M. Diane McGaughey, Council President, opened the scheduled Borough Council Meeting at 7:30 PM, in the Council Meeting Room, 212 Unity Terrace, Rutledge, PA.
After the salute to the flag, the following Council members answered roll call: Tom Kopp, M.Diane McGaughey, Brian Costello, Marlaina Kloepfer, Kurt Morrison, and David Waltz.
Also present: Mayor Gregory C. Lebold, G. Guy Smith, Esq., Police Chief Brian Craig
Not present: Jack Borsch
Minutes: MOTION by Brian Costello, Second by Kurt Morrison, to approve the minutes as submitted for the Council Meeting of July 11, 2011. MOTION approved unanimously. MOTION by Brian Costello, Second by Kurt Morrison, to approve the minutes from the July 25, 2011 Work Session. MOTION approved unanimously.
Public Comment: None
Tax Collector’s Report: Nothing to report.
Treasurer’s Report: Gennifer Guiliano distributed the Treasurer’s Report for the month of July, 2011.
Code Enforcement Report: Harry Mirra read his report for July 2011:
1 House Inspection for Apartment License
1 Abandoned car
1 Roof permit
Debris in front of property
Tarp on side of house- left 3 notices- no response
Mayor’s Report: Mayor Greg Lebold read the Police Report for July. There were: 7 Parking Tickets, 7 Motor Vehicle Citations, and 3 motor vehicle warnings.
Mayor Lebold reported that the police do a lot more work than write up parking tickets. They help children with lost bikes, they helped a drunk person get home, and ensure the vehicles in the Borough are secure. Diane McGaughey suggested that there be a bike registration in the fall.
Correspondence: Eileen Morrisey – letter regarding a plate of food left outside of 219 President Ave. The writer expressed concern that the food would attract raccoons and foxes. Harry Mirra went to the property, but did not see any food left outside.
Solicitor Smith stated that the Borough has no authority to stop residents from feeding animals.
4th of July: Nothing to report.
Rutledge Girls’ Club- Nothing to report.
Communication: Marlaina Kloepfer reported that the Committee will meet next week to discuss 2012 budget needs and production costs of the newsletter.
Ordinance: Brian Costello reported that the Zoning Hearing Board has had several meetings to review ordinances to see if any are outdated, compared to construction in today’s environment. They have provided excellent input, and were asked to continue so tat ordinances can be updated.
Trash: Nothing to report.
Building: Nothing to report.
Sewer: Nothing to report.
Shade Tree Commission: Nothing to report.
Recreation: Kurt Morrison reported that he is getting quotes to trim the trees at the Triangle Park. There has been no action on electricity at the park. David Waltz asked if the basketball nets have been put up. Mr. Morrison stated that Council will discuss the issue at the next Work Session.
Public Safety: Tom Kopp reported the Fire Co. activities for July: 15 Alarms Time in service 5 Hours, 51 Minutes, 7 Drills Time in service 21 Hours, 5 Minutes.
There have been no offers to buy the fire truck that is for sale.
There were 3 automatic fire alarms at 1 Sylvan Ave. due to a resident smoking in the room. Mr. Kopp sent a letter notifying the administrators of another fine.
Finance: Diane McGaughey asked Council to provide their financial needs for the 2012 Budget.
Solicitor’s Report: Loan to be discussed under new business.
Old Business: Nothing to report.
New Business: Diane McGaughey reported that the Community Wide Yard Sale will be on Saturday, September 10, 2011, beginning at 8:00 AM. The Fire Co. will sell hot dogs and other refreshments.
Ms. McGaguhey stated there was one hall rental in July, and several in August.
