Meeting Minutes 12-19-2022

December 19, 2022
7:30 PM Work Session Minutes

Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call Jody Roberts, Samantha Newell, Marlaina Kloepfer, Heidi Sentivan, Christine Gradel, Ken Torres-Zickler, Sue Hunt, Mayor Gamal Sherif [excused], Administrator Jen Mickle [excused].

Approval of Agenda
Addition of Vote on Calendar Resolution and Vote to advertise KTZ/HS unanimous approval
Addition of Voting to Advertise Special Meeting for Public Comment on Local Priorities for CDBG Grant for Recodification on Jan 3rd at 7 pm SN/KTZ unanimous approval
CDCA Grant application letter of Support approval under Sewer SN/HS unanimous approval

CG/SH unanimous approval of agenda as amended

Public Comment:

Tax Collector:

Mayor’s Report:
Monthly police report
Read by SN
CG: Asked if we could request including time of day on the monthly police report.

Approval of Minutes from 12.6.22 CG/SN: HS abstains

Trash & Recycling:
Yard waste reminders:
Trees can be included; please make sure they are cleared of decorations
No plastic; no fake trees
SH asked council on whether to continue to incentivize with gift cards
CG: Recommended ending for now and think about encouragement again in the spring. All Agreed.
Reminder: TVs – cannot be placed out with the trash and must be recycled.
Recycling reminders:
Cardboard boxes should be cleared of plastic and styrofoam before recycling and flattened.
[borough communication: don’t waste that recycling! Make sure it’s clean, clear of non-recyclables]
Requested clarification of trash pick-up day for the holiday. Make sure that the community is aware of the pickup dates. SH will get clarification from B&L and update borough waste pick-up dates

Newsletter set for printing tomorrow morning
Discussion of calendar
Vote to advertise calendar 2023: SN/KTZ unanimous approval
Vote on calendar resolution for 2023: Resolution 2022-13
Resolution 2022-12 for CDBG Grant for Stormwater Project- read by HS
SN/KTZ unanimous approval
NIMS training
National incident management system: elected officials should be trained; needed for federal dollars related to FEMA-based federal grants
IS700; ICS100
JR: return to borough emergency plan in 2023; emergency communications

Parks & Property: none

Luminaries plus
SH: 2000 bags folded and returned; luminaries are available for pick-up at the borough hall
Thanks to Sgt Thomas for picking up sand and delivering
Get the luminaries out by noon so gaps can be filled
Pop-up holiday concert was held at borough hall on Sunday, December 18th.
Bingo is scheduled for February.
Snow Jam date to be determined.

Public Safety: none.

Disbursements from 12.7.22 to 12.19.22 HS/KTZ unanimous approval
Bills Lists
Vote to Approve the 2023 Budget & Budget Ordinance
Budget Ordinance 2022-04
millage rate of 3.35; trash 585.89; sewer 642.79
SN/HS unanimous approval

Streets: Morton Ave repaving has been moved back to 2023. Notify JM for pot holes on Morton Ave.

CDCA requested a letter of support for their Grant application letter
Letter provided to CDCA
Catania Engineering will be submitting the DCED Small Waters grant application for the stormwater project at Triangle Park
Should we consider renaming the committee sewers and stormwater or should stormwater be placed somewhere else?
Is this something we could ask the solicitor and the engineer especially with an eye towards future reporting?

Building: none.

Planning: none.

Personnel: none.

Borough Commissions:
Shade Tree:
Planning Commission

Public Comment: none.

Old Business/New Business:
Vote to advertise for special meeting for CDBG
Applications due Jan 6
1/3/2023 at 7pm
SN/HS unanimous approval
HS: at Jan meeting building committee should review and advertise fee schedule
SH: flag pole at hall is not lit due to electrical conduit issues. The borough is looking into a remedy.

SN/HS unanimous approval



