July 3, 2017 Meeting
212 Unity Terrace
Rutledge, PA 19070
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and the meeting was called to order at 7pm.
Present: Brianne Thomas, E. Leggett, Marie Govannicci, Dr. Marlaina Kloepfer, Jim Jones, Council President Dave Waltz, Mayor Cunningham. W. Neill, Esq. was also in attendance.
Absent: J. Shingle
Mr. Karl Kloepfer of 14 Linden Avenue asked about some upcoming ordinances and how people would find them. A brief explanation was provided.
Motion to Approve Minutes of May 1, 22 and June 26 : E. Leggett/B. Thomas
All In Favor
Tax Collector Information
The Borough Secretary reported that owners of rental units were provided letters for the renewal of their inspections and that Catania Engineering will be making appointments with them. If any homeowner did not receive a renewal notice, they should contact the borough office.
Mayor Cunningham read the police report which described various incidents including trespass, wires down, neighbor complaints and traffic issues. Chief Craig also explained tag readers for the benefit of the residents.
The Mayor also stated that he went to a visitation at the High School in memory of Jack Han. His Silvertones sang at Rutledge Christmas events every year and Mr. Han had a great impact on many local music students. The Mayor and Ms. Govannicci recounted many of the contributions he made to the Rutledge community. Ms. Govannicci felt that a contribution or remembrance of some type should be made on behalf of council. The matter was discussed briefly.
Ms. Govannicci stated that the Fire Department would be present at the 4th of July Parade. She gave an overview of planned events and volunteer duties.
Dr. Kloepfer was asked to send out a notice regarding no parking on the parade routes. Dr. Kloepfer reported that communications would not be rescheduled to July 20th. The bamboo ordinance is online for resident review and information. She also noted that the trophy presentation to the girl’s club was live steamed and received almost 200 views. She will be filming tomorrow’s events for the 4th of July.
Motion to approve Ordinance #482 “Zoning Accessory Structures†E. Leggett/B. Thomas
All in Favor
Ms. Govannicci congratulated the Girl’s Club team members on their Championship win which is their 2nd or 3rd in a row. The season is now over.
She also noted that the new toy in Triangle Park is up. It is a musical xylophone type toy. It was installed at an accessible level by our highway employee, Mark Bascelli. Ms. Govannicci thanked him for his hard work and all of the volunteers who have been helping out. She called on any other volunteers to contact her as we can use all of the help that we can with 4th of July events across town. There are flyers with activities schedules and wrist bands will be given out at the park.
Council also thanked Mark and Dawn Bascelli for planting all of the flowers at Borough Hall on Saturday in time for the 4th of July events. It was a lot of hard work and it was appreciated.
New Business – Council President Waltz advised everyone that a new law went into affect August 4th that would suspend your registration if you have 6 or more outstanding toll violations.
Motion to remove Dr. Kloepfer from the Communications Committee until issues with council are resolved. M. Govannicci/B. Thomas A brief discussion ensued regarding the ability to change committees and related matters. Council President Waltz reminded council that he sets committees and can change them at will. However, Ms. Govannicci indicated that she was requesting the change. Dr. Kloepfer stated that she felt after 5 years on communications the change seemed political. The change was approved.
Mr. Leggett thanked the Planning Committee for their help in the review process for the ordinance changes and all of the work to get these things done.
Public Comment – Heidi Sentivan of Unity Terrace asked about minutes. The secretary indicated that she still has a few sets unfinished and is trying to move forward on this and get some backlog completed after the previous secretary’s long medical absence. However, we are trying to complete various indepth audits and other time sensitive issues. The Borough is only a 20 hour per week office so the catch up will take time. Audits and finance are the priorities at this time.
Dr. Kloepfer asked about a finance report. There was no report at this time.
Motion to adjourn at 7:45: E. Leggett/J. Jones
All in Favor
Respectfully Submitted,
DawnMarie Bascelli
Borough Secretary