Rutledge Borough Work Session, August 27, 2012

Diane McGaughey, Council President, opened the scheduled Work Session Meeting at 7:30 PM, in the Council Meeting Room, 212 Unity Terrace, Rutledge, PA.

After the salute to the flag, the following Council Members answered roll call: Diane McGaughey, Marlaina Kloepfer, Tom Kopp, Daniel Werner, Marie Govannicci, Brian Costello

Not present:, David Waltz, Solicitor Guy Smith

Also present: Mayor Kevin Cunningham

Public Comment: Jerry Connelly, Morton-Rutledge Fire Co., reported that a letter of intent to purchase the fire truck in December for $44,000.00 was received. The fire company will borrow a truck from Collingdale Fire. Co. until the new truck arrives. The fire siren will be removed from the Community Center on a night in September.  The JMC Jimmy has been taken out of service.

The next SPCA event will be on Tuesday, August 28 from 4PM-6PM. The Fire Company will ask if they want to extend the event into October.

The Fire Company will have food sales during the Community Yard Sale.

The Horseshoe Tournament will be held on September 15, 2012.

Building: Plans were received for the rebuilding of the house at 17 President Ave. Chili’s Inspection Service reviewed them, and found 8 items that need correction. Construction will start in 4-6 weeks.

25 President- The homeowners have hired another contractor, who needs to submit a new application and plans.

Communication: Marlaina Kloepfer reported that she attended a grant writing workshop by Congressman Meehan that gave advice on applying for federal grants.

The Borough newsletter will be sent out in hard copy form so that all residents will receive it.

Diane McGaughey stated that the Communications Committee will be the Communications/Grant Writing Committee, and Marlaina Kloepfer will be the Chair.

Finance: Diane McGaughey asked for 2013 Budget requests.

Ordinance: Nothing to report.

Property/Borough Building: Diane McGaughey reported that the kitchens and bathroom have been professionally cleaned, and the curtains have been removed and cleaned. The 4th of July Committee is to remove their things from the closet on the 2nd floor.

Public Safety: Tom Kopp reported that he has submitted a new emergency operating plan. A resolution and promulgation are required. The paperwork has been referred to the Solicitor. The basic plan and notification and resource manual are not subject to the PA Right to Know Law.
The Fire Co. will sell Christmas trees.

Recreation: Marie Govannicci  reported that she received 3 price quotes for sidewalk replacement at the Triangle Park:

Jeff Gregory            7 blocks        $2,375.00        $350/block

J. Jansen Landscaping        7 blocks        $2,000.00        $200/block

Edward Mundy        5 blocks        $875.00        $175/block

Ms. Govannicci will contact Edward Mundy to get a price to replace 7 blocks.

The Rutledge Girls’ Club will have one softball team of ages 12 and under who will play 4 homes games in September and October.

4th of July Committee: Nothing to report.

Trash: Daniel Werner reported that he received a complaint from a resident whose recycling container was taken by the trash men. Mr. Werner will meet with her to resolve the issue.

Sewer: Daniel Werner stated that he has gotten good reactions from the residents regarding the flier he distributed.

Tree Commission: Nothing to report.

Highway: Nothing to report.

MMEAC: There is a meeting at 7:00 PM at the Helen Furness Library in Upper Providence. Marie Govannicci will attend.

MAYOR: Kevin Cunningham reported that he has gone door to door to residents and handed out a list of Council Members. The residents want the newsletter back. They feel safe in Rutledge, and love the Swarthmore Police. The residents would like to see more monitoring of the stop signs. They would like the Borough sprayed for mosquitoes. DEP regulates the use of chemicals sprayed, and monitor the incidents of West Nile Virus by mosquitoes caught in traps placed throughout the County.

Solicitor: Nothing to report.

Old Business: Marie Govannicci reported that a resident is interested in purchasing the house that appears to be abandoned at 230 Linden Ave. The homeowners were given the man’s number, and will contact him if they are interested in selling their home to him.

New: The Delaware County Association of Boroughs is having a meeting on August 28. Ms. McGaughey and Ms. Kloepfer will attend.

Discussed a resolution that supports tobacco free outdoor areas.

The Community-Wide Yard Sale will be on Saturday, September 8, 2012, from 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Ads have been placed in the newspapers.

The PA State Association of Boroughs is having its annual meeting in State College, PA. Ms. McGaughey would like to send a representative from Rutledge Borough.

Since there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:02 PM.

Submitted by:  Gennifer Guiliano



