Category: calendar

  • Church & Community Picnic

    Let’s get together as friends and neighbors for some great food, fun & fellowship! Grilled hot dogs, chips, sides & salads, dessert and beverages provided. Please bring a breakfast or lunch food item that will be donated to needy families. Games for kids with prizes! To be held at Chambers Memorial Presbyterian Church, corner of…

  • Rutledge Borough Building Committee Meeting

    Rutledge Borough Building Committee Meetings are held at the Rutledge Borough Office, 212 Unity Terrace, Rutledge, PA 19070.Application for a Building Permit must be submitted 10 days before a scheduled Building Committee Meeting. Applications can be obtained at the Borough Office during regular business hours.

  • Rutledge Borough Council Work Session

    Rutledge Borough Council Work Session Meetings are held at the Rutledge Borough Office, 212 Unity Terrace, Rutledge, PA 19070.

  • Rutledge Borough Council Meeting

    Council Meetings are held at the Borough Hall, 212 Unity Terrace, Rutledge, PA 19070

  • BBQ Fundraiser

    The Rutledge 4th of July Committee will hold a NELSON’S BBQ fundraiser dinner on Friday, April 16th, with pick ups from 3-6 pm. Dinner will be Chicken and Ribs by Nelsons BBQ, and each dinner includes ½ Chicken or ½ rack of Ribs, a side item, roll, and soda.  Chicken dinners are $7.oo each, and…

  • Annual Easter Egg Hunt

    The Rutledge 4th of July Committee will be holding its annual Easter Egg Hunt on Sunday, March 28th at 1:30 p.m. at the Triangle Park.  The Easter Bunny will be there, so make sure to bring your camera! The rain date for this event will be Saturday, April 3rd at 1:30 pm.

  • Recycling Collection

  • Trash Collection

  • Paper Recycling Collection

  • Hometown Hero Returns! Tuesday 7 pm!

    Come Out to Greet Retuning Soldier Andrew (Drew) Lebold on Tuesday March 17th  at 7 pm at the Borough Hall! He will be escorted from the Philadelphia Airport by the Warriors Watch Motorcycle Club and our local Antique Car Club. Andrew (Drew) Lebold, son of Greg & Diane Lebold joined the United States Army under…