Meeting Minutes 2023.02.06

February 6, 2023
7:30 PM Council Meeting

Meeting commenced at 7:32 pm with the Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call Jody Roberts, Samantha Newell, Marlaina Kloepfer- excused, Heidi Sentivan, Christine Gradel, Ken Torres-Zickler, Sue Hunt, Mayor Gamal Sherif, Solicitor Carl Ewald , Administrator Jen Mickle.
Guest: Len Michaels

Approval of Agenda SN/HS unanimous approval

Public Comment:
Leonard Michaels, 209 Sylvan Ave, expressed concerns related to traffic and yard maintenance. Specific concerns related to availability of the tax collector and posting of Council minutes online were also shared and addressed. The tax collector responded with her availability. Borough will identify open office hours for the tax collector.

Tax Collector: attached
The tax records for 2022 are complete. Paperwork has been submitted to the County on overdue taxes and fees.

Mayor’s Report:
4 quick points:
Public service loan forgiveness – municipal employees are eligible, but must be 30 hours or more. This has impacts on small municipalities with part time employees.
GS is working on coordinating a Red Cross babysitting course; possibly offering courses at borough hall. The age range for the babysitting courses is 11-15
The re-lighting the flagpole; request for building committee to schedule repairs
Rewiring America: provides guidance on federal incentives for converting home infrastructure to electric utilities & home weatherization improvements. 1.8% poverty rate in Rutledge [2020 census] affects those who have resources to upgrade
SH: exposed wire at flagpole. The power should be shut off until new conduit is installed.

Approval of Minutes January 17th, 2023 HS/KTZ; abstain: SN

Trash & Recycling:
Yard Waste 2/3/23
Most recent pickup, there are still had a decent number of people putting out yard waste in the trash
1st anniversary of yard waste is April
This has been on the wishlist for many years with hard work and research it is finally happening

Communications: none

Parks & Property:
Update on Phase 1 & 2 Grant
Arrival of ADA table; placing two benches and ADA table to close out grant
Vendor discussion for playground
Goal of Closing out Phase 1 and 2 DCNR Grants in 2023

Bingo recap
150+ people
Thank Evan and Jen Mickle for helping organize
All prizes were paid for with donation or direct gifts
Collected 420 cans for the food bank. Given to Chambers Memorial Church for the Souperbowl of Caring.
Possible Snow Jam
Aiming for March 19, late afternoon

Souper Bowl of Caring collection on February 11th
Place goods on the front steps/porch Saturday morning
Volunteers welcome
Special request for cereal

Public Safety:
January 2023 MRFC Report -attached

Distributions and bills list 1.18.23-2.6.23 SN/SH unanimous approval

Streets: Aqua will be digging Swarthmore Ave, Unity, and Melrose Terrace. Repaving to be done when complete.

Sewer: none

Vote on Resolution 2023-2 2023 Rutledge Borough Fee Schedule HS/KTZ unanimous approval

Planning: none

Personnel: none

Borough Commissions:
Shade Tree:
January meeting minutes submitted
Tree survey: trees planted 2019-2022 by street
Borough-wide shade canopy survey to be distributed in newsletter
New officers
Spring tree planting; 6 trees going in this spring
2023: encourage residents to use PHS tree purchase programs
participation in community events
developing a heritage tree program
Planning Commission

Public Comment:

Old Business/New Business:
Resignation of Council Member Letter-attached

SN/HS unanimous approval at 8:18pm



