Category: calendar

  • Tenth Annual Morton/Rutledge Fire Company Horseshoe Tournament

    Date: Saturday, September 14th Time: 10:00 am sign-in, start at 10:30 am Location: Triangle Park (Waverly Terrace and Rutledge Avenue) (Rain date, Sept. 15th, 12:30 pm sign-in, 1:00 pm start) $30.00 per team includes food, beverages and prizes for the top three finishers. Team names and money are due no later than Friday, September 13th. For questions…

  • Adult Mosquito Control

    The PA Department of Environmental Protection’s West Nile Virus control program will conduct an Ultra Low Volume (ULV) mosquito adulticide spray in portions of Collingdale Borough, Morton Borough, Ridley Township, Rutledge Borough and Springfield Township in Delaware County.  Residential and recreational areas within this treatment area will be sprayed to control adult mosquitoes.  This is…

  • Electronic Waste (E-Waste) Recycling Collection Event

    Examples of items being collected at this event include: Computers / Laptops / Monitors ● Computer Mice / Keyboards / Peripherals ● CD Players ● VCR/DVD Players ● Cell Phones/Phones ●Small Home Office Copiers/Fax Machines ● Printers ● TVs / Radios / Stereos ● MP3 Players ● Electronic Toys and Games ● Photo and Video…

  • Rutledge Borough Yard Sale

  • Rutledge Independence Day Celebration

    Join the 4th of July Committee for the annual Rutledge Independence Day Celebration on Thursday, July 4th.  The agenda for the day is: 9:30 AM- Parade Registration, Borough Hall 10:00 AM-Judging of the Parade Divisions, Borough Hall 10:30 AM-Parade 11:00 AM-Committee Welcome, Mayor’s Welcome, and awarding of parade prizes, Triangle Park 11:30 AM- Games Begin, Triangle Park 6:00…

  • Life Line Screening Event

    Life Line Screening will be here at Borough of Rutledge/Community Center on Thursday, April 25, 2013 offering safe, painless, non-invasive preventive health screenings that are typically not a part of a routine physical.  To be more proactive about your health and to live longer for yourself, your family and your community, please register for these potentially life-saving…

  • Morton-Rutledge Fire Company Public Safety Day

    All are invited to attend the Morton-Rutledge Fire Company Public Safety Day.  There will be activities for all ages.  There will be free handouts prompting public safety and fire prevention, displays by the Morton Police Department and Liberty Mutual, demonstrations on what to do should an appliance fire occur at your home, life saving information…

  • Annual Easter Egg Hunt

    Hosted by the Rutledge 4th of July Committee Location: Triangle Park Eggs go fast so don’t be late.  Bring your camera because the Easter Bunny will be there to take pictures. Please note that there will not be a rain date for this event.

  • Rutledge Borough Quizzo Night

    Don’t Miss the Rutledge Borough Quizzo Night on Friday, March 15th! The doors open at 7:30 and Quizzo begins at 8:00 pm sharp. Cost: $15 per person in advance which includes beer, soda, and game cards.  Please feel free to bring your own finger foods. You must be over 21 to attend. Prizes will be awarded to…

  • Trash Pick Up