Rutledge Borough Work Session, April 25, 2011

Diane McGaughey, Council President, opened the scheduled Work Session Meeting at 7:30 PM, in the Council Meeting Room, 212 Unity Terrace, Rutledge, PA.
The following Council Members answered roll call: Diane McGaughey, Tom Kopp, Jack Borsch, Kurt Morrison, and David Waltz
Also present: Mayor Gregory C. Lebold G. Guy Smith, Esq., Marlaina Elizabeth Geffers, candidate for Council
Not present: Brian Costello

Diane McGaughey and David Waltz had interviewed Marlaina Geffers for the vacant Council position, and recommended that Council vote to appoint her as Council member at the May 2, 2011 Council Meeting. Ms. Geffers has voted in the last election, and has lived in the Borough for at least one year, has no felony convictions, or committed any crimes of falseness. Solicitor Smith will prepare a resolution.

Jack Borsch reported that the Borough sewer lines have been flushed and televised. Tree roots were removed. The contractor will provide a detailed report. Two more manholes were discovered along the creek behind the 200 block of Linden Ave. A manhole on Unity Terrace is not on the sewer map. There is a manhole behind the unit block of Rutledge Ave. that is 4″ below the ground that has to be raised. There is a manhole at the Triangle Park that must be raised, as well.

Mr. Borsch reported that he and Diane McGaughey met with reps from Simone Collins Architect Co. regarding an energy audit and grant from PECO for $15,000.00. They conducted an inspection and energy audit of the Borough building, and talked about the possibility of curbing and sidewalks where there are none. The reps will make recommendations, but it will take a while.

Tom Kopp reported that 1 Sylvan Ave. paid the $100.00 fine for false fire alarms. There have been no calls regarding the sale of the fire truck. Jack Breslin will contact another broker to sell it. There was a fire at 17 President Ave. on April 18. The residents evacuated the house, and no one was hurt. Troopers Byerly and Stuart did an investigation, and could not determine the origin.

Kurt Morrison reported that the softball season has started. The port-a potty at the Triangle Park was knocked over. Mr. Morrison received one bid of $3,200.00 for electric service installation at the park. He is trying to get more bids. The vent cover is off the in the Rain Garden. Mr. Morrison had made one from screen. Karl Eilisnfeld will look for a cover.

David Waltz reported that he is getting prices on new street signs. Mr. Waltz recommended that the Borough opt out of painting lines in the streets at the stop signs, and get tape instead, which is less expensive. Solicitor Smith will work with Mr. Waltz regarding road repairs. Council needs to approve the use of the 2011 County aid for road repairs this year.

Diane McGaughey reported that CDCA intends to exercise the option to renew the 5-year office lease with Rutledge Borough. Ms. McGaughey received an anonymous letter that complained about a chicken coup at 12 Rutledge Ave. The Borough ordinance allows residents to have up to four adult fowl.
The Lenkes sent a letter regarding the condition of the group home at 1 Sylvan Ave. The trash blows all over, and her husband has been cleaning it up. Ms. Lenke suggested that the organization get a dumpster. Harry Mirra will look at any property maintenance issues. Solicitor Smith will research whether there should be annual apartment licenses and inspections of the property.

208 Linden Ave. was sold at sheriff sale. Solicitor Smith sent a letter to the new owners regarding Use & Occupancy requirements, and zoning of the property. The house is up for sale.

The bulk mailing fee is $190.00 this year. Since there is only one newsletter budgeted for 2011, the Borough will not renew it. Kids can deliver them. Newsletters.

Mayor Greg Lebold issued his first proclamation to the coach of the Rutledge Girls’ Softball Team.

Jack Borsch stated that there is low water pressure in homes because the valves at the railroad need to be replaced, and suggested that the Council President send a letter to Aqua PA.

Since there was no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:45 PM.

Submitted by: Gennifer Guiliano



