Category: calendar
Fall Ball Home Game vs. Glenolden
Location: Triangle Park
Ninth Annual Morton/Rutledge Fire Company #1 Horseshoe Tournament
Time: 10:00 sign-in, start at 10:30 Location: Triangle Park Rain Date: September 16th (12:30 sign-in, 1:00 start time) Details: The $30.00 registration fee per team includes food, beverages, and prizes for the top three finishers. Team names and money are due by Friday, September 14th. For questions and registrations call the Fire Station at 610.543.9721…
Rutledge Borough Community Wide Yard Sale
4th of July Celebration
The 4th of July Committee invites you to join us for the 2012 Celebration of Independence Day on Wednesday, July 4th (rain date will be Saturday, July 7th). This year the parade will be following a new route by starting at the Borough Hall and finishing at Triangle Park. The agenda for this year’s celebration:…
Low Cost Pet Clinic
The Delaware County SPCA and the Morton-Rutledge Fire Company have entered into a three-month agreement to allow the SPCA to use the old Rutledge Firehouse for its microchip/low cost vaccination program for pets. The costs for vaccines range from $7 to $20 and $35 for a microchip. The program is open to pet owners in…
4th of July Committee Meeting
Join us in the Borough Hall to help plan for the 2012 4th of July Celebration.
Easter Egg Hunt
Meet us at the Triangle Park for the 2012 Easter Egg Hunt.
Trash Collection
Rutledge Borough Committee Meetings
Rutledge Committees will meet on the following dates in 2012 in the Rutledge Borough Office, 212 Unity Terrace, Rutledge, Delaware County, Pa., beginning at 7:30 p.m. Note: Application for a Building Permit to be submitted 10 days before a scheduled Building Committee Meeting. Applications can be obtained at the Borough Office during regular business hours.
Rutledge Borough Council Work Session
Meetings are held at the Rutledge Borough Office, 212 Unity Terrace, Rutledge, Delaware County, Pa., beginning at 7:30 p.m.