Category: calendar
Church & Community Picnic
Let’s get together as friends and neighbors for some great food, fun & fellowship! Grilled hot dogs, chips, sides & salads, dessert and beverages provided. Please bring a breakfast or lunch food item that will be donated to needy families. Games for kids with prizes! To be held at Chambers Memorial Presbyterian Church, corner of…
Rutledge Borough Building Committee Meeting
Rutledge Borough Building Committee Meetings are held at the Rutledge Borough Office, 212 Unity Terrace, Rutledge, PA 19070.Application for a Building Permit must be submitted 10 days before a scheduled Building Committee Meeting. Applications can be obtained at the Borough Office during regular business hours.
Rutledge Borough Council Work Session
Rutledge Borough Council Work Session Meetings are held at the Rutledge Borough Office, 212 Unity Terrace, Rutledge, PA 19070.
Rutledge Borough Council Meeting
Council Meetings are held at the Borough Hall, 212 Unity Terrace, Rutledge, PA 19070
BBQ Fundraiser
The Rutledge 4th of July Committee will hold a NELSON’S BBQ fundraiser dinner on Friday, April 16th, with pick ups from 3-6 pm. Dinner will be Chicken and Ribs by Nelsons BBQ, and each dinner includes ½ Chicken or ½ rack of Ribs, a side item, roll, and soda. Chicken dinners are $7.oo each, and…
Annual Easter Egg Hunt
The Rutledge 4th of July Committee will be holding its annual Easter Egg Hunt on Sunday, March 28th at 1:30 p.m. at the Triangle Park. The Easter Bunny will be there, so make sure to bring your camera! The rain date for this event will be Saturday, April 3rd at 1:30 pm.
Recycling Collection
Trash Collection
Paper Recycling Collection
Hometown Hero Returns! Tuesday 7 pm!
Come Out to Greet Retuning Soldier Andrew (Drew) Lebold on Tuesday March 17th at 7 pm at the Borough Hall! He will be escorted from the Philadelphia Airport by the Warriors Watch Motorcycle Club and our local Antique Car Club. Andrew (Drew) Lebold, son of Greg & Diane Lebold joined the United States Army under…