Newsletter 1-7-2019

Rutledge Borough email newsletter 01-07-2019




2019 Council meetings

A reminder that the Council Meetings have moved to the 2nd and 4th Mondays of the month at 7:30, with the first Council Meeting scheduled for Jan 14th at 7:30.

Activities Meeting tonight

The first Activities Committee of the year will be tonight at 7:30. We will be discussing our plans for this year. We encourage all interested residents to attend.

Communications meeting Thursday

If you are interested in helping out with the communications committee, please attend our first meeting of 2019 this Thursday at 7:30pm in the borough office.

Movie Night Fri the 18th

LEGO Movie is set for Friday, January 18th in the upstairs hall as part of our new series of community events. Doors open at 6:30 with the movie starting at 7:00. We will be making popcorn but BYO beverage. Come out for a good time with your neighbors! Kids are welcome to come in pjs and bring a comfy pillow and blanket.




