August 7, 2017 Meeting
212 Unity Terrace
Rutledge, PA 19070
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and the meeting was called to order at 7pm.
Present: Brianne Thomas, Marie Govannicci, Dr. Marlaina Kloepfer, Jim Jones, Council President Dave Waltz, Mayor Cunningham. Alice Miller, Esq. was also in attendance to replace W. Neill, Esq.
Absent: E. Leggett, J. Shingle
The Tax Collector’s report was presented by the Borough Secretary.
Motion to Approve the Tax Collector’s Report for July Ms. Thomas/Ms. Govannicci
All In Favor
Mayor Cunningham presented the police report indicating the various calls that happened in Rutledge.
Public Comment –
Mary Kate Peterson of 4 East Sylvan described her struggles with a screaming resident at the half-way house across from her residence. The resident is evidently new to the facility and has been threatening other residents and hurling insults and vulgar statements at residents, including Mrs. Peterson’s young child. She recounted several incidents of disturbing behavior.
Sgt. Thomas, who was in the audience, stipulated that the resident is violent and has been transported to the hospital several times for threats and other behaviors.
Council President Waltz stated the facility was not problematic before and he would see what immediate action could be taken. He sought the advice of the attorney. The Borough Secretary stated that she had written to the facility today and had called, as had another neighbor who was not present. The attorney advised that she could be held for mental assessment. Inspections of the leases for the facility residents were discussed and Council President Waltz indicated he would be calling the facility himself in the morning to demand her removal to a facility appropriate for her condition. Several aspects of the issue were discussed with input from several council members, all of whom expressed their concern.
There was also a discussion of the police report which the Mayor presented and several comments about the level of specifics that should be provided, or not provided, at a council meeting. That lead to some concerns about whether those issues were appropriate to be discussed while the meeting is being taped as well. A brief discussion ensued.
Ms. Thomas discussed updated information on the website which included changes to committees.
The Borough Secretary read the Police Chief’s report.
Ms. Giovannicci discussed the use of the park. The Girl’s Club will be using the fields on Thursdays for the remainder of the summer.
The Shade Tree Ordinance is out for discussion.
Dr. Kloepfer attended a meeting and reported that $170 was received for the t-shirt sale on the 4th of July. Many new residents asked for the shirts so it was a success. She stated that Shade Tree will meet on the 21st.
The next event is the Tree Lighting in the Borough.
Council President Waltz discussed the status of the street lighting project and building replacement lights. We are almost complete and should be seeing a bill soon.
The highway employee was asked to call Verizon to get the low hanging branch down that is caught in the wire.
Mr. Jones discussed the sewer project. They are currently videoing street lines and will be back in town on Wednesday or Thursday.
Dr. Kloepfer discussed the trash removal information and indicated that she will be compiling a report that she thinks will be helpful to residents.
Council President Waltz discussed the letterhead and passed out copies of the new design. Dr. Kloepfer suggested changing the email address due to ongoing issues with it.
Motion to hire a bookkeeper for the building a few hours a month. The auditor recommended Lisa Seal, a Rutledge native who has been helping out with some of the audit information. Ms. Thomas/Mr. Jones
A brief discussion about hours ensued.
All in Favor
Motion to adjourn at 7:25: M. Giovannicci/B. Thomas
All in Favor
Respectfully Submitted,
DawnMarie Bascelli
Borough Secretary