Greg Lebold, Council President, opened the scheduled Borough Council Meeting at 7:30 PM, in the Council Meeting Room, 212 Unity Terrace, Rutledge, PA.
After the salute to the flag, the following Council members answered roll call: Greg Lebold, Tom Kopp, Diane McGaughey, Thomas Ash, Mark King and Kurt Morrison.
Also present: Mayor Scott Shields, Police Chief Brian Craig, G. Guy Smith, Esq., Ed McGaughey, Manager
Not Present: Jack Borsch
Minutes: MOTION by Mark King, Second by Diane McGaughey, to approve the minutes as submitted for the Council Meeting of August 4, 2008 and Work Session of August 25, 2008. MOTION approved unanimously.
Public Comment: Ben O’Neill, 18 Rutledge Ave., stated that a Borough Council member’s fallen tree is causing his fence to be damaged. The Council member should set an example. Greg Lebold stated that it is a neighbor dispute and Council can’t do anything. Solicitor Guy Smith stated that Council cannot step into private property right issues, and doing so creates liability issues for Council members. Mr. O’Neill stated that it is a disgrace that the person is representing the people of Rutledge, but won’t remove the fallen tree.
Tax Collector’s Report: Leonard Michael reported that $3,287.87 was collected in August.
Treasurer’s Report – Gennifer Guiliano distributed the Cash Flow report for the month of August 2008.
Code Enforcement/Building Inspector Reports – Harry Mirra read his report for the month of August 2008:
Three correction notices were issued: Shrubbery & tree branches, abandoned car, weeds in back yard.
Three non-traffic citations were issued: Detached garage must be maintained, weeds & fence must be cleaned up & maintained, emergency escape on 3rd floor not suitable.
3 Active Zoning Permits
Mr. Mirra reported that he met with the executrix of the estate of the homeowner of 214 President Ave. Some debris has been cleared, but there is a lot more work to be done. Mr. Mirra has filed citations with the District Court.
Mark King reported that a solid, 6 foot fence has been erected at 230 Linden Ave. without a permit, and is violation of the Borough‘s fence ordinance. Mr. Mirra will investigate.
Mayor’s Report – Scott Shields read the police report for August, 2008.
There was a DUI in the Borough on 8/1/08, complaints of dogs running loose on 08/08/08, and juveniles kicked in mirrors on cars on Linden Ave. and Waverly Terrace, two males soliciting on 08/12/08.
There were: 9 M.V Citations, 18 Parking Tickets, 16 Police Calls, 7 Complaints, and 5 Assist Ambulance.
Mayor Shields reported that drivers are still running stop signs. Mayor Shields stated that no Council member is supposed to act on his own. The Police have been doing vacation checks of homes in the Borough.
Correspondence: None
Committee Reports:
Ordinance/ Trash – Mark King instructed residents to contact the Borough Office with any complaints regarding trash pickup.
Building – Nothing to report
Sewer– Nothing to report.
Highway – Thomas Ash stated that a report was received from Catania Engineering of estimates to repair the streets in the Borough. The repairs were categorized by priority.
Mr. Ash reported that new stop signs have been put up, and requested that white lines be painted at the intersections.
Recreation – Kurt Morrison thanked Girls Scout Troop 5860 for the great job they did painting the benches and tables at the Triangle Park.
Public Safety – Tom Kopp reported that there were 16 alarms, with time in service 4 hours, 24 minutes and 4 drills with time in service 10 hours, 24 minutes in August.
The Fire Co. will have its 5th Annual Horseshoe Tournament on Saturday, September 13, with a rain date of Sunday, September 14.
The Fire Company is having two fundraisers: 2009 Entertainment Book- $25, and the Fire Co. gets $15 for each book sold. Lottery tickets for November- $5, tied into the PM daily number, with prizes of $50, $100, and $200. All are available at the Fire Co.
A fundraiser was held at the Springfield Country Club for fallen firefighters memorial. Bricks can be bought to pave the path to the memorial.
The 2nd mailing was sent for Rutledge Fire Co. Annual Fund Raising Campaign. There has been a 29% response rate.
Swarthmore Fire Co. will have a housing celebration for its new fire truck and 100th anniversary at 11:00 AM on 09/24/08. The truck is dedicated to Chris Hanson.
There will be e memorial service on September 11 at 11:00 AM at Rose Tree Park.
Finance – Diane McGaughey reported that she is working on the 2009 budget. Estimates were received for curbing at the Triangle Park. The lowest bid is for $7,000, and the Borough received a grant for $5,000 to pay for a portion of it. Mrs. McGaughey received a bid of $2,915.91 for landscaping at the Triangle Park, outside of the fence along the upper Part of Swarthmore Ave.
Solicitor’s Report: Nothing to report.
Old Business : Kurt Morrison reported that Catania Engineering has completed a plan for the rain garden at the Triangle Park, to be funded by the Pennsylvania Environmental Council.
MOTION by Kurt Morrison, Second by Diane McGaughey, to authorize the Borough Engineer to advertise for bids for the Triangle Park Rain Garden Project. MOTION approved unanimously.
New Business: Greg Lebold stated that the Borough is often given the responsibility of unfunded mandates. The latest is a waste disposal fee that will be charged by the Delaware County Solid Waste Authority that will take effect in 2009. Residents are currently paying a trash removal fee, and the disposal fee will be in addition to this. The proposed fee was $43.00 per household, but is subject to change after a meeting with Delaware County municipalities. Please call Greg Lebold if there are any questions.
MOTION by Diane McGaughey, Second by Mark King, to approve a landscaping project at the Triangle Park, on the upper part of Swarthmore Ave., by J. Downend Landscaping, at a cost of $2,915.91. MOTION approved unanimously.
MOTON by Diane McGaughey, Second by Kurt Morrison, to authorize R & M Concrete to install 276 linear feet of concrete curbing along Waverly Terrace at a cost of $7,000. MOTION approved unanimously.
Public Comment:
Cathy Myers, 210 President Ave., stated that she went with Harry Mirra to inspect 214 President Ave. The front window on the 3rd floor was replaced, bur the jalousie windows in the back and side were not, and panes are missing. Ms. Myers stated that she has taken pictures of the property. The tenants have cut some shrubs to 6 inches, which is a hazard if a child falls on them. There is confusion about the property line, and the property still needs to be cleaned up.
Mark King inquired as to the difficulty in compliance. The Solicitor will step in, but there are currently citations filed with the District Court.
Bills for September 8, 2008:
MOTION by Thomas Ash, Second by Diane McGaughey, to approve payment of the bills for the month from the General Fund in the amount of $37,150.44. MOTION approved unanimously.
MOTION by Thomas Ash, Second by Kurt Morrison, to approve payment of the bills for the month from the Gas Fund in the amount of $720.67. MOTION approved unanimously.
MOTION by Thomas Ash, Second by Diane McGaughey, to approve payment of the bills for the month from the Sewer Fund in the amount of $7,671.60. MOTION approved unanimously.
Since there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:07 PM
Submitted by:
Gennifer Guiliano
Borough Secretary