Rutledge Borough Council Meeting, May 3, 2010

Gregory C. Lebold, Council President, opened the scheduled Borough Council Meeting at 7:30 PM, in the Council Meeting Room, 212 Unity Terrace, Rutledge, PA.

After the salute to the flag, the following Council members answered roll call: Greg Lebold Jack Borsch, Tom Kopp, Brian Costello, and David Waltz.
Also present: G. Guy Smith, Esq., Mayor Scott Shields, Police Chief Brian Craig
Not Present: Diane McGaughey, Kurt Morrison

Public Comment: Kevin Cunningham, 20 Rutledge Ave., President of the Rutledge Girls’ Club, reported that Diane McGaughey threw out the first ball of the season at the softball game at Triangle Park. The Fire Co. sent a truck for the festivities. There is a big pothole on Unity Terra between Rutledge and Sylvan Aves.

Rita Kramer, 106 Rutledge Ave. stated that a compressor at the home of Steven Smith goes off as early as 6:45 AM, and various times during the day. Mrs. Kramer stated that the dump truck is gone. Last summer, someone who couldn’t see her yard complained about it. There was junk at the end of the driveway of her neighbor, and trash leaning against the cyclone fence. Greg Lebold stated that Harry Mirra will look into the matter. The homeowner needs to be cited and a hearing requested, and Mrs. Kramer will have an opportunity to go. Mrs. Kramer stated that the inspector came into her yard and made a tour of her whole property, and asked why these rules don’t apply to Steven Smith’s property. The inspector was at her property four times last year, and only found twigs and flower pots.

Minutes: MOTION by Brian Costello, Second by Jack Borsch, to approve the minutes as submitted for the Council Meeting of April 5, 2010 and Work Session of April 26, 2010. MOTION approved unanimously.

Tax Collector’s Report: Tax Collector not present.

Treasurer’s Report: Gennifer Guiliano distributed the Cash Flow report for the month of April 2010.

Code Enforcement Report: Harry Mirra read his report for April.
2 House Inspections/Sale – passed
51 Apartment Inspections
4 Building Permits – 3 Complete, 1 Active
1 Correction Notice- House with Compressor running constantly.

Mayor’s Report: Mayor Scott Shields read the Police Report for April. There were: 11 Police Calls, 4 Motor Vehicle Citations, 7 Parking Tickets, 7 Complaints, 2 Assist Fire Co.

4/28/10 Trailer stolen
4/21/10 Dispute with a tree service 200 block Linden Ave.
04/30/10 10 year old riding a micro motorcycle in the streets

Mayor Shields reminded residents that summer is here- be careful of children.

Chief Brian Craig reported digital copiers store the scanned information in memory, so personal information that is copied is in memory. This is a problem for people who lease copiers and return them.

Correspondence: None

4th of July: Nothing to report

Communication: Nothing to report.

Ordinance: Brian Costello reported that he is working on a noise ordinance, with advice from the Solicitor, and the next task will be a revision of zoning ordinances.

Trash: Jack Borsch reported that he spoke with the Borough’s trash hauler, Suburban Waste Services, and t hey said that any type of plastic, except plastic bags, can be put in the recycling.

Building: Nothing to report.

Sewer: Jack Borsch stated that he is looking into televising the Borough’s sewer system.

Shade Tree Commission: Jack Borsch stated that there will be a tree planting in the fall, and the number of trees is contingent upon the amount of grant money that is received.

Highway: David Waltz spoke with the Engineer about road repairs.

Recreation: Nothing to report.

Public Safety: Tom Kopp reported that there were: 25 alarms, with time in service of 9 hours, 13minutes, and 4 drills with time in service of 14 hours, in April 2010.
Manpower response – Full Compliment-25, Undermanned – 1, Scratched -0, Late Response – 0.

Alarms – non-building fires – 17 Building fires – 3
Manpower responses: Full Compliment- 20 Undermanned – 0 Scratched-0 Late Response – 0

Safety Tips- With daylight savings time in effect, please drive slowly and keep small children in your mind when driving within the Borough streets. Sometimes children dart out for a loose ball or ride into the street from their driveways. Everybody have a fun and safe summer.

On May 3, there was a Rapid Intervention Team disentanglement class at the training center. On April 3, there was a live burn at the training center.

Finance: Nothing to report.

Solicitor’s Report – Guy Smith reported that he sent a letter to Morton Borough that requests a written agreement between the 2 Boroughs regarding insurance and fire protection provided by the Morton-Rutledge Fire Co.

Old Business: Nothing to report.

New Business:
MOTION by Jack Borsch, Second by Brian Costello, to authorize the Solicitor to prepare bid documents for the sale of the 1982 Sutphen fire truck. MOTION approved unanimously.

MOTION by Tom Kopp, Second by David Waltz, to authorize County Aid for the 2010 road repair program. MOTION approved unanimously.
Public Comment: Karl Eilinsfeld, highwayman, introduced himself to Council.

Bills for May 3, 2010:

MOTION by Brian Costello, Second by Jack Borsch, to approve payment of the bills for the month from the General Fund in the amount of $37,765.28. MOTON approved unanimously.

MOTION by Brian Costello, Second by Jack Borsh, to approve payment of the bills for the month from the Gas Fund in the amount of $321.92. MOTION approved unanimously.

Since there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 7:57 PM.

Submitted by:
Gennifer Guiliano