Solicitor Smith reported that DELCORA requested that the Borough adopt an ordinance that DELCORA had adopted on April 11, 2011, that contains the standards, rules and regulations for sanitary sewers and what types of matter can go into them. The rules are required by Federal and State governments. Treatment of sewage will continue to go up. Flows are metered, and each municipality will be billed according to flow. Residents need to control inflow and infiltration into the sanitary sewer system by disconnecting sump pumps that go into the system, and repair broken sewer laterals, so that only sewage is treated, and not water that should go into the stormwater system. Sewer treatment costs will continue to increase if inflow and infiltration are not addressed.
MOTION by Brian Costello, Second by Kurt Morrison, to authorize the Secretary to advertise the proposed ordinance regarding DELCORA standards, rules, and regulations for sanitary sewers, and adopt the ordinance at the September 12, 2011 Council Meeting. MOTION approved unanimously.
TD Bank Loan, $110,000.00, for road repairs- Solicitor Smith has contacted TD Bank’s lawyer about completing the DCED report. Approval from the State is needed before the Borough can borrow money. An ordinance must be advertised stating the Borough’s intention to borrow funds fro road repairs, to allow for citizen input. The Borough is on a tight deadline to make this happen in 2011.
MOTION by Brian Costello, Second by Kurt Morrison, to authorize the Secretary to advertise an ordinance that states the Borough’s intention to borrow $110,000.00 from TD Bank for road repairs to be completed in 2011. MOTION approved unanimously.
The SPCA will no longer accept stray animals after December 2011. Delaware County has been looking at options, and has found a facility that will accept stray animals as of January 1, 2012, for the same costs as the SPCA. The County would like to know if Rutledge Borough will sign a contract with the new facility. MOTION by Kurt Morrison, Second by Brian Costello, to inform Delaware County that the Borough will sign a stray boarding contract with the new facility beginning January 1, 2012. MOTION approved unanimously.
Tom Kopp stated that, at the Work Session on July 25, 2011, Council had discussed paying the Morton-Rutledge Fire Co. for its fire truck reserve for 2010. The Borough agreed to pay its proportional share when Morton Borough has paid $29,000.00. Based on that, Rutledge Borough’s share for 2010 is $9,666.75.
MOTION by Tom Kopp, Second by Kurt Morrison, to pay Morton-Rutledge Fire Co. $9,666.75, its proportional share of the Fire Co.’s new fire truck fund for 2010, from Rutledge Borough’s Fire Truck Reserve Account, as agreed to in 2009.
Diane McGaughey stated that Council go into Executive Session to discuss a legal matter regarding the Fire Co., at 8:17 PM. The Council Meeting resumed at 8:27 PM.
Ms. McGaguhey stated that two Council Members are also members of the Fire Co., and their votes might be a conflict. Solicitor Smith stated that the Fire Co. members have no pecuniary interest in the vote, and that there is no conflict of interest.
MOTION approved unanimously.
Tom Kopp requested permission to use the Triangle Park for the Morton-Rutledge Fire Co. Horseshoe Tournament on Saturday, September 17, 2011, with a rain date of Sunday, September 18, 2011. Registration begins August 1, 2011, and there will be up to 30 teams of two people.
Public Comment: Harleigh Chwastyk, 200 Rutledge Ave., asked why the basketball hoops were taken down, and inquired as to when they would be put back up. Her family uses the basketball court frequently. President McGaughey explained that there were numerous complaints of foul language being used. There are young children at the park, and the parents do not want them exposed to vulgar language. Kurt Morrison stated that the language situation got really bad this summer. Mr. Morrison witnessed it, and asked the offenders to mind their language. Ms. Chwastyk suggested that one hoop be put up. Mr. Morrison stated that Council will discuss the issue at the next Work Session.
Bills for August 1, 2011:
MOTION by Kurt Morrison, Second by Tom Kopp, to approve payment of the bills for the month from the General Fund in the amount of $19,964.58. MOTION approved unanimously.
MOTION by Brian Costello, Second by Kurt Morrison, to approve payment of the bills for the month from the Gas Fund in the amount of $419.53. MOTION approved unanimously.
Since there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:39 PM.
Submitted by:
Gennifer Guiliano