Rutledge Borough Council Meeting, August 4, 2008

Greg Lebold, Council President, opened the scheduled Borough Council Meeting at 7:30 PM, in the Council Meeting Room, 212 Unity Terrace, Rutledge, PA.

After the salute to the flag, the following Council members answered roll call: Greg Lebold, Tom Kopp, Jack Borsch, Diane McGaughey, Thomas Ash and Kurt Morrison.

Also present: Mayor Scott Shields, Police Officer Roger Hinckley, G. Guy Smith, Esq., Ed McGaughey, Manager

Not Present: Mark King

Minutes: MOTION by Tom Kopp, Second by Jack Borsch, to approve the minutes as submitted for the Council Meeting of July 7, 2008 and Work Session of July 28, 2008. MOTION approved unanimously.

Public Comment: Scott MacNeill of Sharon Hill Borough provided information to the Borough on behalf of the Delaware County Association of Boroughs. He is visiting all Boroughs in Delaware County to review the services available through the Association. There is a grant service program and a junior council program. Theo M. Robertson will help Boroughs write grants. The Association is trying to build up membership and get people to attend functions.

Jim Bramwell, 108 President Ave., stated that shrubbery is obscuring the views at intersections, and there are overhanging branches and growth on pavements that pose a public safety issue. Code Enforcement will look into it.

Tax Collector’s Report: Leonard Michael reported that $16.50 was collected in July.

Treasurer’s Report – Gennifer Guiliano distributed the Cash Flow report for the month of July 2008.

Code Enforcement/Building Inspector Reports – Harry Mirra read his report for the month of July 2008:

3 House Inspections – all passes

2 Non-traffic Citations were issued for weeds, broken fence, and debris

7 Active Building Permits

Mr. Mirra asked Mr. Bramwell to provide the addresses of the homes that have property maintenance issues.

Mayor’s Report Scott Shields read the police report for July, 2008.

July 10 – Domestic situation 100 block Morton Ave., July 14, Stolen jogging stroller unit block President Ave., Suspicious car parked on 200 block Linden Ave. Greg Lebold stated that the police are doing a good job of watching residents’ homes.

Office Hinckley requested that residents carry their cell phones if they are walking in the neighborhood, and to call 911 immediately if they see any suspicious behavior.

Mayor Shields presented Paul Garrity with the Citizen of the Year Award. Mr. Garrity has been doing the Borough’s financial audits at no cost, and exhibits true volunteerism. Mr. Garrity stated that it is great to live in Rutledge.


1) Suburban Waste Services -request that the Borough pay a fuel surcharge of $170 per month. Referred to the Solicitor

2) H A Thomason – 12.43 dividend from PIRMA Workers Comp Fund

3) Delaware County Solid Waste Authority – Meeting on Monday, August 18 at DELCO Community College to discuss the initiation of a Waste Management & Recycling Fee beginning in 2009. Rutledge’s fee would be $12,398

4) Video Pipe Services – Reports & DVDs of sewer repairs completed. Referred to Jack Borsch

5) PA Horticultural Society – Hosting a free Tree Tenders Basic Training Class at Springfield Twp. They will teach residents how to plant and care for trees.

6) Red Cross – Would like to renew the contract to use the Rutledge Borough Building as a shelter in the event of an emergency

7) Delco Association of Boroughs – Dinner on Wed, Sept. 24 at Heritage Ballroom
8) Chili’s Inspection Service – Building Permit Status – 6 Active Permits

Committee Reports:

Ordinance/ Trash – Nothing to report

Building – Nothing to report

Sewer Jack Borsch reported that the sewer projects in the Borough have been completed, except for the one at the Borough building. The contractor was supposed to grout the seams and sleeve the sewer main, but could not do it. The main has to be dug up and replaced. Catania Engineering received prices from 3 contractors:

JMC Contractors $3,740.00

Cousins $8,800.00

A.J. Jurich $6,500.00

MOTION by Jack Borsch, Second by Kurt Morrison, to approve the sewer main replacement on Unity Terrace, Borough building driveway, by JMC Contractors at a cost of $3,740.00. MOTION approved unanimously.

Highway – Thomas Ash reported that the new stop signs have arrived and will be put up this month. Drivers are still going through the stop signs, and Mr. Ash asked that white lines be painted across the intersections.

Recreation – Kurt Morrison reported that Girl Scout Troop 5860 has been working on the benches and tables at the Triangle Park and are doing a great job.

The latest proposal for the rain garden at the Triangle Park received from Catania Engineering was submitted to Liz Feinburg at PEC. The insurance adjuster is coming on Thursday to do a loss control evaluation.

Public Safety – Tom Kopp reported that there were 20 alarms, with time in service 7 hours, 14 minutes and 5 drills with time in service 12 hours, 34 minutes in June. There was one local alarm on June 15 in the unit block of Linden Ave.

In July, there were 16 alarms with time in service of 13 hours, 39 minutes, and 4 drills with time in service of 9 hours, 30 minutes. 7/27/08, 200 block Sylvan Ave. – electrical wires/transformer hit by lightening. Mr. Kopp asked that residents stay indoors during such events for safety reasons.

Mr. Kopp reported that $7,000 has been received in donations.

Finance – Diane McGaughey is starting preparation of the 2009 budget, and asked Council members to give her their expected financial needs.

Solicitor’s Report: Solicitor Guy Smith reported on Suburban Waste’s request for a fuel surcharge. Since the contract was put out for competitive bids and more than 3 were received, the Borough cannot legally pay a fuel surcharge. Doing so would put Council at risk of being sued by the other bidders. Mr. Smith will send a letter to Suburban Waste.

Four liens will be placed for unpaid 2007 sewer and trash bills. A 2003 lien was paid, so Mr. Smith will have the lien removed.

Old Business : Nothing to report.

New Business: Jack Borsch stated that there is a free Tree Tender Training Seminar in the Springfield Twp. on Wednesdays. The class would be good for residents who want to take part in the Rutledge Tree Committee. Please contact Mr. Borsch for more information.

A letter was received from Red Cross to renew its contract Shelter Agreement with the Borough in the event of an emergency. MOTION by Jack Borsch, Second by Thomas Ash, to renew the contract with the Red Cross to use the Borough building as a shelter in the event of an emergency evacuation. MOTION approved unanimously.

Public Comment: Dennis Myers, 210 President Ave. inquired as to the status of the property maintenance issues at 214 President Ave., and it has been 7 years since action has been taken against the property owner. Harry Mirra stated that citations were filed with the District Court because the work was not completed after the owner received a notice from the Borough.

Bills for August 4, 2008:

MOTION by Thomas Ash, Second by Diane McGaughey, to approve payment of the bills for the month from the General Fund in the amount of $9,690.81. MOTION approved unanimously.

MOTION by Thomas Ash, Second by Diane McGaughey, to approve payment of the bills for the month from the Gas Fund in the amount of $1,578.03. MOTION approved unanimously.

MOTION by Thomas Ash, Second by Diane McGaughey, to approve payment of the bills for the month from the Sewer Fund in the amount of $22,865.36. MOTION approved unanimously.

Since there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:07 PM

Submitted by:

Gennifer Guiliano

Borough Secretary



