Rutledge Borough Council Meeting, April 7, 2008

Greg Lebold, Council President, opened the scheduled Borough Council Meeting at 7:30 PM, in the Council Meeting Room, 212 Unity Terrace, Rutledge, PA.

After the salute to the flag, the following Council members answered roll call: Greg Lebold, Tom Kopp, Mark King , Jack Borsch, Diane McGaughey, Thomas Ash and Kurt Morrison.

Also present: Mayor Scott Shields, Police Chief Brian Craig, G. Guy Smith, Esq.

Public Comment: None

Tax Collector’s Report: Leonard Michael reported that $35,839.37 was collected in February, and $170,843.09 was collected in March. The face period/discount period is over.

Treasurer’s Report – Gennifer Guiliano distributed the Cash Flow report for the month of March 2008.

Code Enforcement/Building Inspector Reports – Harry Mirra read his report for the month of March 2008:

2 Correction notices issued: 1) Debris behind garage and along fence 2) Debris and tree branches behind garage and back yard

4 Active Building Permits

Mayor’s Report Scott Shields read the police report for March, 2008. 25 motor vehicle citations, due to a grant for “Click It & Ticket”, 16 parking tickets, 20 police calls, 12 complaints, 5 assist to ambulance, 1 assist other Police

Mayor Shields asked residents to be careful; with the spring weather, more children will be on bikes in the streets, and playing ball. Mr. Shields also stated that teens using the basketball court are not putting their trash in the containers. Mr. Shields thanked the Girl Scouts for cleaning up the Triangle Park.


1) The Delaware County Association of Boroughs is having its Annual Banquet on Saturday, April 26, 2008, at the Heritage Ballroom.

Committee Reports:

Ordinance/ Trash – Nothing to report

Building – Mark King reported that plans for an addition at 107 Rutledge Ave. were submitted and approved at the Building Committee Meeting, and we are waiting for the HVAC cost.

The demolition and erection of a new home at 232 Sylvan Ave. was approved.

Sewer Jack Borsch reported that bids were opened on March 24 for sewer work at 6 locations in the Borough. Catania Engineering reviewed all bids, and recommends awarding Contract A to Cuzzins, Inc. at a cost of $13,600.00, and Contract B to Video Pipe Services at a cost of $4,500.00. Both were the low bidders.

MOTION by Jack Borsch, Second by Diane McGaughey, to award the sewer bids for Contract A to Cuzzins, Inc. for $13,600.00, and Contract B to Video Pipe Services for $4,500.00, both the low bidders. MOTION approved unanimously.

Highway – Todd Ash reported that he will get in touch with Catania Engineering regarding resurfacing the streets. The intersection of Morton Ave. and Linden Ave. is a problem created by Aqua PA, and the highwayman asked that Linden Ave. & Unity Terrace be addressed, because the asphalt patch will no longer adhere to the surface to repair potholes.

Recreation – Kurt Morrison reported that the Girl Scouts did a great job cleaning up the leaves at the Triangle Park, and would like to do more work. John Mallon will start the work on the ballfield on Wednesday, April 9. The infield grass will stay per the request of the coaches. Port-a-potties will be delivered shortly, and will have locks on them.

Mr. Morrison reported that he applied for a mini-grant from the Delaware County Conservation District for $500 for signage for the rain garden at the Triangle Park. Liz Feinberg has been in contact with Catania Engineering to develop a new rain garden that will reduce costs.

Public Safety – Tom Kopp read the Rutledge Fire Company’s February 2008 Report. There were: 24 fire calls with time in service of 19 hours and 54 minutes, and 4 drills with time in service of 11 hours. There were 2 local alarms.

Mr. Kopp read the Rutledge Fire Co.’s March 2008 Report. There were 15 fire calls with time in service of 11 hours and 10 minutes, and 7 drills with time in service of 21 hours and 19 minutes. There was 1 local alarm. The new fire truck is in service and Mr. Kopp asked residents to go see it at the Fire House.

Mr. Kopp thanked the Borough for flying the flag at half mast to recognize the firefighter who died in the line of duty.

Finance – Nothing to report

Solicitor’s Report: Nothing to report.

Old Business : Mark King reported that the Fire Co. presented a proposal for storm water drains between the Borough Building and the Fire Co. Building. The Solicitor will review the plans for right of way issues, and the Engineer will review the plans, also.

Guy Smith will send a notice to 1 Sylvan Ave. regarding the fines incurred for 2 false fire alarms.

Jack Borsch reported that he applied for a grant from Bryan Lentz for $6,500.00 for the rain garden at the Triangle Park.

New Business:

Diane McGaughey reported that she, Jack Borsch, and Ed McGaughey attended a meeting at Drexelbrook regarding different types of road work.

The PA Association of Boroughs is having seminars on grant writing and managing municipal records.

Ms. McGaughey attended the Fire Co. Tri-Boro Task Force Meeting. There was a good exchange of information. Ms. McGaughey would like to meet with Lisa Catania to look at loan programs and what is available to the Borough.

Borough Manager Ed McGaughey reported that State Representative Brian Lentz is hosting a seminar on unclaimed property on Wed., April 16, 2008, 7:00 PM, at the Schoolhouse Senior Center, Swarthmore Ave., Folsom.

Solicitor Guy Smith reported that he will attend a meeting with Comcast on April 17 to discuss the renewal of the franchise agreement.

Public Comment:

Jodine Mayberry, 415 Unity Terrace, asked what the rain garden was. Greg Lebold explained that it was part of the Stormwater Management Project at the Triangle Park, where rain water is collected in an underground system, and prevents the rain water from pooling in the street, and contaminated water from entering creeks and tributaries. PA Environmental Council helped the Borough get grants for the project. The rain garden is the aesthetic part of the project, and consists of plants that thrive in those conditions. There will be a sign that explains the projects.

Tracey Mutz, 103 E. Sylvan Ave., stated that 101 E. Sylvan Ave. has property maintenance issues with debris and dog feces. Harry Mirra had inspected the property when Ms. Mutz had called the Borough Office.

Bills for Aril 7, 2008:

MOTION by Thomas Ash, Second by Diane McGaughey, to approve payment of the bills for the month from the General Fund in the amount of $9,474.74. MOTION approved unanimously.

MOTION by Thomas Ash, Second by Tom Kopp, to approve payment of the bills for the month from the Gas Fund in the amount of $1,480.91. MOTION approved unanimously.

MOTION by Thomas Ash, Second by Jack Borsch, to approve payment of the bills for the month from the Sewer Fund in the amount of $5,730.00. MOTION approved unanimously.

Since there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:03 PM

Submitted by:

Gennifer Guiliano

Borough Secretary



