Rutledge Borough Work Session, January 24, 2011

Gregory C. Lebold, Council President, opened the scheduled Work Session Meeting at 7:30 PM, in the Council Meeting Room, 212 Unity Terrace, Rutledge, PA.

The following Council Members answered roll call: Gregory C. Lebold, Diane McGaughey, Tom Kopp, Jack Borsch, and David Waltz

Also present: Mayor Scott Shields, G. Guy Smith, Esq., Jerry Connelly, Karl Eilinsfeld

Not present: Kurt Morrison, Brian Costello

Karl Eilinsfeld stated that he had six positive and one negative comments regarding the snow plowing. He ordered one pallet of salt. Mr. Lebold stated that Mr. Eilinsfeld should call David Waltz if he needs to be relieved from plowing.

Tom Kopp reported that there have been no offers to buy the fire truck.

The CDCA Office Lease expires on September 30, 2011. There is an option to renew it for 5 years.

The Delaware County Office of Employment and Training has an Excellence in Youth Awards Program.

The PA Borough Association is having a newsletter and municipal website contest. Rutledge Borough will enter both.

The Delaware County Borough Association will have a presentation on CoStars at the Rutledge Community Center on Monday, January 31, 2011, 3:30 PM and 7:00 PM. The Secretary has received 16 responses for attendance at the 3:30 PM meeting, and no responses for the 7:00 PM meeting.

President Lebold asked Council Members to provide information to Jean Lenke for the Borough newsletter. The 2011 Budget allows for one newsletter this year.

Solicitor Guy Smith reported that he attended the hearing for property maintenance of Jack Breslin’s property. All of the debris has been cleaned up, so the citation has been withdrawn.

David Waltz reported that the street sign at Linden and Waverly is down. Mr. Waltz asked Council to send a letter to Joe Hackett that encourages Mr. Hacket to present a bill that requires municipalities that do not have their own police force and are using the State Police, at no cost, to get their own police force, or help the municipalities that have police protection to offset their costs.

Diane McGaughey asked if there is any grant money to put into the Community Center. She would like to get chandeliers for the 2nd floor. $5.000.00 is needed to replace the handrails.

The elevator requires a 5-year test – cost $2,600.00.

Ms. McGaughey reported that the new custodian cleans for the parties, and nothing outside of the rentals. Ms. McGaughey and the Secretary have been setting up the tables and chairs for Council and other meetings. Ms. McGaughey asked Council Members to help set up for the meetings.

Ms. McGaughey talked to Karl Eilinsfeld regarding the exit signs and emergency lights in the Community Center. Batteries to support the exit signs and emergency lights need to be replaced at a cost of $180.00.

Ms. McGaughey would like to get a PA system for the Community Center. The Borough may be able to get a grant for this.

Rutledge Girls’ Club softball signups will be held on January 31, February 9, and February 13.

Mayor Shields stated that Karl Eilinsfeld is doing an outstanding job with plowing the streets and salting the intersections.

Diane McGaughey stated that she has gotten property maintenance complaints and asked Council how they would like to handle them. President Lebold stated that the complaints will be looked into on a case by case basis.

Jerry Connelly reported that Morton Borough has sent a copy of the Workers Comp. Insurance bill for the Fire Co. Rutledge is to pay $1,554.00, or 25%.

Jack Borsch stated that he received a letter from the County regarding a Hazardous Mitigation update course offered by the County.

Since there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:10 PM.
Submitted by:  Gennifer Guiliano



