Rutledge Borough Council Meeting, April 6, 2009

Greg Lebold, Council President, opened the scheduled Borough Council Meeting at 7:30 PM, in the Council Meeting Room, 212 Unity Terrace, Rutledge, PA.
After the salute to the flag, the following Council members answered roll call: Greg Lebold, Tom Kopp, Thomas Ash, Jack Borsch, Diane McGaughey,and Kurt Morrison.

Also present: G. Guy Smith, Esq., Police Chief Brian Craig, Mayor Scott Shields

Not Present: Mark King
Minutes: MOTION by Jack Borsch, Second by Thomas Ash, to approve the minutes as submitted for the Council Meeting of March 16 and Work Session of March 23, 2009. MOTION approved unanimously..
Public Comment: Paul Mecouch, 34 Linden Ave. thanked Council for the remembrance of his wife. Mr. Mecouch asked when the drainage problem at Linden & Morton Aves. will be corrected. Greg Lebold stated that he will check with the engineer.
Tax Collector’s Report: Leonard Michael reported that $196,671.69 was collected in March. 2009
Treasurer’s Report – Gennifer Guiliano distributed the Cash Flow report for the month of March 2009.

Code Enforcement/Building Inspector Reports – Harry Mirra read his report for March 2009:

6 Correction notices issued

2 Corrected

4 Pending – 2 abandoned cars/ property maintenance

1 House sale inspection

7 Apartment inspections

Mr. Mirra reminded residents that spring is here, and properties should be maintained. Trees and shrubbery should be cut from hanging over sidewalks, grass not over 6″, abandoned vehicles on property, house numbers must be visible, and no debris on properties.
Greg Lebold reminded residents that twice weekly trash pickup begins in May, and the trash collectors will pick up heavy items on Thursdays.

Mayor’s Report – Mayor Scott Shields read the Police Report for March. There were:

1 Accident, 23 M. V. Violations, 24 Parking Tickets, 28 Police Calls, 17 Complaints, 2 Missing Persons Reported, 2 Missing Persons Cancelled, 4 Assist Ambulance

Mayor Shields reported that the Highwayman recovered a bicycle at the Triangle Park and reported it to the Police. Mayor Shields noted that Mr. Hunt is doing a tremendous job.
Mayor Shields reported that he has stopped at the Triangle Park, and kids are throwing trash on the ground. Mayor Shields reprimands the people when he sees them, and will start to exclude people from the park if they continue to litter. He has taken pictures and will give them to the Police.

The Mayor stated that the Police presence in Rutledge has been excellent.

Chief Brian Craig reported that things were stolen from unlocked cars in two locations, and urged residents to lock their cars.


1) Thank you from the Mecouch family for the flowers

2) Office of the Governor – Governor Rendell urges municipalities to take advantage of stimulus funds to conserve energy and lower costs

3) PIRMA – Loss Control Alert – The Virginia Graeme Baker Pool and Spa Safety Act that became federal law on December 19, 2007 was passed to prevent entrapment injuries and deaths at swimming pools and spas. All operating public pools and spas as of December 19, 2008 or the date a closed pool is subsequently reopened after December 19, 2008, must have drain covers that meet ANSI/ASME A112.19.8-2007 standard on every drain.

4) Comcast – On April 14, 2009, WHYY & WTBE will be delivered in digital format only.

5) PA DCED – Webinar on the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 – Energy Efficiency & Conservation Funding for local Governments – Wed., April 28, 1:30 PM, DEP in Norristown.
Solicitor Guy Smith stated that the Code Enforcement Officer should distribute the requirements to pool owners in the Borough. Every pool has to meet that code.

Committee Reports:

4th of July – Nothing to report

Communication– Nothing to report

Ordinance/ Trash – Nothing to report

Building – Nothing to report.
Sewer– Jack Borsch asked Solicitor Guy Smith to follow up with the letter that was sent to the homeowner at 114 President Ave. to have a tree removed from over the Borough’s sewer main.
Shade Tree Commission– Jack Borsch reported that the Craft Show/Flea Market held on March 28 was a success, and $800.00 was raised. There is still money to come in through Tupperware sales.
Highway – Thomas Ash thanked Robert Hunt for doing such a great job with street maintenance. Mr. Ash reported that drivers are not stopping for stop signs between the hours of 7:00 AM & 7:30 AM.

Recreation -Kurt Morrison reported that the grant application to PECO’s Growing Greener Program was approved in the amount of $10,000.00 for the Rain Garden. Mr. Morrison thanked Catania Engineering for writing the grant – it was “well-written” per PECO.

An extension notice for PEC’s grant contribution for the Triangle Park Rain Garden was received. The grant funds must be used by June 2009. Mr. Morrison has some proposals for signs.

Public Safety – Tom Kopp reported that there were: 16 alarms, with time in service 7 hours, 36 minutes and 5 drills with time in service 11 hours, 45 minutes in March 2009.

Mr. Kopp reported that there was no information on the new defibrillator, and bids were opened for the Federal Grant and equipment will be ordered. They are working on a State grant.
RFC History- In April, 1963, it was reported at the monthly company meeting, there was six brush fires and one local call. There was training set up for the active members and pump / driving training for the drivers. The fund raiser was coin cards. The cards were handed out to all houses and the members were assigned blocks and were responsible for the collection of all the cards in their block.

Finance – Diane McGaughey stated that she was pleased with the taxes that were collected in March, and is glad that residents are paying their taxes.

Solicitor’s Report: Solicitor Guy Smith reported that some past due 2008 sewer and trash bills were collected, and fees from previous years were paid by Northwestern Human Services, 1 Sylvan Ave.

Old Business : Mayor Shields stated that the Delaware County Association of Boroughs is having a banquet on April 24, 2009, at the Heritage Ballroom. Council members and Rutledge employees are encouraged to attend. This is the Association’s 70th year.
New Business: Diane McGaughey reported that she has been interviewing contractors to do stone pointing on the Borough building. One proposal has been received.

Work will begin at the Triangle Park on curbing and plantings, because the grants have been received. Mr. Lebold requested that some traffic control/people with flags be enlisted for the curbing work. The last time it was done, driving was treacherous in the morning and evening.

Public Comment: Harry Mirra, Code Enforcement Officer, stated that he is an active member of the AmVets Post in Morton, and thanked the residents and the Fire Co. for the great turnout for the welcoming ceremony for Andrew Lebold. Mr. Mirra introduced Commander Charles Dougherty of AmVets Post, who presented the Rutledge Fire Co. with a 5 X 8′ American flag. Tom Kopp accepted the flag on behalf of the Fire Co.
Herb Jackson of the Rutledge Fire Co. asked residents to be aware of bicycle riders now that the warm weather is here. Mr. Jackson stated that his bike club meets at 6:00 PM on Tuesdays at the 320 produce mart, and all riders must wear helmets.
Barbara Ormsby of the Delco Daily Times stated that the Morton Station Preservation work has begun on the Westbound passenger shelter. A grant was received from the Delaware County Revitalization Committee.

Bills for April 6, 2009:

MOTION by Thomas Ash, Second by Diane McGaughey, to approve payment of the bills for the month from the General Fund in the amount of $14,538.81. MOTION approved unanimously.
MOTION by Thomas Ash, Second by Diane McGaughey, to approve payment of the bills for the month from the Gas Fund in the amount of $1,074.75. MOTION approved unanimously.
Since there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:01 PM
Submitted by:

Gennifer Guiliano

Borough Secretary



