February 6, 2017
212 Unity Terrace
Rutledge, PA 19070
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
Present: Brianne Thomas, Eric Leggett, Dr. Marlaina Kloepfer, Council President Dave Waltz and Mayor Cunningham, William Neill, III Esq.
Absent: Marie Govannicci, Jim Jones and Jack Shingle
Tax Collector’s Report was presented. Collections of $7309.88 were discussed. It was noted that uncollected taxes will be filed shortly. Last year’s tax collection rate was very good with only 3 homes not paying according to Mr. Heron’s records.
Mayor Cunningham presented the Police Report which included local service calls. He thanked the police for their excellent service.
Mr. Leggett presented the Fire Report.
Dr. Kloepfer presented a Communications Report. A discussion ensured regarding the need to post photos of the downstairs rental hall, the senior lunch information and the committee is working on being able to accept payments online.
Council President Waltz discussed the lighting upgrade project that will be taking place throughout the community. Street lights will be upgraded to LEDs which should save the town money and provide better quality lighting. A check would need to be issued for the first phase of the project so materials can be ordered.
There was also a brief discussion about some sewer problems on Sylvan Avenue over the past week and throughout the town in general. Rutledge has been unable to afford to do preventative maintenance on the sewer system and has applied for grant funds to do some infrastructure repairs. Council President Waltz has been working on follow up to some questions from the State about the grant which he sees as a positive indication of possible approval. In preparation for this he discussed the need for preventative maintenance on the lines and video-taping to see what repairs would be necessary and with what priority they need to be addressed. Mr. Jones has been working on this process with General Sewer and they have a proposal ready for approval.
There was a discussion regarding traffic enforcement and permit parking, including the need to order new tickets with revised pricing.
The Secretary thanked Dr. Kloepfer for posting the photo of the lost dog to the Rutledge Facebook page. Someone brought the dog to Borough Hall on Sunday night while the secretary and Mark (highway employee) were working. They took a photo and asked to get it posted. The Swarthmore Police took the dog to their station when no one came looking for it and the Facebook post helped locate the owners by morning. Ms. Bascelli also thanked the police for their willingness to hold the dog while we tried to locate the owner.
In light of the continued absence of Ms. Guiliano and the issues with the payroll system and tax reports, Council President Waltz discussed the benefits of a payroll company which can issue checks and complete the necessary quarterly and year end reports faster and cheaper than in-house. The secretary updated everyone on the state of the reports and how many hours it took to complete the 2106 information without having all of the necessary backup information, plus the time it took to complete the W-2s which were unable to be processed on-line. The cost savings was made clear as well as the improved accuracy and timeliness.
Motion to approve Prime Pay Contract at $49.99 per pay period for payroll processing and associated filing of all payroll tax reports and w-2/w-3 reports: Dr. Kloepfer/Mr. Leggett
All in Favor/Motion Passed
Motion to approve General Sewer at an amount not to exceed $10,000 for sewer line video assessments and associated work: Mr. Leggett/Ms. Thomas
All in Favor/Motion Passed
Motion to approve Disbursements in the amount indicated on the attached bills list dated February 6, 2017. Mr. Leggett/Ms. Thomas
All in Favor/Motion Passed
A member of the public, Heidi Sentivan, asked about sewer fees and what they are used for. A brief explanation of the sewer fund was provided. Rutledge does not collect separate sewer fees, although it does have a sewer fund.
There was a conversation regarding the Fire Pit Ordinance. It was determined that although final wording was discussed, the new solicitor needs to write up the final version of the ordinance for advertisement. The materials will be passed to him.
Motion to Enter a Closed Executive Session for Personnel: Dr. Kloepfer/Mr. Leggett
All in Favor/Motion Passed
Motion to adjourn: Mr. Leggett/Ms. Thomas
Respectfully Submitted,
DawnMarie Bascelli
Borough Secretary