January 12, 2017 Meeting
212 Unity Terrace
Rutledge, PA 19070
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and the meeting was called to order at 7pm.
Present: Brianne Thomas, Jack Shingle, Marie Govannicci, Dr. Marlaina Kloepfer, Jim Jones, Council President Dave Waltz, Mayor Cunningham.
Absent: E. Leggitt
No public was present for comment.
The tax collector report was presented.
The apartment inspections report was discussed.
The police report was presented by Mayor Cunningham.
Snow Jam will take place on February 4, 2017.
The Mayor gave an update on the Super Bowl of Caring. Hunger among the community was discussed and the previous generosity of Rutledge residents.
Council President Waltz discussed the great service the Borough is getting from the Swarthmore Police Department with whom the Borough of Rutledge just renewed a 5 year shared services contract. Mayor Cunningham concurred and stated how lucky he felt the residents of Rutledge are for enjoying this service.
Committee Information:
Dr. Kloepfer stated that the communications committee did not meet. She also stated she will be setting up a new gmail account. The minutes were posted to the website.
Mr. Jones briefly discussed the trash and sewer, including a resolution regarding the sewer grant that Rutledge applied for and the associated resolution that was sent to Catania Engineering.
Ms. Govannicci discussed the Shade Tree/Planting Committee concepts for planting for the municipal building.
Council President Waltz discussed advertising in the Spirit newspaper now. It is an approved newspaper with appropriate circulation and is cheaper to advertise than the Delaware County Times which has been covering Rutledge meetings less and less.
It was noted that athletics require the park to be ready by March in order for practices to begin. Repairs to the backstop and paint was discussed.
Dr. Kloepfer discussed her desire to bring the craft fair back.
Ms. Govannicci thanked Ms. Thomas for her help with the holiday luminaries project. There was a discussion of possibly ordering luminary supplies with the other communities next year.
Streets – The new truck was used to salt the roads in the town for the snow and ice although the plow was not used for this weather event.
Motion to approve the lower rental hall fee be changed from $315 to $350. Dr. Kloepfer/J. Jones
All in Favor
Mr. Shingle discussed door to door solicitation and the difference legally between solicitation and religious “solicitationâ€. It was thought that persons trying to pass on religious information would be exempt from a solicitation ordinance. However, it was noted that all residents should call police if they have a concern about solicitation. It was suggested that Dr. Kloepfer add this to the website.
Mr. Shingle read the fire company reports of service.
Motion to approve the appointment of William Neill, III as the Borough Solicitor for 2017 at a rate of $3000 per year. J. Jones/J. Shingle
All in Favor
Public Comment:
Mary of 227 Sylvan Avenue wanted to discuss the procedure for a possible zoning change at the church for a daycare and some storage of snow removal equipment. They were referred to Heidi Sentivan of the Zoning Board for specific responses.
Motion to adjourn: J. Jones/D. Waltz
All in Favor
Respectfully Submitted,
DawnMarie Bascelli
Borough Secretary