PennDOT Seeks Driver Feedback through Online Safety Survey

PennDOT is asking Pennsylvania motorists to help the department monitor its highway safety efforts by sharing their opinions on traffic safety enforcement and driving behaviors through an online survey available through July 27 at

The 22-question survey focuses on highway safety issues, including seat belts, impaired driving, speeding, motorcycles and distracted driving. People completing the survey may remain anonymous, but are asked to provide their gender, age and ZIP code.

More than 3,500 people responded to last year’s survey. Last year’s notable results included that, in the previous 60 days, nearly 77 percent of respondents had not driven a motor vehicle within two hours after consuming alcoholic beverages. Also, 93 percent of drivers indicated they used a seat belt all or most of the time.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration requires states to conduct this survey annually.



