Category: fourth
Celebrate the 4th in Rutledge!
Hosted by the Rutledge 4th of July Committee, the Fourth of July Festivities include the morning parade with costumes, decorated bikes, & family floats! Refreshments and games for all ages follow at Triangle Park! Bring your families & friends! All are welcome and encouraged to attend! Schedule: 8:45 – 9:30 am – Parade Registration &…
Rutledge Egg Hunt! Sunday at 2 pm!
The Rutledge “Fourth of July Committee” Invites you and your family to our annual Easter Egg Hunt at Triangle Park, this Sunday at 2 pm. The event is open to all ages. “The Easter Bunny” will be on hand for family photographs. Â Bring your camera! We “hop” to see you all there!
Borough E-Mail Announcement List Revived!
SUBSCRIBE NOW! The old Borough E-mail Announcement List is being revived. It will be used on a limited basis for timely announcements about Borough Business and Community Activities. E-mail subscription notice was sent on March 12th to everyone on the old list. If you were on the old list and did not receive an e-mail…
EASTER EGG HUNT – March 29th at 2 pm
The Easter Egg Hunt will be held at Triangle Park. Watch for the event flyer! (Rain date April 5th)
There will be a Craft Fair & Flea Market on Saturday March 28th, 9am to 3 pm at the Rutledge Borough Hall. Proceeds will benefit the newly formed Rutledge Shade Tree Commission which has set a goal of restoring our streets to their past appearance—before age and Dutch Elm Disease took its toll. Planning is also underway…
 You’re invited to the Rutledge Borough Winter Potluck Dinner & Poetry Reading on Sunday afternoon, Feb 22nd, 4 pm at the Borough Hall. Please contact (610) 328-1955 to sign-up to bring an appetizer, main dish, or salad. The dish should serve 8-12.  There will be a Dessert Contest this year! Bring a dessert (in…