April 24, 2017 Meeting
212 Unity Terrace
Rutledge, PA 19070
The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and the meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by Council President Dave Waltz.
Present: Brianne Thomas, Jack Shingle, Marie Govannicci, Jim Jones, Council President Dave Waltz, Marlaina Kloepfer, Mayor Cunningham.
Absent: Eric Leggett
No public comment was made.
Trash & Sewers – Mr. Jones discussed the need for the piping at the rain garden in the park to be checked and repaired. An 8†cap will be ordered.
There was also comment on a proposal in the amount of $9900 for sewer video services. The video services would be completed by General Sewer and if approved, they will start the services next Monday.
Parks – Ms. Govannicci reported on the softball schedule and how that related to mowing needs. Mark Bascelli will be out on vacation next week. There was a brief discussion regarding how the mowing was handled in previous years. The town did not mow before every home game.
The fact that the basketball court was sinking a bit in some areas was discussed. There is a pit under the court and Mark first noticed a slight dip.
Mark also picked up two steel trash cans for the park. Purchasing them off of EBay is significantly cheaper than buying them new which Rutledge could never afford. He will pour pads for them and install them in the park.
Public Safety – The Morton-Rutledge Fire Department has offered to help paint the old backstop at Triangle Park. Times and dates were discussed and it was decided that Sundays seemed best to coordinate everyone.
Mr. Shingle also discussed the Fire Department’s event on Saturday for the community from 10 to 2 pm. Clean up of the hall was also discussed.
Finance – $31,000 was deposited so far in April. Tax money is coming in.
Patching of roadways is going to start shortly when the weather warms. Lines are being painted on Linden and a handicapped spot will be removed on Unity.
The Memorial Day events will be May 28th at noon. The Mayor will organize.
It was noted that a deer was put down after it was hit by a car in the borough.
The Fire Pit ordinance was discussed in detail, including information on screen use, burning of leaves, advertisement of the ordinances, etc.
The Parking ordinance was also discussed in detail. The secretary notified council that new tickets are coming for the police.
The Deck and accessory structure ordinance was discussed. Mr. Neill let everyone know that the proposed ordinance from Ms. Sentivan was shown to the engineer and he made some additional suggestions and changes. A discussion ensued on human habitation in an accessory structure, what square footage requires permits for decking and potential conflicts with the UCC. Garage midpoints for the purpose of roof pitches were discussed and 20 ft to the midpoint was selected as the recommendation. Ms. Sentivan discussed gravel driveways and how they fit in to the new calculations of impervious spaces.
Dr. Kloepfer discussed her need to order banners for the craft fair and yard sales.
Motion to approve the purchase of a replacement beermeister for the rental hall at a cost of approximately $1800 and a freezer for the hall at a cost of approximately $200. Ms. Thomas/Mr. Shingle AIF
Dr. Kloepfer also discussed her desire to review the Shade Tree Ordinance and the proposed text that established the entity and their work. A brief discussion ensued and the matter will be further reviewed at a future meeting.
Motion to adjourn: M. Govannicci/J. Jones
All in Favor
8:23 pm
Respectfully Submitted,
DawnMarie Bascelli
Borough Secretary