Hometown Hero Returns! Tuesday 7 pm!

Come Out to Greet Retuning Soldier Andrew (Drew) Lebold on Tuesday March 17th  at 7 pm at the Borough Hall! He will be escorted from the Philadelphia Airport by the Warriors Watch Motorcycle Club and our local Antique Car Club.

Andrew (Drew) Lebold, son of Greg & Diane Lebold joined the United States Army under the delayed enlistment program while he was a senior at Strath Haven High School. He left for basic training and advanced training in July of 2007, just one month after his high school graduation.

He is a presently serving our country as a combat engineer, and his rank is Specialist (E-4). He was stationed for 15 months in one of the most dangerous regions in Iraq – Mosul. His unit (1/8 Infantry Battalion, 4th Infantry Division) was deployed in December 2007 and returned 2 weeks ago to their home base at Ft. Carson, Colorado Springs, Colorado.

Drew is scheduled to come home on leave this Tuesday evening! Several veteran and military support groups are planning to attend with the “Warriors Watch” motorcycle organization escorting him home from the airport to Rutledge Borough. The area fire companies are also planning on attending – Swarthmore, Morton and of course Rutledge.

We invite the Rutledge Community to come out and celebrate Drew’s Return with them this Tuesday Evening. We’ll be gathering at the Borough Hall at 7 pm. We look forward to seeing you all there! Questions: Jean Lenke, phone 484.431.3524



