. Officer Ed Klein is not the PR person for the Fire Co. and should not have spoken about the fire.

The shed fire at 201 Sylvan Ave. had $22,500.00 damage.

Jack Breslin is going to advertise the fire truck for sale in magazines this month.

The Fire Co. will have a Christmas tree sale in the parking lot of the Swarthmore Library until the Sunday before Christmas. Hours are: Weekdays 5-8 PM, Sat. – 9AM-9PM, Sun – 11AM – 8PM.
Santa Claus will start his ride through the Borough on Christmas Eve at 5PM at Rutledge Court Apartments.

Jack Borsch reported that the 3 fires in Rutledge in 2010 totaled $500,000.00 in damages.

Finance: Diane McGaughey distributed a revised 2011 Budget. Ms. McGaughey asked Council members to go over each line item carefully, noting those that have increased or decreased. There is approximately $30,000.00 in unpaid 2010 taxes and fees. Solicitor Smith explained that the 2011 Budget is to have a final vote at the December 27, 2010 Work Session. Council has to enact a resolution for the Tax Collector to collect taxes and fees, an auditor resolution, holiday schedule, tax ordinance for various millages and trash and sewer fees, and a salary ordinance. If the new budget is not passed tonight, Council will have to hold a special meeting to discuss the changes- there is a 10-day deadline for advertising the budget.

Old Business :
2011 Budget-Greg Lebold stated that there will be a Council Meeting on Monday, December 13, 2010, 6:00 PM, to discuss the revisions to the 2011 Budget. The budget presented tonight has income of $231,526.00, and expenses of $270,009.00- the numbers should be the same.
Workers Comp insurance for the Fire Co. is listed as $9,476.00- the number was provided by Morton Borough. Jack Borsch thinks that the number should be lower.

Mr. Borsch asked about Rutledge Borough’s payment of $12,500.00 to the Fire Co. for its new truck fund. Brian Costello stated that Morton Borough has not paid its contribution to that fund. Mr. Borsch stated that Morton will pay it. Diane McGaughey stated that there is no line item in Morton Borough’s 2010 to pay the Fire Co. for its new truck fund. If Morton Borough doesn’t pay this, Rutledge Borough should not pay it. MOTION by Diane McGaughey, Second by Brian Costello, to pay $12,500.00 to the Morton-Rutledge Fire Co. in 2010, for its new truck fund, only if Morton Borough pays its share for 2010, $37,500.00. MOTION approved unanimously.

New Business:
Jack Borsch has been the Fire Marshall for 43 years, and will retire as of December 31, 2010. MOTION by Jack Borsch, Second by Brian Costello, to appoint Tom Kopp as Fire Marshall, effective date, January 1, 2011, when Jack Borsch’s retirement takes effect. MOTION approved unanimously.

2011 Meeting Schedule – MOTION by Brian Costello, Second by Diane McGaughey, to approve and authorize the Secretary to advertise the 2011 Meeting Schedule. MOTION approved unanimously.

SPCA Boarding Contract January –June 2011- MOTION by Kurt Morrison, Second by Diane McGaughey, to approve the SPCA Boarding contract for January to June 2011. MOTION approved unanimously.

Public Comment: Karl Eilinsfeld, 223 Linden Ave., stated that The Rutledge Shade Tree Committee will have a Tree Tenders class the first three Wednesdays of April, presented by the PA Horticultural Society. Information on planting and pruning trees will be presented.

Bills for December 6, 2010:

MOTION by Diane McGaughey, Second by Jack Borsh, to approve payment of the bills for the month from the General Fund in the amount of $27,527.87. MOTON approved unanimously.

MOTION by Diane McGaughey, Second by Jack Borsch, to approve payment of the bills for the month from the Gas Fund in the amount of $740.35. MOTION approved unanimously.

Since there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:25 PM.

Submitted by:
Gennifer Guiliano



