Diane McGaughey, Council President, opened the scheduled Work Session Meeting at 7:30 PM, in the Council Meeting Room, 212 Unity Terrace, Rutledge, PA.
After the salute to the flag, the following Council Members answered roll call: Daniel Werner, Diane McGaughey, David Waltz, Brian Costello, Marlaina Kloepfer, and Marie Govannicci
Also present: G. Guy Smith, Esq.
Not present: Tom Kopp, Mayor Greg Lebold
Building: Brian Costello reported that he received plans for the proposed garage at 205 Sylvan Ave., Roe & Hamm Morrall. Mr. Costello recommends approval of the garage/addition. Daniel Werner and Marlaina Kloepfer volunteered to assist Mr. Costello on the Building and Ordinance Committees.
Communication: Marlaina Kloepfer reported that the Borough Facebook page is up, and 29 people like it. Softball signups and Quizzo have been posted. 1 comment stated that the Rutledge sign is incorrect and should be taken down. Another comment was about cats roaming the Borough. The meeting and holiday schedules will be posted. The 4th of July Committee would like to sponsor a food collection to be given to Chambers Memorial Church.
David Waltz asked that the calendar on the Borough website be updated.
Finance: Brian Costello asked that a report that shows income and expenses be distributed to Council quarterly.
Ordinance: Nothing to report.
Property/Borough Building: The front door to the Community Center, 1st floor, Sylvan Ave., needs to be replaced. There is hole in the ceiling on the second floor that needs repair.
Public Safety: Morton Borough cannot afford to pay the full $37,500.00 for the Fire Truck Reserve requested by the Fire Co. for 2012. They will pay $21,000.00. Rutledge Borough’s payment will be the same percentage that Morton Borough pays.
Recreation: Girls’ Club softball signups will take place in February. The 4th of July Committee would like to have electricity at the Triangle Park. The Committee has a lot of proposed events for Council to consider.
Trash: Daniel Werner requested a copy of the trash contract.
Sewer: Daniel Werner will make recommendations for sewer repairs from the report submitted by Catania Engineering, and complete the Chapter 94 Report.
Tree Commission: There is a meeting on February 8, 2012.
Highway: David Waltz stated that Karl Eilinsfeld did a great job plowing. The salt spreader is not working properly and the snow blower died.
Multi-Municipal Energy Action Committee- There will be 4 meetings in 2012, and Council is invited to attend.
Old Business: Nothing to report.
New: Rutledge Borough needs a representative to Central Delaware County Sewer Authority to complete the term vacated by Jack Borsch. It is for 2 years, and compensation is $400.00 per year. If the representative serves on Borough Council, he/she cannot receive compensation. Marlaina Kloepfer will post the position on the Borough website.
Snow Removal- Diane McGaughey stated that cars parked on the Terraces hinder snow plowing and suggested that an ordinance be passed to prevent parking.
Committee appointments- Diane McGaughey asked Council to inform her which committees they would like to serve on. Daniel Werner volunteered to serve on the Highway Committee.
Parking Tickets- Considering increasing the fine for overnight parking from $10.00 to $15.00.
Loan for Road Repairs- TD Bank sent an email stating that they are no longer interested in lending Rutledge Borough $110,000.00. They are interested in lending $1Million and more. David Waltz will see if Bryn Mawr Trust is interested.
Delaware County sent a CD regarding a Hazard Mitigation Plan. Rutledge Borough needs to pass an ordinance adopting a plan. There will be no FEMA assistance if no ordinance is passed. The Solicitor will review the information.
A CD from the November 18, 2011 Flood Plain Ordinance Meeting was referred to the Solicitor. Municipalities must pass a Flood Plain Ordinance.
Since there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:40 PM.
Submitted by: Gennifer Guiliano