September 19, 2022
7:30 PM Work Session
Meeting started at 7:30pm with the Pledge of Allegiance
Roll Call Jody Roberts-excused, Samantha Newell, Marlaina Kloepfer- excused, Heidi Sentivan, Christine Gradel, Ken Torres-Zickler, Sue Hunt, Mayor Gamal Sherif, Administrator Jen Mickle.
Guest- Michael Karpyn- 207 Linden and Chief Stufflet
Approval of Agenda HS/ KTZ unanimous approval
Public Comment:
Tax Collector:
Mayor’s Report:
Police report- attached
Approval of Minutes from 9.6.2022 KTZ/ HS unanimous approval
Trash & Recycling:
DEP Southeast Meeting of 9/14/22
902 & 902 recycling grants
Also recycling tech assistant grant
Recycling reminders
Yard Waste- some residents still putting out yard waste out on trash day. May need to reconsider only having one day a month yard waste pick up, too long to store
Parks & Property: Benches and ADA table ordered.
Activities: Oktoberfest- Sat, Oct 1st. Discount until this Fri, Sept 23
Public Safety:
MRFC- monthly report- attached
Disbursements 9.7.22-9.19.22 HS/CG unanimous approval
Bills Lists
2023 Budget Discussion: Updates from Committees for 2023 Budget
Public safety requesting $500 for event, bike safety, child id etc
PA Building code update
Streets: Mayor suggest green streets
Update-UCC audit 9.16.2022 passed
Borough Commissions:
Shade Tree: Meeting Minutes from May 2022; meeting 9/15/22- attached
Planning Commission
Public Comment:
Old Business/New Business:
Vote on Delco Greenways Grant Resolution for Triangle Park Rehabilitation: Pavillion- Changed to Delco Greenways Grant Resolution for Triangle Park Rehabilitation: Gather Space Phase 2 Resolution 2022-07
upto $250,000, due on October 7th, no match required
CG/SH unanimous approval
Vote on Delco Greenways Grant Resolution for Triangle Park Planning: Traffic Study Resolution 2022-08
Upto $100,000, due on October 7th, no match required
HS/KTZ unanimous approval
Vote on DCNR Grant Resolution for Triangle Park Rehabilitation: Pavillion Resolution 2022-06
Upto $250,000, due on October 27th, 20% match for small municipality
CG/SH unanimous approval
At 8:38 pm HS/KTZ unanimous approval